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Bug #36634 oci8.persistent_timeout not functioning
Submitted: 2006-03-06 20:12 UTC Modified: 2006-03-17 18:49 UTC
From: zhang_yinshu at yahoo dot com Assigned:
Status: Not a bug Package: OCI8 related
PHP Version: 5.1.2 OS: Gentoo Linux
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
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From: zhang_yinshu at yahoo dot com
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 [2006-03-06 20:12 UTC] zhang_yinshu at yahoo dot com
oci8.persistent_timeout not functioning does not close connection after specified period expired. even with oci8.ping_interval disabled


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 [2006-03-06 20:22 UTC]
Not enough information was provided for us to be able
to handle this bug. Please re-read the instructions at

If you can provide more information, feel free to add it
to this bug and change the status back to "Open".

Thank you for your interest in PHP.

 [2006-03-06 21:02 UTC] zhang_yinshu at yahoo dot com
[did] specify below statements in php.ini
oci8.max_persistent = 20
oci8.persistent_timeout = 60
oci8.ping_interval  = -1

info() confirm with

OCI8 Support 	enabled
Revision 	$Revision: $
Active Persistent Connections 	0
Active Connections 	0
Oracle Version 	9.2
Compile-time ORACLE_HOME 	/oracle/product/9.2.0
Libraries Used 	no value
Temporary Lob support 	enabled
Collections support 	enabled

oci8.default_prefetch	10	10
oci8.max_persistent	20	20
oci8.old_oci_close_semantics	0	0
oci8.persistent_timeout	60	60
oci8.ping_interval	-1	-1
oci8.privileged_connect	Off	Off
oci8.statement_cache_size	20	20

[want]: oracle session opened by oci_pconnection be closed after inactive for 60sec.
[see]: oracle session persist.
 [2006-03-06 21:06 UTC]
How do you determine if they are "inactive" or not?
 [2006-03-06 21:08 UTC] zhang_yinshu at yahoo dot com
by query v$session view from Oracle database
 [2006-03-06 21:16 UTC]
And you don't run any PHP scripts in the same time?
 [2006-03-06 21:27 UTC] zhang_yinshu at yahoo dot com
a test script of course, use class:
include ('db.class.php');
$db=new db('xxxxx','xxxx','xxxxxx');
$db->query("select * from tab");
echo $db->to_string();

part of db.class.php:

function db_open($user,$pass,$db)
if (!$this -> _connection = oci_pconnect($user,$pass,$db))  {
err ("Can not open database connection user:$user,db:$db, error:".print_r(ocierror()));
 [2006-03-07 08:38 UTC]
oci_pconnect() means you're using these connections in a script, so they do not timeout because of that.
No bug here.
 [2006-03-07 18:02 UTC] zhang_yinshu at yahoo dot com
OMG, I was such a fool, I didnt wait 60sec. after that script use the connection, ....oh, wait, i did wait. Actually no matter how long i wait, connection hungup there as idel.
 [2006-03-17 05:16 UTC] zhang_yinshu at yahoo dot com
can anybody look at this issue, anybody, whoever have knoweldge of oracle database.
 [2006-03-17 10:00 UTC]
1) Set oci8.persistent_timeout to 10 seconds.
2) Restart Apache.
3) Open several persistent connections and check if they are present in v$process.
4) Wait for 10 seconds.
5) Run _empty_ PHP script with just <?php ?> several times.
6) Check v$process. 
7) Voila - connections are not there anymore!

No bug -> bogus.
 [2006-03-17 15:11 UTC] zhang_yinshu at yahoo dot com
v$process only show active sessions, use v$session please, and run your test again.
 [2006-03-17 15:48 UTC]
SQL>  select user from v$session;
16 rows selected.

10 seconds later:

SQL>  select user from v$session;
9 rows selected.

Please next time do it yourself and don't waste my time.
 [2006-03-17 18:05 UTC] zhang_yinshu at yahoo dot com
try this and see last activity is way beyond timeout. I realized I am wasting your time, so stop working on the case and read "Oracle for dummy", so someone else can help.

select s.program,
to_char(sysdate,'mm/dd/yy hh24:mi:ss') now,
to_char(sysdate - (s.last_call_et)/86400,'mm/dd/yy hh24:mi:ss') last_act_dt
from v$process p, v$session s
where s.username is not null
and s.program like 'httpd%'
and s.paddr = p.addr
order by s.logon_time
 [2006-03-17 18:17 UTC]
>read "Oracle for dummy"
Yeah, I remember reading something like this when I was writing ext/oci8 module.

Please stop reopening the report, nobody is going to help you in solving problems that do not exist.
 [2006-03-17 18:49 UTC] zhang_yinshu at yahoo dot com
First of all, I apology for anything I said inappropriate, I am very appreciate PHP OCI8 doing great job and all your effort.

However, I got my mind set to this(please help correct me if you are not angre anymore), if i use persistent connection, when there's PHP finish query with database, oracle session will remain inactive unless PHP reuse same session. If I set oci9.persistent_timeout, inactive session should be closed, next PHP connection will open new session.

My problem is my PHP session keep inactive in database and never got disconnect unless I stop apache. I would be more than happy if you can point out anything I compile/configure wrong.
 [2010-07-30 19:55 UTC] wertygol at gmail dot com
I have the same problem, but this time is not Apache but IIS 5.1. When I use apache server the pconnect works fine but in IIS never close the idle connections on the Oracle 10G Database.
 [2011-11-12 17:24 UTC] walovaton at yahoo dot com dot mx
Hello there, I just want to say that everything you need to understand this "problem" is right there in the manual.  PHP can only check if a connection is idle as long as the process itself is doing something, in this case serving a request.  So for this thing to work PHP needs to receive a request that does not touch the Oracle connection to have a chance to see if the connection is idle enough to close it.

Like the manual suggests, it's a chicken-egg situation.
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