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Bug #1337 xml-parser returns partly garbage in the attribute array.
Submitted: 1999-04-20 22:46 UTC Modified: 1999-04-20 22:51 UTC
From: reiner dot jung at informatik dot uni-oldenburg dot de Assigned:
Status: Closed Package: Other
PHP Version: 3.0.7 OS: Linux-glibc2 20.0.36
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
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From: reiner dot jung at informatik dot uni-oldenburg dot de
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 [1999-04-20 22:46 UTC] reiner dot jung at informatik dot uni-oldenburg dot de
Well, the script is based on your own XML-tutorial scripts.
One startElement function which returns the XML-tag name and all attributes and their values of it.  The problem is that for some attributs the php-script returns kinda garbage. Like: <class name="TEXT"> is returned as <class name="TEXT9"> 
I've checked the expat lib via their c-interface. But the same prog. in c returns the correct name value pairs.

./configure --with-gd=no --with-pgsql --enable-sysvshm=yes --enable-sysvsem=yes  --with-config-file-path --with-system-regex=yes --with-xml

I'm using php directly from the shell (for some prototyping) and I did not install a php.ini file on this machine. So php behaves on it internal functions.

Here is the xml-file:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
 <struct name="Groesse">
  <variant name="Preise">
   <type class="CURRENCY">preis</type>
  <type class="TEXT">titel</type>
 <struct name="Produkt">
  <variant name="Groessen">
   <type class="Groesse">groessen</type>
  <type class="TEXT">titel</type>
  <type class="TEXT">artikelnummer</type>
 <struct name="Gruppe">
  <variant name="Produkte">
   <type class="Produkt">produkte</type>
  <type class="TEXT">titel</type>


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 [1999-04-20 22:51 UTC] rasmus
This is fixed in CVS.  The current ChangeLog can always be found at:
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