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Bug #341 Creating incorrect .dbf format files
Submitted: 1998-05-03 23:01 UTC Modified: 1998-05-25 18:38 UTC
Avg. Score:5.0 ± 0.0
Reproduced:1 of 1 (100.0%)
Same Version:1 (100.0%)
Same OS:0 (0.0%)
From: rgreene at pcpros dot net Assigned: jim (profile)
Status: Closed Package: dBase related
PHP Version: 3.0 Release Candidate 4 OS: Linux 2.0.30 (RH4.2)
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
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From: rgreene at pcpros dot net
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 [1998-05-03 23:01 UTC] rgreene at pcpros dot net
The following script doesn't create a properly formatted .dbf 
file according to MS Access and MS Foxpro.  There are no data
records; just the header.  This appears to be something with
the size being incorrect -- a table created from MS Foxpro
with the same number of fields was larger; again, no data.

Script is executed from the command line as:
    php -q <script-name

------------------------ BEGINNING OF CODE ----------------
# General constants:
  $fn = "rep.dbf";
  $MAX_CD = 1;

# Define the dbase structure:
  $db_struct = array(
                        array( "cl_id", "n", 11, 0 ),
                        array( "cl_name", "c", 60 ),
                        array( "cl_address", "c", 100 ),
                        array( "cl_city", "c", 50 ),
                        array( "cl_state", "c", 50 ),
                        array( "cl_zip", "c", 50 ),
                        array( "cl_country", "c", 50 ),
                        array( "cl_phone", "c", 50 ),
                        array( "cl_email", "c", 50 ),
                        array( "cl_handle", "c", 50 ),
                        array( "cc_type", "c", 50 ),
                        array( "cc_number", "c", 50 ),
                        array( "cc_name", "c", 50 ),
                        array( "cc_expDate", "c", 50 ),
                        array( "sh_name", "c", 50 ),
                        array( "sh_address", "c", 100 ),
                        array( "sh_city", "c", 50 ),
                        array( "sh_state", "c", 50 ),
                        array( "sh_zip", "c", 50 ),
                        array( "sh_country", "c", 50 ),
                        array( "sh_phone", "c", 50 ),
                        array( "do_subtotal", "n", 20, 4 ),
                        array( "do_tax", "n", 20, 4 ),
                        array( "do_shipping", "n", 20, 4 ),
                        array( "im_subtotal", "n", 20, 4 ),
                        array( "im_tax", "n", 20, 4 ),
                        array( "im_shipping", "n", 20, 4 ),
                        array( "ord_status", "c", 15 ),
                        array( "label", "c", 4 ),
                        array( "number", "c", 10 ),
                        array( "artist", "c", 30 ),
                        array( "title", "c", 30 ),
                        array( "config", "c", 3 ),
                        array( "genre", "c", 10 ),
                        array( "type", "c", 4 ),
                        array( "type1", "c", 6 ),
                        array( "cost", "n", 8, 2 ),
                        array( "list", "n", 8, 2 ),
                        array( "sale", "n", 8, 2 ),
                        array( "rel_date", "d" ),
                        array( "spcl", "c", 1 ),
                        array( "upc", "c", 13 ),
                        array( "qty", "n", 11, 0 ),
                        array( "vendor", "c", 4 ),
                        array( "country", "c", 3 )

  echo "creating $fn\n";
  $id = dbase_create($fn, &$db_struct);
  echo "dbase has " . dbase_numfields($id) . " fields\n";

  echo "closing database...\n";

  echo "done.\n";
----------------------- END OF CODE -------------------


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 [1998-05-25 18:38 UTC] jim
This was because some field names were too long (limit is apparently 10 characters). Added a check to the dbase_create() function to enforce this.
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Last updated: Wed Feb 05 09:01:30 2025 UTC