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Request #26867 get_declared_classes() does not return interfaces
Submitted: 2004-01-10 19:36 UTC Modified: 2005-05-02 11:30 UTC
From: jaba at inbox dot lv Assigned:
Status: Closed Package: Feature/Change Request
PHP Version: 5.0.0b3 (beta3) OS: Any
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
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From: jaba at inbox dot lv
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 [2004-01-10 19:36 UTC] jaba at inbox dot lv
At PHP5 we have a nice thing called interface. get_declared_classes() returns an array of all - abstract and non-abstract classes, but the array does not contain my interfaces. If interface is loaded by __autoload just like classes, shouldn't it be loaded into classes register too? Is there any way to check is it interface or what?

Reproduce code:

interface Dao {
function Open();
function Close();

echo "<p>class_exists('Dao') says that Dao ";
echo ( class_exists('Dao') ? 'is defined' : 'is not defined' );

$classes = get_declared_classes();
echo "<p>get_declared_classes() says that Dao ";
echo ( in_array('Dao',$classes) ? 'is defined' : 'is not defined' );


Expected result:
class_exists('Dao') says that Dao is defined

get_declared_classes() says that Dao is not defined

Actual result:
class_exists('Dao') says that Dao is defined

get_declared_classes() says that Dao is defined


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 [2004-01-10 19:37 UTC] jaba at inbox dot lv
I mixed up expected with actual results.
 [2004-01-11 10:22 UTC]
Use get_declared_interfaces()

 [2004-01-11 10:57 UTC] jaba at inbox dot lv
If this behaviour of get_declared_classes() is considered ok, then what about class_exists()? Then we need interface_exists(), don't we? And we shoud have false returned  if class_exists() called for an interface! Otherwise it turns out that word "class" is not used clearly: in class_exists() it includes interfaces, but in get_declared_classes() - no more!
 [2005-05-02 11:30 UTC]
As far as I remember interface_exists() was added in 5.0.2 . In 5.0.0 and 5.0.1 class_exists() used to return TRUE when asked for a existing interface. Starting 5.0.2 class_exists() doesn't do that anymore.
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