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Bug #21389 preg_match crash after some calls
Submitted: 2003-01-03 06:46 UTC Modified: 2003-03-09 18:47 UTC
Avg. Score:3.2 ± 1.1
Reproduced:2 of 2 (100.0%)
Same Version:0 (0.0%)
Same OS:0 (0.0%)
From: gregoire dot roland at edfgdf dot fr Assigned:
Status: No Feedback Package: PCRE related
PHP Version: 4.3.0 OS: Windows NT 4 sp6a french
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
 [2003-01-03 06:46 UTC] gregoire dot roland at edfgdf dot fr
PHP WIN32 4.3.0 + APACHE 2.2.43 + WINNT 4 SP6A FR

Does a DrWatson (Stack OverFlow)

The Script :


class pcode_analyzer {

	var $fichier_export;		/* Fichier d'entr?e d'export du pcode */

	var $fichier_sql;			/* Fichier g?n?r? des appel sql */
	var $fichier_appel;			/* Fichier g?n?r? des appel de fonction */
	var $fichier_definition;	/* Fichier g?n?r? des d?finitions de fonction */
	var $debug;					/* Variable de debugage */

	 * Constructeur
	 * Parametres :
	 * 		$_f_export : Fichier d'entr?e d'export du pcode
	 * 		$_f_sql    : Fichier g?n?r? des appel sql
	 *      $_f_appel  : Fichier g?n?r? des appel de fonction
	 *      $_f_def    : Fichier g?n?r? des d?finitions de fonction
	function pcode_analyzer ($_f_export, $_f_sql, $_f_appel, $_f_def, $_debug) {	 

		$this->fichier_export     = $_f_export;
		$this->fichier_sql        = $_f_sql;
		$this->fichier_appel      = $_f_appel;
		$this->fichier_definition = $_f_def;
		$this->debug = $_debug;

	function trace($s) {
		if ($this->debug) {
			echo "==> Trace : $s <==<br>";
	 * Fonction extrait_sql : Extrait le code SQL d'une instruction PCode SQLExec
	 * Parametre :
	 * 		$code : une instruction Pcode
	function extrait_sql(&$code) {

		$this->trace("Avant extrait_sql");
		$regs = array();
		 * Matche la chaine sqlexec(" et r?cup?re la chaine jusqu'a "
/* =============== Crash Here ===================*/		
if (preg_match('/sqlexec\(\"(.*?)\"/i',$code,$regs)) {
				echo "sql : $regs[1]<br>";
		$this->trace("Apr?s extrait_sql");

	 * Fonction extrait_fonction : Extrait le nom des fonction d?clar? 
	 * 							   et utilis? dans une liste d'instruction Pcode
	 * Parametres :
	 * 		$instruction : Liste des instructions Pcode
	 * 		$code        : Instruction Pcode ? analyser
	function extrait_fonction(&$instruction,&$code) {
		$this->trace("Avant extrait_fonction");
		 * Matche le declare et le peoplecode dans l'instruction ? analyser
		 * et r?cup?re le prototype de la fonction
		if (preg_match("/declare (.*) peoplecode (.*)/i",$code,$regs)) {
			 * Match le mot clef function et recupere
			 * le nom de la fonction
			preg_match("/function (.*)\(/i",$regs[1],$nom);
			 * Verifie pour chaque instruction si le nom pr?cedement trouv?
			 * est utilis? dans les instructions Pcode, en ignorant la ligne de d?claration
			foreach ($instruction as $key => $value) {
				if (!preg_match("/declare (.*) peoplecode (.*)/i",$value) && preg_match("/" . $nom[1] . "/i",$value)) {
				    $use = true;
			if ($use) {
			    echo "fct : $regs[2] => $regs[1] => $nom[1]<br>";
		$this->trace("Apr?s extrait_fonction");

	 * Fonction analyse_definition : analyse la d?finition d'une fonction
	 * Parametre : 
	 * 		$definition : Liste d'instruction Pcode contenant la definition de fonction
	function analyse_definition (&$definition) {

