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Bug #16273 $_SESSION won't work when register_globals is OFF!
Submitted: 2002-03-25 19:53 UTC Modified: 2002-04-10 19:15 UTC
From: anarres at gmx dot net Assigned:
Status: Closed Package: Session related
PHP Version: 4.1.2 OS: Windows 98 SE German
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
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From: anarres at gmx dot net
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 [2002-03-25 19:53 UTC] anarres at gmx dot net
Two days ago I installed PHP Version 4.1.2 as CGI on a Win98SE platform with Apache 1.3.20 running as server. I used the php.ini-recommended with register_globals turned OFF and made only minor changes concerning directories and error-display. Migrating my old scripts to the new settings I found that the session management with the superglobal $_SESSION would not work: the session file was created in my session directory (session.save_path=c:\tmp) BUT no session variables were stored in it.

Here's a pair of scripts to illustrate:

            echo '<a href="session_2.php">session_2.php</a>';

            echo $_SESSION['text'];

On activating the link to session_2.php, the following errormessage is displayed:

        Warning: Undefined index: text in session_2.php on line 3

(Using $HTTP_SESSION_VARS['text'] instead of $_SESSION['text'] leads to the same result.)

However, turning register_globals ON and using global variables with session_register(), session_unregister() and session_is_registered() works fine. But that's not really the point of php.ini-recommended, is it? ;-)-:

After spending many hours checking my setup, reading the manual and several faqs and finally receiving feedback from other users who have the same problem on the german PHP-mailinglist and not finding it  this bug in your list of reported bugs, I decided to report it. I also thought that this is a rather major problem, since register_globals is to be turned off by default in upcoming versions. Please contact me if you need any additional information - this is the first time I am reporting a bug.

Thanx 4 your great work,


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 [2002-03-25 20:15 UTC] anarres at gmx dot net
Two days ago I installed PHP Version 4.1.2 as CGI on a Win98SE platform
   with Apache 1.3.20 running as server. I used the php.ini-recommended
   with register_globals turned OFF and made only minor changes concerning
   directories and error-display. Migrating my old scripts to the new
   settings I found that the session management with the superglobal
   $_SESSION would not work: the session file was created in my session
   directory (session.save_path=c:\tmp) BUT no session variables were
   stored in it.

   Here's a pair of scripts to illustrate:

               echo '<a href="session_2.php">session_2.php</a>';

               echo $_SESSION['text'];

   On activating the link to session_2.php, the following errormessage is

           Warning: Undefined index: text in session_2.php on line 3

   (Using $HTTP_SESSION_VARS['text'] instead of $_SESSION['text'] leads to
   the same result.)

   However, turning register_globals ON and using global variables with
   session_register(), session_unregister() and session_is_registered()
   works fine. But that's not really the point of php.ini-recommended, is
   it? ;-)-:

   After spending many hours checking my setup, reading the manual and
   several faqs and finally receiving feedback from other users who have
   the same problem on the german PHP-mailinglist and not
   finding it  this bug in your list of reported bugs, I decided to report
   it. I also thought that this is a rather major problem, since
   register_globals is to be turned off by default in upcoming versions.
   Please contact me if you need any additional information - this is the
   first time I am reporting a bug.

   Thanx 4 your great work,
 [2002-04-10 19:15 UTC]
This bug has been fixed in CVS.

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Last updated: Wed Feb 05 06:01:32 2025 UTC