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Bug #30495 Apache crashes when calling array_walk_recursive twice.
Submitted: 2004-10-20 15:06 UTC Modified: 2005-01-13 01:10 UTC
Avg. Score:3.0 ± 0.0
Reproduced:0 of 1 (0.0%)
From: jaakkos at mbnet dot fi Assigned:
Status: Not a bug Package: Reproducible crash
PHP Version: 5.0.2 OS: Windows XP
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
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From: jaakkos at mbnet dot fi
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 [2004-10-20 15:06 UTC] jaakkos at mbnet dot fi
Apache server crashes when array_walk_recursive is called twice. Tested on Apache 2.0.52 and 1.3.29 (Windows XP).

Reproduce code:
//Just for testing +
$_POST['ab'] = 'cd';
$_GET['ef'] = 'gh';
//Just for testing -

function cleanup(&$value,$key){
	if (is_string($value)){
		$value = trim(strip_tags($value));
		get_magic_quotes_gpc() && $value = stripslashes($value);

Expected result:
Remove tags and slashes from $_POST and $_GET hashes.

Actual result:
szAppName : Apache.exe     szAppVer :     szModName : unknown     
szModVer :     offset : 00000000     


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 [2004-10-20 22:52 UTC] stv at seznam dot cz
Is there any problem of overloading of system in recursion if user posts big multidimenzional field for example 100 000 of depth ?
If positive there would be one parameter more for array_walk_recursive with max_depth level indication.
 [2004-12-13 15:27 UTC] jr at terragate dot net
This is a duplicate of bug 29929
 [2005-01-13 01:10 UTC]
Please do not submit the same bug more than once. An existing
bug report already describes this very problem. Even if you feel
that your issue is somewhat different, the resolution is likely
to be the same. 

Thank you for your interest in PHP.

Duplicate of #29929.
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Last updated: Wed Sep 11 10:01:27 2024 UTC