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Bug #21516 sessions, its seams a bug
Submitted: 2003-01-08 05:12 UTC Modified: 2003-01-27 22:37 UTC
From: vm at color-pro dot com Assigned:
Status: Not a bug Package: Session related
PHP Version: 4.3.0 OS: FreeBSD 4.5
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
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From: vm at color-pro dot com
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 [2003-01-08 05:12 UTC] vm at color-pro dot com
$rf = session_start(); //begin session

$one = $two;           //when $tho is empty --> $one is empty too
$rr = session_register(one); //then registered $one in session (one is empty)

$rr = "example";           // then for example $rr = "example";
echo $fff;                 // end here we print $fff (but $fff have been empty, we did not defined it ) 
echo $fsdf;
echo $empty;
//but this echo?s example... WHY ??? this is small BUG

echo $fff;                 
echo $fsdf;
echo $empty; //this echoe nothing becouse $empty $fsdf  $fff; is empty

// test this 2 //

$rf = session_start(); //begin session

$one = $two;           //when $tho is empty --> $one is empty too
$rr = session_register(one); //then registered $one in session (one is empty)

$rr = "example";           // then for example $rr = "example";
echo $fff;                 // end here we print $fff (but $fff have been empty, we did not defined it ) 
echo $fsdf;
echo $empty;
//but this echo?s example... WHY ??? this is small BUG

echo $fff;                 
echo $fsdf;
echo $empty; //this echoe nothing becouse $empty $fsdf  $fff; is empty

// test this 2 //


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 [2003-01-08 09:32 UTC]
Is you register_globals on? Also try using the $_SESSION superglobal to register session variables instead of session_register.
 [2003-01-10 13:57 UTC] vm at color-pro dot com
yes i ck @register_globals on@
and tell me please what means "syperglobal" and why in php are so many ways to registered sessions ?? :)

1/ session_register("barney");
2/ $_SESSION["barney"] = "something";
3/ $HTTP_SESSION_VARS["barney"] = "something"; 

ok.  tell me pls how differs first way from 2(3) ..
if u test this example .. u will see that this works with a bug.. but in php under win is works without bug (under win it works nice/perfect && and under *nix but in php 4.0.2 (also in older versions ))

PS. php-developers!!! can u tell me one thing. why i must post this bug at a period of 2-months  and YOU erase my post every time after i posted. 
this is very polite and nice. if it was a lame question i have understood, but.....

but u have not ever test this  :( 

PSS. have a nice php.develper.2003.year
 [2003-01-27 22:37 UTC]
Sessions work just fine as long as they're used

One easily noticed error in your script:
$rr = session_register(one);

You're trying to register function which name is supposed
to be defined in a constant called 'one'

Please ask further support questions on

Thank you.

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