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Bug #14013 ocibindbyname strips trailing spaces
Submitted: 2001-11-11 03:28 UTC Modified: 2004-04-07 08:39 UTC
Avg. Score:4.8 ± 0.4
Reproduced:4 of 4 (100.0%)
Same Version:0 (0.0%)
Same OS:0 (0.0%)
From: az at i7 dot com dot au Assigned:
Status: Closed Package: OCI8 related
PHP Version: 4.0.6 OS: Linux 2.2, Solaris 2.6
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
 [2001-11-11 03:28 UTC] az at i7 dot com dot au
When inserting text using named binds, PHP will strip trailing spaces. The same query on the same database using the same Oracle client libraries. (All Oracle 8.1.6)

$db = ocilogon("u", "p", "sid");
$st = ociparse($db, "insert into test values (:id, :text)");
ocibindbyname($st, ":text", &$text, 2000);
ocibindbyname($st, ":id", &$id, 22);
$text = "  this line has spaces   ";
$node_id = 666;


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 [2001-11-11 06:49 UTC] az at i7 dot com dot au
Erm, yeah, that's supposed to be '$id = 666;'.
 [2002-04-13 08:58 UTC]
try storing in a varchar2 firld, if you use CHAR oracle will trim traing spaces.

 [2003-01-31 09:36 UTC] jens dot reibiger at rp dot vaw dot com
It seems, that I have the same problem using PHP 4.3.0 on Apache 1.3.22 with Oracle 8.1.7:

When I use a OciBindByName, the string is trimed at the end. This small program uses the DUAL from Oracle just to return the input: 

  $conn = OciLogon ("x","y","z");
  $val = " X X ";  // last letter is a " " (blank)

  // direct way without a bind variable
  $stm1 = OciParse($conn, "select '".$val."' from dual");
  echo "<b>", OciResult($stm1, 1), "</b><br>\n";

  // now using a bind variable:
  $stm2 = OciParse($conn, "select :input from dual");
  OciBindByName($stm2, ":input", &$val, 10);
  echo "<b>", OciResult($stm2, 1), "</b><br>\n";


The output is:

  <b> X X </b><br>
  <b> X X</b><br>

But I want to get the same output for the direct way and when I use a bind variable. 

Thank you for any idea how to get the string with tailing spaces right into Oracle using a bind variable.

Best wishes,
 [2003-08-18 11:49 UTC] m dot ford at lmu dot ac dot uk
There still doesn't seem to be a satisfactory explanation posted here, and it's still Open, so could someone please address the salient issue:

If the database column is defined as VARCHAR2, why does this strip trailing blanks on the inserted value:

$text = "  this line has spaces   ";
$st = ociparse($db, "insert into test values (:text)");
ocibindbyname($st, ":text", &$text, 2000);

whilst this does not:

$text = "  this line has spaces   ";
$st = ociparse($db, "insert into test values '$text')");
 [2003-08-18 11:52 UTC] m dot ford at lmu dot ac dot uk
My mistake -- it's Closed, not Open ("green means Closed, green means Closed!"), but, to my mind, still without satisfactory explanation.

 [2003-12-09 12:38 UTC] russ at iris dot washington dot edu
I also wonder why this is closed.
Just encountered a simpler case:

I cannot select using this field:


those records which have '  ' (two spaces) for
that LOCATION's value. Non-space values work fine.
Interactive SQLPLUS confirms those rows do exist.

Oracle 8
PHP 4.3.1
Solaris SunOS dmc 5.7 sun4u sparc SUNW,Ultra-Enterprise
 [2004-02-02 04:00 UTC]
Guys, I realize the explanation for the closure wasn't very good, but it is correct.  For some reason the underlying Oracle OCI call strips trailing spaces on a bind but not on a regular insert/update on a varchar2 field.  You would have to ask Oracle to explain why.

Read the VARCHAR2 section of this URL:
 [2004-04-07 08:33 UTC] m dot ford at lmu dot ac dot uk
Thanks, Rasmus -- very informative reference.

I see that if you specify your bind variable as external datatype SQLT_CHR, trailing spaces are indeed stripped, so this is presumably what PHP is using at the moment.  However, there are other SQLT_ types where this stripping is not performed, and I wonder if there is any chance that one of these could be used instead.  In particular, the external datatype SQLT_STR utilizes a C-style null-terminated string -- I don't know enough about PHP internals to know if this would be easy to manage or not, or if there would be a bad performance hit, but as we seem to have a fairly active OCI maintenance team at the moment, perhaps someone could look into it?


 [2004-04-07 08:39 UTC]
I'll look into it, but it's not a PHP problem indeed.
That's how OCI works. 
Just don't bind text variables if you don't want to strip trailing spaces.
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