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Bug #11608 ISAPI access violation bug reports get 'closed' but never fixed!!
Submitted: 2001-06-21 12:28 UTC Modified: 2001-06-21 18:31 UTC
From: km at altavista dot net Assigned:
Status: Not a bug Package: *General Issues
PHP Version: 4.0.5 OS: Any
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
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From: km at altavista dot net
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 [2001-06-21 12:28 UTC] km at altavista dot net
ISAPI access-violation bug reports get 'closed' but never fixed!! Moreover, there's never or rarely a bug number mentioned to cross reference to a master entry so that users can see what's going on with this.

I took a look for 'ISAPI', then did a CTRL-F for 'access violoation', and all but the recent ones are all fixed even though many of them are VERY reproducable! Yet when I open them, they're always written off as 'not enough information' or duplicate and closed.

Unforntunatly, this is having the effect of reinforcing Microsofts arguments against open source reliability. I'd hate to see this (PHP) start to fail because CGI or the apache_mod are the only viable operating solutions for heavy load sites..... People where I work are already mandating migrating everything to Java for just these reasons (problems).


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 [2001-06-21 18:31 UTC]
You're not giving enough information either to start
fixing anything. So I'm bogusing this 'bug report'.
The reason the reports are closed/bogused is really only
this. We try to keep the amount of reports to minimum, so 
that the real bugs are easier to be found and fixed.
Every report without enough information will be bogused
unless there is some useful feedback to them.

Next time, send this kind of reports to as this is a BUG db, not discussion


<my opinion>
I suggest you get yourself a Opensource OS and use OpenSource Web server to get best results out of Opensource
scripting language. Otherwise, use MickeySoft products.

As long as Microsoft doesn't give enough information about
their APIs and keep adding all kinds of odd things to their
software, I don't think any Opensource software will ever
be as 'reliable' as Microsoft's own software they 
are the only ones who CAN write reliable software for their
not-so-reliable OS and web servers.

Disclaimer: The opinions above are my personal opinions. 
</my opinion>

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