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Bug #31485 php.ini given to --with-config-file-path is not used
Submitted: 2005-01-11 01:57 UTC Modified: 2005-01-11 03:22 UTC
From: php at lachoseinteractive dot net Assigned:
Status: Not a bug Package: *Configuration Issues
PHP Version: 5.0.3 OS: RedHat 7.2
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
 [2005-01-11 01:57 UTC] php at lachoseinteractive dot net
./configure  --with-mysqli=/usr/bin/mysql_config --
enable-bcmath --enable-sqlite-utf8 --with-apxs2=/usr/
local/apache2/bin/apxs --with-config-file-path=/etc/

The php.ini is not used. Tried different locations.

Similar problem in cli and apache module version.

Looks like it is overriden by a previous install ? (php4 
is installed as an apache1.3 module in another instance 
of apache, but removing php4's ini file doesn't resolve 
the problem).

Reproduce code:
I set magic_quotes_gpc to Off in the php.ini.
The change doesn't appear in the phpinfo(); (after apachectl restart of course).

Same problem in CLI version : 
I tried this :

> php -i | grep magic_quotes_gpc
magic_quotes_gpc => On => On

But here is the funny part :

> php -i | grep php.ini  
Configuration File (php.ini) Path => /etc/php.ini
and : 
> php -i -c /etc/php.ini| grep magic_quotes_gpc
magic_quotes_gpc => Off => Off


Interestingly, ltrace on php CLI gives the following :
ltrace -e fopen php

fopen("php/php-cli.ini", "r")                     = 0
fopen("/etc/php.ini/php-cli.ini", "r")            = 0
fopen("php/php.ini", "r")                         = 0
fopen("/etc/php.ini/php.ini", "r")                = 0

As you can imagine, I tried to compile with --with-config-file-path=/etc but got the same results !

Don't know how to trace fopen in php running as module, but that would be interesting !


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 [2005-01-11 03:22 UTC]
Sorry, but your problem does not imply a bug in PHP itself.  For a
list of more appropriate places to ask for help using PHP, please
visit as this bug system is not the
appropriate forum for asking support questions. 

Thank you for your interest in PHP.

Please read the documentation on installation, this is undoubtedly user error in some form or another
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