		$this->trace("Avant analyse_definition");
		 * Macthe les mots clefs "declare fonction " et recup?re le nom de 
		 *  la fonction analys?e
		preg_match("/declare function (.*?) /i",$definition[0],$regs);
		echo "fct : $regs[1]<br>";
		 *  Extrait le SQL sur chaque instruction de la d?finition
		foreach($definition as $key => $val) {
		$this->trace("Apr?s analyse_definition");
	 * Fonction efface_commenataire : efface les commentaire du Pcode
	 * Parametre : 
	 * 		$code : chaine de Pcode
	function efface_commentaire(&$code) {

		$this->trace("Avant efface_commentaire");
		 *  Tant que les commentaire sont match? :
		while (preg_match("/(\/\*((.|\n)+?)\*\/)/i",$code,$reg)) {
			 *  Remplace les commentaire par chaine vide
			$code = preg_replace('/(\/\*((.|\n)+?)\*\/)/','',$code);

		$this->trace("Apres efface_commentaire");
	 * Fonction analyse_evenement : analyse le code d'un evenement Pcode
	 * Parametres :
	 * 		$record : Record de l'evenement
	 * 		$field  : Champ de l'evenement
	 * 		$event  : nom de l'evenement
	 * 		$code   : Code de l'evenement
	function analyse_evenement (&$record, &$field, &$event, &$code) {

		$this->trace("Debut Analyse Evenement [$record.$field.$event]");
		 * Efface les commentaires du code
		 * S?pare le code en instruction suivant les points virgules
		 * On cree le tableau instruction sans def
		$this->trace("Avant split");
		$instruction = split(";",$code);		
		$instruction_sans_def = $instruction;
		$this->trace("Apr?s efface_commentaire");
		 * Pour chaque instructions :
		foreach ($instruction as $key => $val) {
			 * Si on matche le mot clef "declare"
			 * c'est peut ?tre un d?but de d?finition de fonction
			if (preg_match("/declare/i",$val,$regs)) {
				$def = array();
				 * On stocke les instructions dans un tableau contenant les instructions
				 * de d?finition
				 * Pour chaque instruction suivante
				for($i = $key + 1; $i < sizeof($instruction); ++$i) {
					 * On stocke l'instruction dans le tableau de definition
					 *  Si on matche un declare, ce n'etait pas une definition
					if (preg_match("/declare/i",$instruction[$i])) {
					 * Si on matche un end-fun c'est une definition, on l'analyse
					 * et on la supprime du tableau instruction_sans_def
					if (preg_match("/end-fun/i",$instruction[$i])) {
						$instruction_sans_def = array_diff($instruction_sans_def,$def);
		 * On extrait le SQL et les declaration de fonction du reste des instructions
		foreach ($instruction_sans_def as $key => $val) {
		$this->trace("Fin Analyse Evenement");
	 * Fonction analyse : analyse le fichier d'export du pcode 
	function analyze () {	
		$this->trace("<b>Debut Analyse</b>");
		 * Ouvre le fichier d'export du pcode
		$fin  = fopen($this->fichier_export, "r");
		 *  Lit la premiere ligne du fichier
		$buffer = fgets($fin);
		do {
			$evt = "";	
			 * D?but de evt : recup?rer les lignes du fichier jusqu'au record prochain
			 * Matche la chaine record.field.event => d?but d'evenement
			if (preg_match("/\[(\S+)\.(\S+)\.(\S+)\]/i",$buffer,$regs)) {
				$buffer = "";
				 *  Lit l'evenement jusqu'au suivant
				do {
					$evt .= $buffer; 
					$buffer = fgets($fin);
				} while(!feof($fin) && !preg_match("/\[(\S+)\.(\S+)\.(\S+)\]/i",$buffer));	
				 * Effectue l'analyse de l'evenement ssi perimetre IEG (record commen?ant par "EG_"
				if ( strtoupper(substr($regs[1],0,3)) == "EG_") {
					$this->analyse_evenement($regs[1], $regs[2], $regs[3], $evt);
		} while(!feof($fin));
		$this->trace("<b>Fin Analyse</b>");

$pa = new pcode_analyzer("export_pcode.txt","","","",true);


