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Bug #31918 unlink($file) permission denied, when php_check_syntax($file) fails
Submitted: 2005-02-10 20:11 UTC Modified: 2005-04-06 16:22 UTC
From: du at bestwaytech dot com Assigned: iliaa (profile)
Status: Closed Package: Filesystem function related
PHP Version: 5.* OS: *
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
 [2005-02-10 20:11 UTC] du at bestwaytech dot com
In order to load custom functions I write them to temporary file, check syntax and load only if syntax correct. When syntax validates, everything is fine. When syntax is incorrect, I am unable to delete the created temporary file.

Reproduce code:
$function = '<?php function test1(){ $x = 1; } ?>';
$file = tempnam("c:", "scr");
$handle = fopen($file, "w+");
fwrite($handle, $function);
if (!php_check_syntax($file)) {
    echo "syntax error - ";
} else {
    echo "syntax ok - ";
if (fclose($handle)) {
    echo "closed - ";
} else {
    echo "not closed - ";
if (unlink($file)) {
    echo "deleted";
} else {
    echo "not deleted";

Expected result:
syntax error - closed - deleted

Actual result:
syntax error - closed -
Warning: Unknown: Permission denied in Unknown on line 0
not deleted


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 [2005-03-22 21:38 UTC]
This happens because of this, found in main/main.c:1746-1755

zend_try {
  op_array = zend_compile_file(file, ZEND_INCLUDE...
  zend_destroy_file_handle(file TSRMLS_CC);
} zend_end_try

The zend_destroy_file_handle() is never called if there are any parse errors in the file as zend_compile_file() throw a zend_bailout(). 

Assigned to Ilia.

 [2005-03-29 01:46 UTC]
See also bug #30377

 [2005-04-06 16:22 UTC]
After extensive code review it was determined that it would take too many engine hacks to make it work properly and the function was removed.
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