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Bug #31393 pg_field_type inner query slows down scripts
Submitted: 2005-01-03 22:02 UTC Modified: 2005-02-15 00:52 UTC
Avg. Score:5.0 ± 0.0
Reproduced:0 of 0 (0.0%)
From: mauroi at digbang dot com Assigned:
Status: Closed Package: PostgreSQL related
PHP Version: 5.1 OS:
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
 [2005-01-03 22:02 UTC] mauroi at digbang dot com
Using PostgreSQL we're casting every field we get from the database with the corresponding object (datetime, oid (lob), etc.). With that in mind, we're using the pg_field_type function that returns the needed information (data type). 
Lately we were having performance problems in the server, so, looking at php's source code we found that pg_field_type makes the following query:
'select oid,typname from pg_type'
Since every new postgresql table generates a new type and the database has up to 500 tables, that query takes 500 ms to execute (just to know the type of a field, 80% of the page execution).
So our workaround was to create a new function called pg_field_type_oid that only returns the oid of the field type (no internal query). So now the application has to know the corresponding datatype for the type oid. Our pages now execute in 90ms.

Reproduce code:
any call to pg_field_type


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 [2005-01-03 22:07 UTC] mauroi at digbang dot com
I can send the patch with the new function (tested on PHP-5.0.3) in case you need it. Just tell me where.
Thanks in advance.
 [2005-01-03 22:14 UTC]
Can you provide a patch of this in unified diff format? (External please, and provide a link)
 [2005-01-03 22:18 UTC] mauroi at digbang dot com
Thanks in advance
 [2005-01-03 22:39 UTC]
Assigning to the maintainer.
 [2005-01-12 07:17 UTC] yohgaki at ohgaki dot net
Although, it seems 500 ms execution time for the query is too long. (Try vaccumedb -f , if you haven't done yet) The patch itself seems good. Question is getting OID of data type is good for anything else.
 [2005-01-12 13:59 UTC] mauroi at digbang dot com
The database is very big (lots of schemas). I couldn't find a way to make that query faster. Of course, I make a regular vaccum full, but I don't get better results with this particular query. 
I don't think there's another use for this function (in fact, it can be used in the same situations where you use pg_field_type).
Thanks in advance....
 [2005-02-15 00:38 UTC]
The function is added to the current development branch and it will be a part of PHP 5.1.0 release.

Thank you for the addition of this very useful function.
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Last updated: Sun Feb 23 07:01:29 2025 UTC