Pull Requests


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 [2003-01-03 06:47 UTC]
Please strip your script down to the bare minimum and without the need for external references so that "copy and paste" of the script shows the crash. It's quite impossible to debug this for us right now.
 [2003-01-03 07:04 UTC] gregoire dot roland at edfgdf dot fr
function extrait_sql(&$code) {

   $this->trace("Avant extrait_sql");
   $regs = array();
    * Matche la chaine sqlexec(" et r?cup?re la chaine jusqu'a "
   /* =============== Crash Here ===================*/
   if (preg_match('/sqlexec\(\"(.*?)\"/i',$code,$regs)) {
      echo "sql : $regs[1]<br>";
   $this->trace("Apr?s extrait_sql");

This function is crashing after about 300 calls.
It does a DrWatson (Stack Overflow).
 [2003-01-07 19:42 UTC]
We need a short, complete and self-contained script. not some part of a script that requires some extra class to work..
 [2003-01-08 02:44 UTC] gregoire dot roland at edfgdf dot fr
This code is crashig : DrWatson Stack Overflow.

function extrait_sql(&$code) {

	if (preg_match('/(\/\*(.|\n)*?\*\/)/', $code)) {
    	$code = preg_replace('/(\/\*(.|\n)*?\*\/)/', '', $code);

