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Bugs for MySQL related
ID# Date Last Modified Type Status PHP Version OS Summary Assigned
1998-09-27 08:34 UTC 1998-10-03 19:45 UTC Bug Closed 3.0.4 Linux libc Not nessessary -lpthread leads to misbehaving of Apache  
1998-10-12 11:50 UTC 1998-10-12 11:56 UTC Bug Closed 3.0.5 win_nt Cant use mysql: unknown function mysql_connect() ?!?  
1998-11-16 05:10 UTC 1998-11-16 09:01 UTC Bug Closed 3.0.4 Linux mysql_affectedrows returns always 0  
1998-11-23 20:33 UTC 1998-12-07 09:53 UTC Bug Closed 3.0.5 windows 95 MySQL support not compiled in php win32  
1998-12-18 12:07 UTC 1998-12-18 12:18 UTC Bug Closed 3.0.5 Linux 2.0.35 Can't compile apache with mysql 3.22.13  
1998-12-25 07:41 UTC 1998-12-25 10:24 UTC Bug Closed 3.0.5 Linux 2.0.35 MySQL and Filereading won't work  
1999-01-03 11:58 UTC 1999-02-27 09:39 UTC Bug Closed 3.0.6 Linux Redhat php 3.0.6 won't compile with new version of mysql 3.22.14  
1999-01-03 17:17 UTC 1999-01-03 17:27 UTC Bug Closed 3.0.6 Linux (Red Hat 5.1) Incomplete mysql code in php-3_0_6_tar.gz  
1999-02-04 05:41 UTC 1999-02-05 09:51 UTC Bug Closed 3.0.6 Solaris 2.6 MySql fails to work with mod_auth_mysql  
1999-02-06 18:25 UTC 1999-02-06 18:35 UTC Bug Closed 3.0.6 Linux 2.0.35 / Windows 98 Cannot update to a MEDIUM/LONGBLOB with data > 65450 characters  
1999-02-07 02:26 UTC 1999-03-31 14:42 UTC Bug Closed 3.0.6 Linux Redhat kernel 2.0.36 php3.0.6 compile problem with mysql-3.22.15-gamma-pc-linux-gnu-i686  
1999-02-11 10:22 UTC 1999-02-20 06:56 UTC Bug Closed 3.0.6 Linux Redhat 5.2 can't use mysql, because of "unsupported or undefined function mysql_connect()"  
1999-02-20 05:03 UTC 1999-02-27 09:27 UTC Bug Closed 3.0.6 Linux redhat 5.2 can't connect to mysql  
1999-03-07 14:53 UTC 2000-07-22 19:14 UTC Bug Closed 3.0.5 BSDI BSD/OS 3.1 When using password to connect to myqsl server php crashes  
1999-02-28 10:09 UTC 1999-03-03 18:02 UTC Bug Closed 3.0.6 Windows 95 MySQL Connection Failed: Can't create IP socket (10036)  
1999-03-02 09:51 UTC 2000-07-22 19:13 UTC Bug Closed 3.0.6 Linux 2.0.36 Mysql connection hangs  
1999-03-04 06:56 UTC 1999-03-06 15:23 UTC Bug Closed 3.0.6 Windows 95 MySQL Connection Failed: Can't create IP socket (10036)  
1999-03-19 10:41 UTC 1999-03-19 15:30 UTC Bug Closed 3.0.7 Solaris7 x86 mysql_pconnect() makes new connection every time  
1999-03-25 16:03 UTC 1999-03-26 06:01 UTC Bug Closed 3.0.7 linux 4.0 cannot configure Mysql with phh....config bomb at very end...ok without Mysql  
1999-04-05 13:58 UTC 1999-05-11 09:06 UTC Bug Closed 3.0.7 Linux size of fetched array is not correct  
1999-05-10 19:31 UTC 1999-05-11 09:31 UTC Bug Closed 3.0.6 windows 95 mysql function not working  
1999-05-13 10:01 UTC 1999-05-16 10:03 UTC Bug Closed 3.0.7 Solaris can't mix drop down lists and textareas in a searchroutine  
1999-05-22 20:58 UTC 1999-05-22 21:20 UTC Bug Closed 3.0.8 Linux result from query was forgotten in an oo construct  
1999-05-23 20:18 UTC 1999-06-18 11:53 UTC Bug Closed 3.0.8 Linux 2.036 Behaviour change: mysql_fetch_field after mysql_fetch_row fails  
1999-06-10 15:55 UTC 1999-06-18 11:58 UTC Bug Closed 3.0.8 linux 2.2.9/debian 2.1 sigsev trying to use mysql  
1999-06-16 13:24 UTC 1999-06-20 09:21 UTC Bug Closed 3.0.8 Linux Redhat 5.2 Adding libphp3.a library as an Apache module causes runtime error  
1999-06-19 08:46 UTC 1999-06-20 11:51 UTC Bug Closed 3.0.9 Solaris 2.6 X86 Minor revisions...  
1999-06-24 06:18 UTC 2000-07-03 19:28 UTC Bug Closed 3.0.6 linux with kernel version 2.2.5 A slow query with "order by" in a select statement.  
1999-07-07 02:44 UTC 1999-07-07 05:13 UTC Bug Closed 3.0.7 Solaris 2.6/Sparc library -lmysqlclient: not found  
1999-07-07 05:20 UTC 1999-07-07 05:33 UTC Bug Closed 3.0.9 Linux - SuSe 5.3 Wrong value returned  
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