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Bug #27512 Apache 1.3.29 crashes when loading extensions
Submitted: 2004-03-06 07:11 UTC Modified: 2004-03-08 06:38 UTC
Avg. Score:5.0 ± 0.0
Reproduced:1 of 1 (100.0%)
Same Version:1 (100.0%)
Same OS:1 (100.0%)
From: jl at lusidor dot nu Assigned:
Status: Not a bug Package: Apache related
PHP Version: 5.0.0b4 (beta4) OS: Win XP pro and home
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
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From: jl at lusidor dot nu
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 [2004-03-06 07:11 UTC] jl at lusidor dot nu
I'm on windows xp.
I'm trying to load extensions with apache 1.3.29.
I enable the extension in the php.ini.
That causes apache to crash after 3 seconds without any notice in the error-log.

When I try to run PHP5 by it self it loads the extension just fine. according to phpinfo.

I have the following setup:
/php5  (php5 directory)
/program/apache-php5 (apache dir with php.ini, php5apache.dll, php5ts.dll)

php.ini with the following changes
include_path = ".;\php5\includes"
;extension_dir = ".\" (I've tried both)
extension_dir = "\php5\ext\"

I've tried placing the libmhash.dll in every possible location, /windows/system32, /program/apache-php5 and /php5 dir to no avail.

I have a similiar setup where I run PHP 4.3.4 as an apache mod with the identical setup loads just fine.

So I see this as a bug related to running PHP5 b4 as an apache module.

Reproduce code:
Just start apache. It crashes within about 6 seconds


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 [2004-03-06 07:13 UTC] jl at lusidor dot nu
I forgot to mention that without any extensions enabled apache runs without any problems.
 [2004-03-06 13:38 UTC]
Please try using this CVS snapshot:
For Windows:

 [2004-03-06 19:22 UTC] jl at lusidor dot nu
I tried latest but it crashes even without any extensions loaded in php.ini.
Anything else I can test? I'd be happy to supply you with any data you might need, just mail me.
 [2004-03-07 05:27 UTC] jl at lusidor dot nu
I tried php5.0.0b1 But that crashes on load with the following error: 
Unhandled exeption in Apache.exe(NTDLL.DLL): 0xC0000005: Access Violation.

I'll try beta 3 next, i'll keep you up to date.
 [2004-03-07 06:13 UTC] jl at lusidor dot nu
I can now confirm that loading extension works on beta 3 but is now broken in beta 4 and latest.
I have used extension=php_mhash.dll to test this.
I've now got it working loading extensions on 4.3.4 and on 5.0.0 b3.
/ cheers
 [2004-03-07 22:58 UTC] random at sinfusion dot com
I'm experiencing the same problem.  Tried it first with the php_mysql.dll, then php_mhash.dll.  Both failed.
 [2004-03-08 06:38 UTC]
These are all installation problems. Please do not submit any more reports about this non-issue. Fix your setups!
(works perfectly for me with latest CVS snapshot)

 [2004-03-16 21:08 UTC] malbert at agencyport dot com
Althought there may be others, in addition to this bug (#27512) I've found the following entriese that seem to describe this same issue. The response to each of these is somewhat dismisive of the problem, without providing any real insight into a fix: (each is either marked with a status of "closed" or "bogus")


An install of PHP 5b4 (or the latest snapshot as of the evening of Mar, 16 2004) per the instructions at the beginning of this entry produce the error described in this original submission. I've been able to reproduce this now on:

Windows XP using Apache 1.3.29
Windows 2000 using Apache 1.3.29

An install of PHP 5b3 in the same manner produces no errors.

If this is not a bug, could you please point to a resource that describes a work-around?
 [2004-03-18 12:15 UTC] guillaume dot brocker at ircad dot u-strasbg dot fr
I'm on windows 2000, running an apache 1.3.29 with php5 beta 4.

When loading any extension, apache crashes without any error message. So I can confirm, it is a bug !
 [2004-04-22 15:39 UTC] justinw at bsdhosting dot co dot za
I too have this problem with php5-rc1 running on apache 1.3.29 on winxp professional

apache runs fine with no extensions or with 1 extension loaded but as soon as I try load two extensions apache crashes with no error logs.

After apache would crash I would have to remove php from my apache.conf and restart apache. Then put it back into my apache.conf and reload it to get apache to get it running again.

Extensions I tried loading were php_gd2.dll and php_pgsql.dll, php worked when I loaded either one alone.
 [2004-04-22 15:47 UTC] justinw at bsdhosting dot co dot za
Just downloaded latest snapshot no problems, extensions load fine
 [2004-05-13 09:35 UTC] guillaume dot brocker at ircad dot u-strasbg dot fr
Just upgraded to the latest release (5.0.0RC2) and every thing works fine now.
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