$le_code = '/*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* EG_LSTJ_200201_Evolution Adresse et centre de rattachement */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*Declare Function EG_CST_COD_FORCAGE_RENTE PeopleCode EG_FLW_CONSTANT.EG_CONSTANTES FieldFormula;*/ /*Declare Function EG_CST_AVANCE_PREVI PeopleCode EG_FLW_CONSTANT.EG_CONSTANTES FieldFormula; */ /*Declare Function EG_CST_CAN_REN PeopleCode EG_FLW_CONSTANT.EG_CONSTANTES FieldFormula; */ /*Declare Function EG_CST_CAS_REN PeopleCode EG_FLW_CONSTANT.EG_CONSTANTES FieldFormula; */ /*Local date &D_DATE_PLUS_REC; */ /*Local number &N_NB_PREST; */ /*Local number &N_NB_PREST_RG_OU_R; */ /*Local number &N_I; */ /*Local string &S_CAS; */ /* EG_BLLA_02071999_ Contr?le la saisie des champs CAN CAS si les dates sont renseign?es et */ /* inversement. */ /*If %PanelGroup = PANELGROUP.EG_CREA_OD Or */ /* %PanelGroup = PANELGROUP.EG_CREA_AD Then */ /* &B_TROUVE = False; */ /* For &N_I = 1 To ActiveRowCount(RECORD.EG_PRESTAT_R) */ /* &S_STATUT = FetchValue(RECORD.EG_PRESTAT_R, &N_I, EG_PRESTAT_R.EG_STATUT_DOS1); */ /* If &S_STATUT = "ACT" And */ /* ActiveRowCount(RECORD.EG_PRESTAT_R) = 1 Then */ /* &B_TROUVE = True; */ /* End-If; */ /* End-For; */ /* If &B_TROUVE = False Then */ /* If (None(EG_COD_UNIT_CAN) And */ /* All(EG_DAT_RAT_CAN)) Or */ /* (All(EG_COD_UNIT_CAN) And */ /* None(EG_DAT_RAT_CAN)) Or */ /* (None(EG_COD_UNIT_CAS) And */ /* All(EG_DAT_RAT_CAS)) Or */ /* (All(EG_COD_UNIT_CAS) And */ /* None(EG_DAT_RAT_CAS)) Then */ /* SetCursorPos(PANEL.EG_CREA_ADR_PNL, EG_COD_UNIT_CAN, CurrentRowNumber()); */ /* Error (MsgGet(20002, 10, "Message non trouv? dans le catalogue de messages")); */ /* End-If; */ /* End-If; */ /* EG_BLLA_28091999_ Correction suite ? Fiche Ano n? 27 : contr?le sur le bon sens de la saisie */ /*du code for?age. */ /* EG_SVTC_09022000_ Correction suite ? fiche anomalie 179 : c\'est un avertissement */ /* EG_LSTJ_15012001 Evolution adresse et centre de rattachement */ /* D?sormais les Etrnagers n\'ont plus besoin de motif de for?age */ /* If (COUNTRY <> "F" And */ /* COUNTRY <> "B") And */ /* &B_TROUVE = False And */ /* (None(EG_COD_CAS_FIXE) Or */ /* EG_COD_CAS_FIXE <> "ETR") Then */ /* Warning (MsgGet(20002, 23, "Message non trouv? dans le catalogue de messages")); */ /* End-If; */ /* EG_BLLA_28091999_ FIN */ /*End-If; */ /* EG_LSTJ_15012001_ FIN */ /*If (%PanelGroup = PANELGROUP.EG_AFFILIA_OD_IDEN Or */ /* %PanelGroup = PANELGROUP.EG_NUMERO_AD_GRP) And */ /* PERSONAL_DATA.EG_TYP_POP <> "SECI" Then */ /* &B_TROUVE = False; */ /* For &N_I = 1 To ActiveRowCount(RECORD.EG_PRESTAT_R) */ /* &S_STATUT = FetchValue(RECORD.EG_PRESTAT_R, &N_I, EG_PRESTAT_R.EG_STATUT_DOS1); */ /* If &S_STATUT = "ACT" And */ /* ActiveRowCount(RECORD.EG_PRESTAT_R) = 1 Then */ /* &B_TROUVE = True; */ /* End-If; */ /* End-For; */ /* EG_SVTC_19111999_ Correction suite ? fiche anomalie 117 : contr?le sur le ligne courante et */ /* non sur l\'historique) */ /* &D_EFFDT = FetchValue(RECORD.EG_ADRESSE_R, 1, EFFDT); */ /* &N_LIGNE = 1; */ /* For &N_I = 2 To