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Bug #18289 strftime totally buggy!!
Submitted: 2002-07-11 21:26 UTC Modified: 2005-10-07 23:54 UTC
Avg. Score:3.0 ± 0.0
Reproduced:1 of 1 (100.0%)
Same Version:0 (0.0%)
Same OS:1 (100.0%)
From: eflash at gmx dot net Assigned: derick (profile)
Status: Not a bug Package: Date/time related
PHP Version: 4CVS-2002-07-11 OS: Win32
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
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Bug Type:
From: eflash at gmx dot net
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PHP Version: OS:


 [2002-07-11 21:26 UTC] eflash at gmx dot net
on Win32 strftime() doesnt return anything for a bunch of formats; related bug reports:

Output from testscript:
PHP (4.3.0-dev) says hi to WINNT at July 10, 2002 13:53:21 Westeurop?ische Sommerzeit.

date("D M d, Y H:i:s T") returns: Wed Jul 10, 2002 13:53:21 Westeurop?ische Normalzeit
gmdate("D M d, Y H:i:s T") returns: Wed Jul 10, 2002 11:53:21 GMT Standard Time
strftime("%H:%M:%S") returns: 13:53:21
strftime("%I:%M:%S %p") returns: 01:53:21 PM
strftime("%A") returns: Wednesday
strftime("%a") returns: Wed
strftime("%B") returns: July
strftime("%b") returns: Jul
strftime("%C") returns: 
strftime("%c") returns: 07/10/02 13:53:21
strftime("%D") returns: 
strftime("%d") returns: 10
strftime("%e") returns: 
strftime("%G") returns: 
strftime("%g") returns: 
strftime("%h") returns: 
strftime("%j") returns: 191
strftime("%k") returns: 
strftime("%l") returns: 
strftime("%m") returns: 07
strftime("%P") returns: 
strftime("%p") returns: PM
strftime("%R") returns: 
strftime("%r") returns: 
strftime("%s") returns: 
strftime("%T") returns: 
strftime("%U") returns: 27
strftime("%u") returns: 
strftime("%w") returns: 3
strftime("%X") returns: 13:53:21
strftime("%x") returns: 07/10/02
strftime("%Y") returns: 2002
strftime("%y") returns: 02
strftime("%Z") returns: Westeurop?ische Sommerzeit
strftime("%z") returns: Westeurop?ische Sommerzeit

strftime.php testscript:
<title>PHP Time/Date Testpage</title>
    PHP (<b><?=PHP_VERSION?></b>) says hi to <b><?=PHP_OS?></b> at <b><?=strftime("%B %d, %Y %H:%M:%S %Z")?></b>.<p>
    date("D M d, Y H:i:s T") returns: <?=date("D M d, Y H:i:s T")?><br> 
    gmdate("D M d, Y H:i:s T") returns: <?=gmdate("D M d, Y H:i:s T")?><br> 
    strftime("%H:%M:%S") returns: <?=strftime("%H:%M:%S")?><br>
    strftime("%I:%M:%S %p") returns: <?=strftime("%I:%M:%S %p")?><br>
    strftime("%A") returns: <?=strftime("%A")?><br>
    strftime("%a") returns: <?=strftime("%a")?><br>
    strftime("%B") returns: <?=strftime("%B")?><br>
    strftime("%b") returns: <?=strftime("%b")?><br>
    strftime("%C") returns: <?=strftime("%C")?><br>
    strftime("%c") returns: <?=strftime("%c")?><br>
    strftime("%D") returns: <?=strftime("%D")?><br>
    strftime("%d") returns: <?=strftime("%d")?><br>
    strftime("%e") returns: <?=strftime("%e")?><br>
    strftime("%G") returns: <?=strftime("%G")?><br>
    strftime("%g") returns: <?=strftime("%g")?><br>
    strftime("%h") returns: <?=strftime("%h")?><br>
    strftime("%j") returns: <?=strftime("%j")?><br>
    strftime("%k") returns: <?=strftime("%k")?><br>
    strftime("%l") returns: <?=strftime("%l")?><br>
    strftime("%m") returns: <?=strftime("%m")?><br>
    strftime("%P") returns: <?=strftime("%P")?><br>
    strftime("%p") returns: <?=strftime("%p")?><br>
    strftime("%R") returns: <?=strftime("%R")?><br>
    strftime("%r") returns: <?=strftime("%r")?><br>
    strftime("%s") returns: <?=strftime("%s")?><br>
    strftime("%T") returns: <?=strftime("%T")?><br>
    strftime("%U") returns: <?=strftime("%U")?><br>
    strftime("%u") returns: <?=strftime("%u")?><br>
    strftime("%w") returns: <?=strftime("%w")?><br>
    strftime("%X") returns: <?=strftime("%X")?><br>
    strftime("%x") returns: <?=strftime("%x")?><br>
    strftime("%Y") returns: <?=strftime("%Y")?><br>
    strftime("%y") returns: <?=strftime("%y")?><br>
    strftime("%Z") returns: <?=strftime("%Z")?><br>
    strftime("%z") returns: <?=strftime("%z")?><br>
    strftime("%+") returns: <?=strftime("%+")?><br>


Pull Requests


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 [2002-07-11 22:20 UTC]
From the manual:

"Note: Not all conversion specifiers may be supported by 
your C library, in which case they will not be supported by 
PHP's strftime()."

Same thing is said in all of those bug reports you copied there..why did you still submit another one?

 [2002-07-12 05:35 UTC]
#1 blame microsoft
#2 blame microsoft
#3 ...

well, blaming microsoft usualy doesn't help that much,
and as i'm on rewriting part of the locale dependant
stuff anyway i *might* try to bundle some BSD version
of strftime with php instead of relying on libc 
maintainers (esp. in Redmond ;) doing their job 

(assigned to myself, changed status to suspended)
 [2005-10-07 23:54 UTC]
Duplicate of #33445.
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