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Bug #45470 IMAP with Exchange doesn't work
Submitted: 2008-07-09 20:50 UTC Modified: 2008-07-14 20:31 UTC
From: kevin at icscomp dot com Assigned:
Status: Not a bug Package: IMAP related
PHP Version: 5.2.6 OS: Windows 2003 Server
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
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From: kevin at icscomp dot com
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 [2008-07-09 20:50 UTC] kevin at icscomp dot com
When I run the PHP commands to try to retrieve the unread messages using
the imap_status command, I am finding that no data is being returned. 
Additionally, the data that is being returned is random numbers each
time I push the refresh button.  I would really like to see this issue
be fixed.  Thanks.

My code is below:

Here is the output


Reproduce code:
$mbox = imap_open("{mailserver:993/imap/ssl}", "domain/user","password",
OP_READONLY, 1) or die("can't connect: ".imap_last_error());
$imap_obj = imap_status($mbox, "{mail:993/imap/ssl}/INBOX", SA_UNSEEN);

Expected result:
I assume something like:

object(stdClass)#19 (1) { ["Unread"]=> int(5) } 

Actual result:
Output 1:
object(stdClass)#19 (1) { ["flags"]=> int(0) } 

Output 2:
object(stdClass)#19 (2) { ["flags"]=> int(26571976) ["uidnext"]=>
int(26649488) }

back and forth .... no other data is listed.


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 [2008-07-10 08:18 UTC]
Shouldn't you be using same server name in both imap_open() and imap_status() ??
 [2008-07-10 13:22 UTC] kevin at icscomp dot com
I have tried using this as well:

OP_READONLY, 1) or die("can't connect: ".imap_last_error());
$imap_obj = imap_status($mbox, "{mail:993/imap/ssl}/INBOX", SA_UNSEEN);

Same result.  Any ideas?
 [2008-07-11 15:09 UTC]
It's just that Exhange + IMAP == not very good idea. It's not any PHP bug anyway, we just wrap around the UW Imap c-client lib, so you should complain to the author of it. But consider yourself warned: He'll say about same what I said above. :)
 [2008-07-11 16:18 UTC] kevin at icscomp dot com
Okay, well if the PHP component to check unread messages doesn't work on Exchange, is their an alternate PHP solution for doing this?
 [2008-07-14 20:31 UTC] kevin at icscomp dot com
Okay, well now I know this is legitimate.  

I have tried using imap_num_recent and imap_check and these functions return correct results.  Please address this.

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