ActiveRowCount(RECORD.EG_ADRESSE_R) */ /* &D_DAT = FetchValue(RECORD.EG_ADRESSE_R, &N_I, EFFDT); */ /* If &D_EFFDT < &D_DAT Then */ /* &D_EFFDT = &D_DAT; */ /* &N_LIGNE = &N_I; */ /* End-If; */ /* End-For; */ /* If &B_TROUVE = False And */ /* EFFDT = &D_EFFDT Then */ /* If (None(EG_COD_UNIT_CAN) And */ /* All(EG_DAT_RAT_CAN)) Or */ /* (All(EG_COD_UNIT_CAN) And */ /* None(EG_DAT_RAT_CAN)) Or */ /* (None(EG_COD_UNIT_CAS) And */ /* All(EG_DAT_RAT_CAS)) Or */ /* (All(EG_COD_UNIT_CAS) And */ /* None(EG_DAT_RAT_CAS)) Then */ /* SetCursorPos(PANEL.EG_ADR_PREST_PNL, EG_COD_UNIT_CAN, CurrentRowNumber()); */ /* Error (MsgGet(20002, 10, "Message non trouv? dans le catalogue de messages")); */ /* End-If; */ /* End-If; */ /* EG_BLLA_28091999_ Correction suite ? Fiche Ano n? 27 : contr?le sur le bon sens de la saisie */ /* du code for?age. */ /* EG_SVTC_09022000_ Correction suite ? fiche anomalie 179 : c\'est un avertissement */ /* EG_LSTJ_15012001 Evolution adresse et centre de rattachement */ /* D?sormais les Etrangers n\'ont plus besoin de motif de for?age */ /* If (COUNTRY <> "F" And */ /* COUNTRY <> "B") And */ /* (EFFDT = &D_EFFDT) And */ /* &B_TROUVE = False And */ /* (None(EG_COD_CAS_FIXE) Or */ /* EG_COD_CAS_FIXE <> "ETR") Then */ /* Warning (MsgGet(20002, 23, "Message non trouv? dans le catalogue de messages")); */ /* End-If; */ /* EG_BLLA_28091999_ FIN */ /* EG_LSTJ_152012001_ FIN */ /*End-If; */ /* EG_BLLA_02071999_ FIN */ /* EG_SVTC_19111999_ Correction suite ? fiche anomalie 124 : s?paration du cas r?viser Prestataire */ /*If %PanelGroup = PANELGROUP.EG_DOS_ADM_GRP And */ /* PERSONAL_DATA.EG_TYP_POP <> "SECI" Then */ /* &B_TROUVE = False; */ /* For &N_I = 1 To ActiveRowCount(RECORD.EG_PRESTAT_R) */ /* &S_STATUT = FetchValue(RECORD.EG_PRESTAT_R, &N_I, EG_PRESTAT_R.EG_STATUT_DOS1); */ /* If &S_STATUT = "ACT" And */ /* ActiveRowCount(RECORD.EG_PRESTAT_R) = 1 Then */ /* &B_TROUVE = True; */ /* End-If; */ /* End-For; */ /* EG_SVTC_19111999_ Correction suite ? fiche anomalie 117 : */ /*contr?le sur le ligne courante et non sur l\'historique) */ /* &D_EFFDT = FetchValue(RECORD.EG_ADRESSE_R, 1, EFFDT); */ /* &N_LIGNE = 1; */ /* For &N_I = 2 To ActiveRowCount(RECORD.EG_ADRESSE_R) */ /* &D_DAT = FetchValue(RECORD.EG_ADRESSE_R, &N_I, EFFDT); */ /* If &D_EFFDT < &D_DAT Then */ /* &D_EFFDT = &D_DAT; */ /* &N_LIGNE = &N_I; */ /* End-If; */ /* End-For; */ /* If &B_TROUVE = False And */ /* EFFDT = &D_EFFDT Then */ /* If (None(EG_COD_UNIT_CAN) And */ /* All(EG_DAT_RAT_CAN)) Or */ /* (All(EG_COD_UNIT_CAN) And */ /* None(EG_DAT_RAT_CAN)) */ /* (None(EG_COD_UNIT_CAS) And */ /* All(EG_DAT_RAT_CAS)) Or */ /* (All(EG_COD_UNIT_CAS) And */ /* None(EG_DAT_RAT_CAS)) Then */ /* SetCursorPos(PANEL.EG_ADR_PREST_PNL, EG_COD_UNIT_CAN, CurrentRowNumber()); */ /* Error (MsgGet(20002, 10, "Message non trouv? dans le catalogue de messages")); */ /* End-If; */ /* End-If; */ /* EG_BLLA_28091999_ Correction suite ? Fiche Ano n? 27 : contr?le sur le bon sens de la saisie */ /* du code for?age. */ /* &B_SEC_TROUVE = False; */ /* For &B_I = 1 To