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Doc Bug #15976 socket_get_status(...) returns nothing
Submitted: 2002-03-09 17:31 UTC Modified: 2002-04-12 22:12 UTC
Avg. Score:5.0 ± 0.0
Reproduced:1 of 1 (100.0%)
Same Version:1 (100.0%)
Same OS:1 (100.0%)
From: sean at caedmon dot net Assigned:
Status: Closed Package: Documentation problem
PHP Version: 4.1.2 OS: Win32 (2000) AND Linux2.2
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
 [2002-03-09 17:31 UTC] sean at caedmon dot net
socket_get_status is supposed to return an associative array, it _always_ returns null for me. No array, no object, no string print_r(socket_get_status($verifiedSocketResource)) prints nothing.

I've tried this on two separate 4.1.x installs. The php4win version (4.1.1) and the Debian Unstable version (4.1.2 -- CGI).


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 [2002-03-09 17:34 UTC] sean at caedmon dot net
Also note: This is a listening socket (host / server / whatever) -- ie, not created with fsockopen; created with socket_create, socket_bind, socket_listen, socket_accept. There's a note in the manual about this not working properly, but I didn't see it in the bug DB.
 [2002-03-12 21:00 UTC] sean at caedmon dot net
It's a non-blocking socket, if that helps

 [2002-03-12 21:44 UTC] sean at caedmon dot net
Alright. So, here's what I've dug up so far:

file: [php]/ext/standard/file.c
line: 968
code: zend_fetch_resource(socket_arg TSRMLS_CC,-1,"Socket

This always line returns false for a valid socket resource (I verified the resource using `is_resource($sock)` and `get_resource_type($sock)` for both my listen socket and my message socket. get_resource_type($sock) returns "Socket".

So, when the next line (969), "ZEND_VERIFY_RESOURCE(what);" is called, it determines that 'what' is false and calls RETURN_NULL;

I tried screwing with the args in zend_fetch_resource(...), but I don't know the API well enough (and my C/C++ is more than rusty).

I hope someone takes a look at this soon, I currently have no way of knowing the status of my sockets (I need to know when a client disconnects -> eof )

 [2002-03-12 21:48 UTC] sean at caedmon dot net
Oops. Regarding my previous comment:

line 968 reads "what = zend_fetch_resource(socket TSRMLS_CC, -1, "File-Handle", &type, 1, le_socket);" in CVS, not what I posted above...

 [2002-03-18 15:26 UTC]
Could you try this with a current CVS snapshot?
The file/socket layer has been rewritten so this
should be fixed.

 [2002-03-18 15:27 UTC]
PS: Go for the most recent snap you can find, or better
yet, actually check it out from CVS.
--Wez. :-)
 [2002-03-19 13:24 UTC] sean at caedmon dot net
CVS Date: 2002.03.18 (afternoon EST)
socket_get_status has a return value now, but it still is incorrect. I'm wary of posting code here, because I don't want to present the image of asking for support, but in fact, socket_get_status is not returning a proper value.

socket_get_status now complains about invalid file-handle resource (when the passed resource is a socket resource -- I haven't tried this with an actual file resource (although, that would seem useless)). 

Attached is the code I used to determine this.


$ip   = "localhost";
$port = "10000";

$listenSock = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
socket_bind($listenSock, $ip, $port);
socket_listen($listenSock, 0);

$connected = false;

while (!$connected) {
    $msgSock = @socket_accept($listenSock);
    $connected = is_resource($msgSock);

echo "connected...\n";

for($i=1; $i<=300; $i++) {              // ~5 minutes
    socket_write($msgSock, ".", 1);     // send ".";
    echo ".";
    $status = socket_get_status($listenSock);
note: to get the code to break out of the while loop, connect to localhost on port 10000 (nc[or telnet] localhost 10000) in another terminal.
Here is my terminal log (terminal of the executing sock2.php):
sean@adnagaporp:~/php-dev/php4$ ./php -q ~/httpd/site/dev/sockets/sock2.php
.<br />
<b>Warning</b>:  socket_get_status(): supplied resource is not a valid File-Handle resource in <b>/home/sean/httpd/site/dev/sockets/sock2.php</b> on line <b>26</b><br />
.<br />
<b>Warning</b>:  socket_get_status(): supplied resource is not a valid File-Handle resource in <b>/home/sean/httpd/site/dev/sockets/sock2.php</b> on line <b>26</b><br />
.<br />
 [2002-04-12 22:12 UTC]
socket_get_status does not work with sockets from the sockets extension.
I've updated the docs in CVS.
You need to use something like socket_select() to check
the socket status.
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