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Bug #13490 Semaphores don't release automatically
Submitted: 2001-09-28 19:03 UTC Modified: 2002-01-14 07:42 UTC
Avg. Score:5.0 ± 0.0
Reproduced:2 of 2 (100.0%)
Same Version:2 (100.0%)
Same OS:0 (0.0%)
From: m at savich dot ru Assigned:
Status: Closed Package: Semaphore related
PHP Version: 4.0.6 OS: FreeBSD 4.1.1
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
 [2001-09-28 19:03 UTC] m at savich dot ru
simplest script:
$id = sem_get(0xff03e3);

'./configure' '--with-apxs=/usr/local/apache/bin/apxs' '--with-mysql' '--enable-sysvsem' '--enable-sysvshm' '--enable-track-vars' '--enable-sockets'

When i run that script for the first time, warning doesnt appear, as it is described in manual. All the other calls hang apache processes without any chance for semaphore to unlock.
However, if i try such variant:

$id = sem_get(0xff03e3);

everything works perfectly for single calls, but when I run my crash-test, which calls the php script 200 times at once, it hangs the semaphore again and many apache processes stay frozen.

I think, the reason is incorrect request finalization.


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 [2002-01-13 08:35 UTC]
This is intended behaviour. This is how semaphores work. =)
Use sem_remove() to remove semaphores.
 [2002-01-13 14:52 UTC] m at savich dot ru
"After processing a request, any semaphores acquired by the process but not explicitly released will be released automatically and a warning will be generated."

Therefore, it is NOT intended behaviour, because in my situation semaphores DON'T release automatically. And any failure in php script causes apache to hang up in few seconds, because semaphore is acquired by dead script and all other instances can't work. This really is bug. :-(
 [2002-01-13 20:27 UTC]
My bad. Re-opened.
 [2002-01-14 02:29 UTC]
Is this reproducable on 4.1.1?
 [2002-01-14 07:37 UTC] m at savich dot ru
Checked on FreeBSD 4.4 with PHP 4.1.0 - it works!
 [2002-01-14 07:42 UTC]
-> Closed.
 [2002-05-28 23:28 UTC] catoc at 163 dot net
In redhat 7.2 php-4.2.1 , have this problem too.
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