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Bug #56602 BLOB support needed in oci8_pdo
Submitted: 2005-10-19 18:58 UTC Modified: 2005-10-30 21:56 UTC
From: cjbj at hotmail dot com Assigned: wez (profile)
Status: Closed Package: PDO_OCI (PECL)
PHP Version: 5_1 CVS-2005-10-19 (dev) OS: Windows 2000
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
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 [2005-10-19 18:58 UTC] cjbj at hotmail dot com
This text is cut/pasted from Oracle's PHP forum
There is a similar problem reported in

Is the any php_pdo_oci.dll that works with PHP 5.1 RC1. I have tried to install PHP 5.1 RC1 with php_pdo_oci drivers avaiable at and got an error that says it was not possible to find the procedure empty_string in php5ts.dll.

I have installed the PHP 5.1 RC1 because the PDO::Statement::bindParam (BLOB Columns) does not works with the pdo that comes with the PCL 5.0. I have to insert files in a BLOB field like this:

// $db = new PDO( "mysql:dbname=isoweb;host=localhost", "root", "" );
$db = new PDO( "oci:dbname=oracle", "isoweb", "isoweb" );

$nome = 'teste123';
$path = "C:\\temp\\padrao.doc";
$FILE = fopen( $path, "rb" );

$query = "update doc_modelos set nome = :NOME, MODELO = :MODELO WHERE ID_MODELO = '1'";

$sth = $db->prepare( $query );
$sth->bindParam( ":NOME", $nome, PDO_PARAM_STR);
$sth->bindParam( ":MODELO", $FILE, PDO_PARAM_LOB );

If I remove the blob field from the query it works... I have tried it with MySql too, and it did not work, but when I have updated to 5.1 RC1 it worked with MySql but with Oracle I got the error above.

I think it is a PDO bug, on Windows maybe...

I am using:
> Windows 2000 SP 4 (5.00.2195)
> PHP 5.1 RC1
> Apache 2.0.48

Please help...

Best regards,


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AllCommentsChangesGit/SVN commitsRelated reports
 [2005-10-27 00:13 UTC]
Changed to correct package
 [2005-10-30 21:56 UTC]
Fixed in PHP 5.1 CVS.

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