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Bug #42167 fgetcsv gives different output on php6 compared to php5
Submitted: 2007-08-01 14:32 UTC Modified: 2008-02-06 02:58 UTC
From: nikhil dot gupta at in dot ibm dot com Assigned:
Status: Closed Package: Filesystem function related
PHP Version: 6CVS-2007-08-01 (snap) OS: Linux
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
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From: nikhil dot gupta at in dot ibm dot com
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 [2007-08-01 14:32 UTC] nikhil dot gupta at in dot ibm dot com
fgetcsv() gives different output on php6 compared to php6 on linux.

Reproduce code:

$filename = dirname(__FILE__) . '/fgetcsv1.tmp';

$file_handle = fopen($filename, "w+" );
$delimiter = '\\';
$csv_field = 'water\\"fruit"\\"air"';

fwrite($file_handle, $csv_field . "\n");


var_dump( fgetcsv($file_handle, 1024, $delimiter ) );
// close the file
//delete file


Expected result:
according to php5 the output is:

array(3) {
  string(5) "water"
  string(5) "fruit"
  string(3) "air"

Actual result:
Output on php6 is:

array(1) {
  string(19) "water\"fruit"\"air""


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 [2007-08-01 14:35 UTC] nikhil dot gupta at in dot ibm dot com
The same difference is observed on Windows also.
 [2007-08-06 13:14 UTC] nikhil dot gupta at in dot ibm dot com
There is a typo in the Description. Here is the correct one:
fgetcsv() gives different output on php6 compared to php5 on linux. The output on php5 is correct.
 [2008-02-05 15:44 UTC]
I have reproduced the code in PHP 6 and PHP 5.2.5, got the same behavior as you got.
 [2008-02-06 02:58 UTC]
This bug has been fixed in CVS.

Snapshots of the sources are packaged every three hours; this change
will be in the next snapshot. You can grab the snapshot at
Thank you for the report, and for helping us make PHP better.

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Last updated: Wed Feb 05 14:01:32 2025 UTC