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Bug #21848 error with class and file system
Submitted: 2003-01-23 16:30 UTC Modified: 2003-01-24 01:33 UTC
From: epplestun at alaplaya dot com Assigned:
Status: Not a bug Package: *Directory/Filesystem functions
PHP Version: 4.2.0 OS: Linux Red Hat 8.0
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
 [2003-01-23 16:30 UTC] epplestun at alaplaya dot com
the script:

class php_eddi_dev
    var $gui;
    var $modulos;   //cargador de las interfaces de los m?dulos.
    var $interface; //cargador de interfaz principal.
    // {{{ delete_event()
     * Constructor de la clase, genera el array gui global, la variable global interface que contendra la interface XML y carga la liberia PHP-GTK.
     * @return void
    function php_eddi_dev()
        dl(stristr(PHP_OS, "WIN") ?  "php_gtk.dll" : "");
        $this->gui       = array();
        $this->modulos   = array();
        $this->interface = &new GladeXML("");
    // }}}
    // {{{ salir()

     * Se encarga de cerrar la aplicacion GTK.
     * @return void
    function salir()

    // }}}
    // {{{ cargador_de_modulos()
     * Se encarga de cargar los modulos adicionales del PHP-EDDI-DEV.
     * @return void TODO
    function cargador_de_modulos()
        $handle = opendir("modulos/");
        while ($directorio = readdir($handle)) {
            if ($directorio != "." AND $directorio != "..")
                    echo filetype($directorio) . "\n";
    // }}}
    // {{{ main()

     * Se encarga de configurar y de lanzar la aplicaci?n.
     * @return void
    function main()
        $this->gui['Gtk_Window'] = $this->interface->get_widget('ide');
         * Asignamos a la variable global color un color.
        $this->gui['color']  = new GdkColor('#898989');
         * Creamos un estilo nuevo que se le aplicara a $this->gui['Gtk_Fixed'].
        $this->gui['estilo'] = new GtkStyle();
        $this->gui['estilo']->bg[GTK_STATE_NORMAL] = $this->gui['color'];
         * Recogemos el widget de glade y le aplicamos el estilo.
        $this->gui['Gtk_Fixed'] = $this->interface->get_widget('entorno_desarrollo');
    // }}}

$programa = &new php_eddi_dev;


Running PHP 4.1.2
Zend Engine v1.1.1, Copyright (c) 1998-2001 Zend Technologies
[PHP Modules]

[Zend Modules]
Not Implemented

The problem is:

When I call to the function cargador_de_modulos() supposedly  to show to me the directories of path that goes to the function opendir() to him but gives a warning me.

<b>Warning</b>:  lstat failed for prueba (errno=2 - No existe el fichero o el directorio) in <b>/root/php-eddi-dev/tests/php-eddi-dev/php-eddi-dev.php</b> on line <b>80</b><br>/root/php-eddi-dev/tests/php-eddi-dev/php-eddi-dev.php(80) : Warning - lstat failed for prueba (errno=2 - No existe el fichero o el directorio)


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 [2003-01-23 16:32 UTC] epplestun at alaplaya dot com
excuse me but the version of PHP is php-4.1.2 and with php-4.3.0 to.
 [2003-01-23 17:06 UTC] eppelestun at alamierda dot com
You are very ridiculus
 [2003-01-23 17:10 UTC] gregory at myphpbugs dot com
please learn english guy,...
and your problem is so basic... please, learn english but begin with learning php!!
 [2003-01-23 18:40 UTC] epplestun at alaplaya dot com
Excuse me, me english is very poor but I want to contribute to PHP, I think this is not a programing problem. If the probem is so basic can you tell me what is the problem if you are a PHP guru??

And me intention was to warn of the possible error.
 [2003-01-23 20:23 UTC] epplestun at alaplaya dot com
excuse me i found the error :)

 [2003-01-24 01:33 UTC]
not a bug, but a user error -> bogus
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