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Bug #14388 include_path in virtual breaks SSI
Submitted: 2001-12-09 00:54 UTC Modified: 2002-09-11 14:14 UTC
Avg. Score:4.5 ± 0.5
Reproduced:3 of 3 (100.0%)
Same Version:2 (66.7%)
Same OS:0 (0.0%)
From: yanek at korff dot org Assigned:
Status: Closed Package: Scripting Engine problem
PHP Version: 4.0.6 OS: FreeBSD 4.4-STABLE
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
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From: yanek at korff dot org
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 [2001-12-09 00:54 UTC] yanek at korff dot org
Using the following in VirtualHost in httpd.conf (apache 1.3.22):
php_value include_path ".:/path/to/include/dir"

breaks SSI for that virtual ... View->Source for pages show include directives instead of parsing them.

Using XBitHack on.

php recompiled today: mod_php4-4.0.6_5


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 [2001-12-13 06:21 UTC]
Apache 1.3.x doesn't support multiple filters over one file. You can't parse the output of a PHP file through SSI. (Apache 2.x can do that)
Are you sure that isn't the case?
 [2002-01-03 18:01 UTC]
No feedback. Closing.
 [2002-05-02 04:23 UTC] lars dot slettjord at cc dot uit dot no
Apache 1.3.23, php 4.1.2, HP-UX 10.20 and Linux (RedHat 7.1)

I have the same problem. I want to have both PHP and SSI
working on my server. I don't want to use PHP to generate SSI, I just want to use both PHP and SSI separately
for different things.

I have tried various configurations, but when I use 
'php_value include_path ".:/path/htdocs/php-mal"' anywhere
in my httpd.conf SSI just stops working. The server outputs
the SSI file unparsed. A typical configuration example 
looks like this:

 <Directory "/path/htdocs">
    Options IncludesNOEXEC FollowSymLinks
    XBitHack full
    php_value include_path ".:/path/htdocs/php-mal"

I have tried to move php_value around, but this does
not help.

If I set the include_path in php.ini everything works 
as expected and I can use both PHP and SSI. But I _really_
need to assign a different include_path for php for each
of my virtual web-servers, and I need both PHP and SSI.

I have verified this behaviour both on a HP-UX server with 
several virtual hosts, and on a Linux server without 
virtual hosts, both running Apache 1.3.23 and php 4.1.2.

The problem reported at 
<URL:> might be related.

I would be really grateful if someone could try to 
reprocuce this error, and even more grateful for a
solution. But I have not even been able to find out if
this error is caused by php, mod_include or something
in the apache core.

What more could I do to help you solve this problem?
 [2002-05-02 07:47 UTC]
This seems to be a real problem and not solved, so I'm
 [2002-09-03 18:37 UTC]
Please try using this CVS snapshot:
For Windows:

There was some xbithack related fix recently..please try the snapshot.

 [2002-09-11 14:10 UTC] lars dot slettjord at cc dot uit dot no
I have tested PHP 4.2.3 today, and the problem seems to be
solved. I am able to assign different include_paths on two
virtual servers, and SSI still works.

Thank you, this was a _really_ annoying bug.
 [2002-09-11 14:14 UTC]
Closing then
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