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Bug #2560 max_execution_time is not accurate
Submitted: 1999-10-18 11:48 UTC Modified: 2002-03-21 12:19 UTC
From: djm at web dot us dot uu dot net Assigned:
Status: Closed Package: Misbehaving function
PHP Version: 4.0 Beta 2 OS: BSDI BSD/OS 4.0.1
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
 [1999-10-18 11:48 UTC] djm at web dot us dot uu dot net
I'm using PHP 4.0B2 as a DSO with apache 1.3.9.  In my httpd.conf I have set

AddType application/x-httpd-php .php3
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
php_admin_flag safe_mode On
php_admin_value doc_root "/homes/www141/webtest"
php_admin_value open_basedir "/homes/www141/webtest"
php_admin_value safe_mode_exec_dir "/homes/www141/webtest/bin"
php_flag log_errors On
php_value error_log "/homes/www141/webtest/logs/php.log"
php_value max_execution_time 3
php_value memory_limit 8388608

When I run the following PHP script, it is not aborted before printing the
second message, despite having run for more than 3 seconds.  And it
takes about 13-18 wall clock seconds before PHP aborts the infinite loop.  Printing
phpinfo() confirms that max_execution_time is indeed set to 3.

<html><head><title>test of max_execution_time</title></head><body>
echo "before<p>\n"; sleep(10); echo "after<p>\n";
while (1) { $i++; }

This is being run on a 450MHz server that's doing nothing else, so I don't
think CPU contention is an issue.


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 [1999-12-03 12:27 UTC] andrei at cvs dot php dot net
Fixed in CVS by Rasmus.
 [2002-03-21 12:16 UTC] php dot net at chiefworks dot com
This bug is still present in PHP 4.1.2, exactly as described by djm
 [2002-03-21 12:19 UTC]
I doubt that - remember this is cpu time, not wall clock time.  sleep(10) doesn't count.
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