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Bug #3601 fgets is NOT binary safe.
Submitted: 2000-02-23 23:10 UTC Modified: 2000-10-30 10:51 UTC
From: iredden at redden dot on dot ca Assigned:
Status: Closed Package: *General Issues
PHP Version: 4.0 Beta 4 Patch Level 1 OS: Redhat 6.1 Linux
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
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From: iredden at redden dot on dot ca
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 [2000-02-23 23:10 UTC] iredden at redden dot on dot ca
I am using a UDP socket routine.  fgets does not seem to be binary safe and you cant seem to use fread or fwrite which are two commands which are binary safe.

$maxlen = 1024;
$default_host = "";
$default_port = "28001";
$connection = fsockopen("udp://".$default_host, $default_port, &$errno, &$errstr, 5);

if(!$connection) {
        echo "$errstr ($errno)<br>\n";
} else {
        $msgsend = "bah";
        fputs($connection, $msgsend);
        $msgrecv = fgets($connection, $maxlen);
echo $msgrecv;

goto for the packet query and response packet formats to test my demo.  I have played with this for hours and it just doesnt seem to be binary safe.  Am I doing something wrong???


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 [2000-03-03 14:47 UTC] sas at cvs dot php dot net
Suspending this until UDP support exists.
 [2000-09-04 19:46 UTC]
Just tested that example script and it worked..but that url given
doesn't exist so I couldn't test it further. 

Stas: I believe UDP-support exists now?
At least manual says so..=)

 [2000-10-02 19:05 UTC]
No feedback.
 [2000-10-02 22:09 UTC]
Reopened. fgets() supports UDP but isn't binary safe.
To Ian: Could you provide a working example case?
That url didn't work..

 [2000-10-02 22:09 UTC]
Reopened. fgets() supports UDP but isn't binary safe.
To Ian: Could you provide a working example case?
That url didn't work..

 [2000-10-12 08:05 UTC]
User feedback:

Only changes to that first example script are:

$maxlen = 2048;
$default_host = "";

 [2000-10-30 10:50 UTC]
I don't get it. How fgets is supposed to be binary-safe??? It's oriented on \n for end-of-input, so it cannot accept arbitrary input anyway. Why not use fread/fwrite?

Please reopen if there are some other issues except not using fread instead of fgets, such as fread that doesn't work with UDP (which works for me).
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Last updated: Wed Feb 05 18:01:34 2025 UTC