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Bug #24551 PHP returns no output when including browscap.ini
Submitted: 2003-07-08 17:54 UTC Modified: 2003-07-08 19:28 UTC
From: Nico dot Laus dot 2002 at gmx dot de Assigned:
Status: Not a bug Package: *General Issues
PHP Version: 5CVS-2003-07-08 (dev) OS: WinXP SP1
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
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From: Nico dot Laus dot 2002 at gmx dot de
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 [2003-07-08 17:54 UTC] Nico dot Laus dot 2002 at gmx dot de
I changed my php.ini so that it now includes browscap.ini (those included in PHP-CVS) and I should be able to use get_browser(), but executing PHP-Scripts fails:

when viewing the page in IE with IIS I get the following:
"<head><title>Error in CGI Application</title></head>
<body><h1>CGI Error</h1>The specified CGI application misbehaved by not returning a complete set of HTTP headers.  The headers it did return are:<p><p><pre></pre>"

when executing it in CMD, I don't get any output.

I saw some Bug-Reports relating to this, but in PHP version 4.3.2 RC3 and some other, but the answer tells that it has been fixed - does not seem so


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 [2003-07-08 18:34 UTC] Nico dot Laus dot 2002 at gmx dot de
I have reconsidered my Bug-Report and the Package from and this package does not contain any browscap.ini
-> seems, that I have used the one from PHP 4.3.2

-> will you include a new one in the next CVS-Snapshot??
 [2003-07-08 19:28 UTC] Nico dot Laus dot 2002 at gmx dot de
I am using the one included in Windows now
(trying to use the one from Gary Keith fails, even with the additional modul of Jesse Rosenberg does not work)
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