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Bug #37659 imap_headerinfo vs message_id
Submitted: 2006-05-31 19:36 UTC Modified: 2006-06-02 10:47 UTC
From: mad at dactar dot ch Assigned:
Status: Not a bug Package: IMAP related
PHP Version: 5.1.4 OS: HP-UX
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
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From: mad at dactar dot ch
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 [2006-05-31 19:36 UTC] mad at dactar dot ch
Message_id retrived by imap_headerinfo is empty when mail is local. Message_id retrived by Thunderbird for exemple is correct event if mail is local.

Reproduce code:
Very simple code : 

echo "Message_ID : $header->message_id<br>";

Expected result:
Always see the Message_id if it is set on the mail server.

Actual result:
Message_id's content is lost when we use PHP/imap and if the mail is local. There's no problem with mails from outside.


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 [2006-05-31 20:19 UTC] judas dot iscariote at gmail dot com
Does imap_fetch_overview() works for you in this case ?

this is unlikely to be a PHP bug,though.
 [2006-06-01 08:39 UTC]
PHP uses c-client as the underlying library for ext/imap.
If c-client returns empty/invalid data - there is not much PHP can do about it.
 [2006-06-01 12:46 UTC] mad at dactar dot ch
Thanks for your answer.

> Does imap_fetch_overview() works for you in this case ?

No, it's the problem is also present with imap_fetch_overview.

> If c-client returns empty/invalid data - there is not much PHP can do about it.

It's right, but PHP, PHP's users and website's visitors are impacted. 

So, I can open a bug to c-client's mainteners. I need debug data for that. Is there a way to obtain such info ? 

Thanks for your answer.
 [2006-06-01 14:15 UTC] mad at dactar dot ch
Change status
 [2006-06-01 14:21 UTC]
>It's right, but PHP, PHP's users and website's visitors are impacted. 

As well as everybody else using c-client.

>So, I can open a bug to c-client's mainteners. I need debug data for that. Is there a way to obtain such info ? 

You should ask them about it.
 [2006-06-02 10:14 UTC] mad at dactar dot ch
Sorry for the misunderstood, but is it possible to have debug messages with php and a particular extension (in this case imap/c-client) ?

I would have php debug data for imap-client with the php code I've provided.
 [2006-06-02 10:39 UTC]
I've no idea what debug messages are you talking about.
Please keep this bug as bogus.
 [2006-06-02 10:47 UTC] mad at dactar dot ch
I'm talking about debug messages for an extension. But if PHP doesn't have a debug mode for the extensions, there's no debug messages available of course.
 [2011-01-26 09:41 UTC] willieyam2003 at yahoo dot com dot hk
I faced similar problem. 
 System info: PHP 5.1; Linux: RHEL 5.x; Qmail_Ldap/courier-imap-4.x

Some mails (about 20% mails)
 imap_headerinfo() & imap_fetcheader() both get empty message_id.

use strlen($msgid); I got the length = 47
But if echo $msgid; the result is empty.

How to fix this problem, please advise.
 [2011-01-27 03:32 UTC] willieyam2003 at yahoo dot com dot hk
I found out what goes wrong.
When echo strstr($msgid,1,$msgidlen-1), the result is normal.
Those 20% email sent by outlook, the message id looks like this: 
<> (html tag). Other mail client message id looks similar but 
imap_headerinfo will change '<' to '&lt;' and '>' to '&gt;' automatically.

$msgid = str_replace('<','',$msgid);
$msgid = str_replace('>','',$msgid);
echo $msgid; 

then the echo result is normal.
 [2014-12-29 23:28 UTC] p at seyfert dot at
thank you, willieyam, that fixed the problem;

message_id appear now. 
same occours with gmx-mails (freemailer) and gmail.

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