ActiveRowCount(RECORD.EG_PRESTAT_R) */ /* &S_STATUT_DOS_REC = FetchValue(RECORD.EG_PRESTAT_R, &B_I, EG_PRESTAT_R.EG_STATUT_DOS1); */ /* If PERSONAL_DATA.EG_TYP_POP = "AD" And */ /* (&S_STATUT_DOS_REC = "SEC" Or */ /* &S_STATUT_DOS_REC = "PPF") Then */ /* &B_SEC_TROUVE = True; */ /* End-If; */ /* End-For; */ /* EG_LSTJ_15012001 D?sormais les Etrangers n\'ont plus besoin de motif de for?age */ /*If (COUNTRY <> "F" And */ /* COUNTRY <> "B") And */ /* EFFDT = &D_EFFDT And */ /* &B_TROUVE = False And */ /* &B_SEC_TROUVE = False And */ /* (None(EG_COD_CAS_FIXE) Or */ /* EG_COD_CAS_FIXE <> "ETR") Then */ /* Warning (MsgGet(20002, 23, "Message non trouv? dans le catalogue de messages")); */ /*End-If; */ /*End-If; */ /* EG_SVTC_19111999_FIN */ /*If %PanelGroup = PANELGROUP.EG_AFFILIA_OD_IDEN Or*/ /* (%PanelGroup = PANELGROUP.EG_DOS_ADM_GRP And*/ /* PERSONAL_DATA.EG_TYP_POP <> "SECI") Or*/ /* %PanelGroup = PANELGROUP.EG_NUMERO_AD_GRP Then*/ /* &D_DATE_PLUS_REC = Date(19000101);*/ /* For &N_I = 1 To ActiveRowCount(RECORD.EG_ADRESSE_R)*/ /* If &D_DATE_PLUS_REC < FetchValue(RECORD.EG_ADRESSE_R, &N_I, EFFDT) Then*/ /* &D_DATE_PLUS_REC = FetchValue(RECORD.EG_ADRESSE_R, &N_I, EFFDT)*/ /* End-If;*/ /* End-For;*/ /* If EFFDT = &D_DATE_PLUS_REC Then*/ /* If None(EG_COD_CAS_FIXE) Or*/ /* None(EG_COD_CAN_FIXE) Then*/ /* Recherche si cet agent n\'a que des prestations RG ou Rentes */ /* &N_NB_PREST = 0;*/ /* &N_NB_PREST_RG_OU_R = 0;*/ /* SQLExec("SELECT distinct sum(1) FROM Ps_eg_s_pst_r P WHERE P.eg_s_dat_jou <= SYSDATE AND (0 = (SELECT count(1) FROM ps_eg_s_op_pst_r O WHERE O.emplid = P.emplid AND O.eg_no_affilie = P.eg_no_affilie AND O.eg_s_cod_pst = P.eg_s_cod_pst AND O.eg_s_dat_eff_ope<= SYSDATE) OR 1 <= (Select count(1) FROM ps_eg_s_op_pst_r O2 WHERE O2.emplid = P.emplid AND O2.eg_no_affilie = P.eg_no_affilie AND O2.eg_s_cod_pst = P.eg_s_cod_pst AND O2.eg_s_dat_eff_ope<= SYSDATE AND O2.eg_s_dat_eff_ope = (SELECT max(O3.eg_s_dat_eff_ope) FROM ps_eg_s_op_pst_r O3 WHERE O3.emplid = O2.emplid AND O3.eg_no_affilie = O2.eg_no_affilie AND O3.eg_s_cod_pst = O2.eg_s_cod_pst AND O3.eg_s_cod_op = O2.eg_s_cod_op) )) AND emplid =:1 AND eg_no_affilie=:2 GROUP BY P.emplid, P.eg_no_affilie", PERSONAL_DATA.EMPLID, EG_PREST_H.EG_NO_AFFILIE_XX, &N_NB_PREST);*/ /* SQLExec("SELECT distinct sum(1) FROM Ps_eg_s_pst_r P WHERE P.eg_s_dat_jou <= SYSDATE AND ( 0 = (SELECT count(1) FROM ps_eg_s_op_pst_r O WHERE O.emplid = P.emplid AND O.eg_no_affilie = P.eg_no_affilie AND O.eg_s_cod_pst = P.eg_s_cod_pst AND O.eg_s_dat_eff_ope<= SYSDATE) OR 1 <= (Select count(1) FROM ps_eg_s_op_pst_r O2 WHERE O2.emplid = P.emplid AND O2.eg_no_affilie = P.eg_no_affilie AND O2.eg_s_cod_pst = P.eg_s_cod_pst AND O2.eg_s_dat_eff_ope<= SYSDATE AND O2.eg_s_dat_eff_ope = (SELECT max(O3.eg_s_dat_eff_ope) FROM ps_eg_s_op_pst_r O3 WHERE O3.emplid = O2.emplid AND O3.eg_no_affilie = O2.eg_no_affilie AND O3.eg_s_cod_pst = O2.eg_s_cod_pst AND O3.eg_s_cod_op = O2.eg_s_cod_op) ) ) AND emplid =:1 AND eg_no_affilie=:2 AND (P.eg_s_cod_pst like \'E%\' or P.eg_s_cod_pst like \'B%\') GROUP BY