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Bug #80850 Missing LuaSandbox DLLs on PECL
Submitted: 2021-03-10 10:53 UTC Modified: 2021-05-19 09:24 UTC
From: Assigned: tstarling (profile)
Status: Closed Package: PECL (PECL)
PHP Version: 7.4.16 OS: Windows
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
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 [2021-03-10 10:53 UTC]
Obviously, there are no LuaSandbox DLLs available for download
on PECL.  The primary reason is that config.w32 is missing in the
packages, although it exists in the repo[1].  If the missing config.w32
is just an oversight, please add it.

If it gets added, the next issue would be the check for
lua5.1.lib, which appears to be overly restricted.  There are lua
packages available for PECL builds[2], but these have lua 5.3.4,
and the library is named liblua.lib.  It would be good to add at
least a fallback for that name, i.e. something like

    CHECK_LIB("lua5.1.lib;liblua.lib", "luasandbox", PHP_LUASANDBOX)

[1] <>
[2] <>


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 [2021-03-10 10:55 UTC]
-Assigned To: +Assigned To: tstarling
 [2021-03-10 16:34 UTC] legoktm at member dot fsf dot org
The config.w32 omission is accidental, I'll get that fixed for the next release.

However, LuaSandbox is specific to Lua 5.1, so 5.3 won't work. <> goes into more detail about this.

Is it possible to add Lua 5.1 to the list of Windows dependencies?
 [2021-03-10 18:00 UTC]
> The config.w32 omission is accidental, I'll get that fixed for
> the next release.


> Is it possible to add Lua 5.1 to the list of Windows
> dependencies?

Yes, I'll do that ASAP.
 [2021-05-19 07:20 UTC] legoktm at member dot fsf dot org
Per <> this is fixed now!

I don't believe I have permissions to close this bug though if someone could do that.
 [2021-05-19 09:24 UTC]
-Status: Assigned +Status: Closed
 [2021-05-19 09:24 UTC]
Ah, right!
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