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Request #23026 Make Zend case-sensitive (classes, functions, remove case-insensitive)
Submitted: 2003-04-02 15:08 UTC Modified: 2004-11-08 12:15 UTC
Avg. Score:4.9 ± 0.3
Reproduced:12 of 12 (100.0%)
Same Version:11 (91.7%)
Same OS:2 (16.7%)
From: Assigned:
Status: Not a bug Package: Feature/Change Request
PHP Version: 5CVS-2003-04-02 (dev) OS: Any
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
 [2003-04-02 15:08 UTC]
Keep subject for bugdb searching.

Make Zend case-sensitive (and therefore PHP) in regards to namesapces, classes, functions. Basically everything which is currently str_tolower()d inside the engine.

This is just a meta-bug to keep track of suggestions to this topic.

A big "NO" is to make such a thing php.ini dependant ("Not yet another switch") but truly case-sensitive.

For a start our great Hero[tm] Andrei has made a patch some time ago against ZE2 to achive this goal (see ). It doesn't apply cleanly to current HEAD but given the patch size it should be trivial to get it working.

The big "contra" many people are concerned is BC (backwards compatibility). Yes, face it. Changing this behaviour will definitely break millions of scripts. I'm having bad dreams remembering reading code like $db = MySQL_Connect (and therefore failing my search for it with 'grep mysql_connect *' because I was to lazy about three extra characters ;).

Also see (bogusified) bug for a VOTE on this issue.

Ok, there we go :)


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 [2004-11-08 12:15 UTC]
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