P.emplid, P.eg_no_affilie", PERSONAL_DATA.EMPLID, EG_PREST_H.EG_NO_AFFILIE_XX, &N_NB_PREST_RG_OU_R);*/ /* If &N_NB_PREST = &N_NB_PREST_RG_OU_R And*/ /* &N_NB_PREST <> 0 Then*/ /* Cet agent n\'a que des prestations RG ou RENTE */ /* If EG_COD_CAN_FIXE = "" Then*/ /* EG_COD_CAN_FIXE = EG_CST_COD_FORCAGE_RENTE();*/ /* EG_COD_UNIT_CAN = EG_CST_CAN_REN();*/ /* EG_DAT_RAT_CAN = Date("");*/ /* End-If;*/ /* If EG_COD_CAS_FIXE = "" Then*/ /* EG_COD_CAS_FIXE = EG_CST_COD_FORCAGE_RENTE();*/ /* EG_COD_UNIT_CAS = EG_CST_CAS_REN();*/ /* EG_DAT_RAT_CAS = Date("");*/ /* End-If;*/ /* End-If;*/ /* End-If;*/ /* If EG_COD_CAS_FIXE <> EG_CST_AVANCE_PREVI() Then*/ /* Recherche si cet agent a une Invalidit? en Avance Provisionnelle */ /* &N_NB_PREST = 0;*/ /* SQLExec("SELECT sum(1) FROM ( SELECT distinct O.EMPLID FROM Ps_eg_s_op_pst_r O WHERE O.eg_s_cod_pst = \'C2I\' AND O.eg_s_dat_eff_ope<= SYSDATE AND O.eg_s_dat_eff_ope = (SELECT max(O2.eg_s_dat_eff_ope) FROM ps_eg_s_op_pst_r O2 WHERE O.emplid = O2.emplid AND O.eg_no_affilie = O2.eg_no_affilie AND O.eg_s_cod_pst = O2.eg_s_cod_pst AND O.eg_s_cod_op = O2.eg_s_cod_op) ) OP, (SELECT distinct Adresse.emplid, Adresse.effdt, Adresse.eg_cod_cas_fixe, Adresse.eg_cod_unit_cas FROM PS_EG_ADRESSE_R Adresse Where Adresse.effdt = (SELECT max(Adr2.effdt) FROM ps_eg_adresse_r Adr2 Where Adr2.emplid = Adresse.emplid) ) A WHERE A.eg_cod_cas_fixe != \'C2AP\' AND A.emplid = :1 AND OP.emplid = :1 ", PERSONAL_DATA.EMPLID, &N_NB_PREST);*/ /* If &N_NB_PREST <> 0 Then*/ /* Cet agent a une prestation Invalidit? en Avance Provisionnelle */ /* If None(EG_COD_CAS_FIXE) Then*/ /* SQLExec("SELECT distinct eg_cod_unit_cas From Ps_eg_unite_t WHERE eg_cod_unit =:1", PERSONAL_DATA.EG_COD_UA, &S_CAS);*/ /* If &S_CAS = "" Then*/ /* MessageBox(16, "", 20002, 39, "Message non trouv? dans le catalogue");*/ /* Else*/ /* EG_COD_CAS_FIXE = EG_CST_AVANCE_PREVI();*/ /* EG_COD_UNIT_CAS = &S_CAS;*/ /* &S_DAT = String(EFFDT);*/ /* &S_MONTH = Substring(&S_DAT, 6, 2);*/ /* &N_YEAR = Year(EFFDT);*/ /* &S_DATE = String(&N_YEAR) | (&S_MONTH) | "01";*/ /* &N_DATE = Value(&S_DATE);*/ /* &D_DATE = Date(&N_DATE);*/ /* EG_DAT_RAT_CAS = &D_DATE;*/ /* End-If;*/ /* Else*/ /* MessageBox(48, "", 20002, 40, "Message non trouv? dans le catalogue");*/ /* End-If;*/ /* End-If;*/ /* End-If;*/ /* End-If;*/ /*End-If;*/ /* EG_LSTJ_050201_FIN */ /**/';

echo "Noveau code : $le_code<br>";

 [2003-01-08 02:46 UTC] gregoire dot roland at edfgdf dot fr
There is no carriage return in the code below (in $le_code).

The variable $le_code is on a single line.

Thanks !!
 [2003-03-04 04:03 UTC]
Similar to bug #21615

I cannot reproduce the problem with the supplied long long script..
 [2003-03-09 18:47 UTC]
No feedback was provided. The bug is being suspended because
we assume that you are no longer experiencing the problem.
If this is not the case and you are able to provide the
information that was requested earlier, please do so and
change the status of the bug back to "Open". Thank you.

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Last updated: Thu Oct 17 09:01:27 2024 UTC