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Bug #76601 Partially working php-fpm ater incomplete reload
Submitted: 2018-07-10 02:28 UTC Modified: 2020-01-12 16:44 UTC
Avg. Score:4.3 ± 0.9
Reproduced:4 of 4 (100.0%)
Same Version:1 (25.0%)
Same OS:0 (0.0%)
From: mnikulin at plesk dot com Assigned: bukka (profile)
Status: Closed Package: FPM related
PHP Version: 7.0.30 OS: Linux, Ubuntu-16.04
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
 [2018-07-10 02:28 UTC] mnikulin at plesk dot com
I caught php-fpm in a weird state while I was trying to look closer at another issue (#74083 "master PHP-fpm is stopped on multiple reloads"). The aim is to check stability when several requests for reload (kill -USR2) arrive in parallel. In my case PHP-FPM process failed into partially working state.

Likely it is hard to reproduce the same state. In my opinion even completely died  process is not so terrible due to killed service is easier to notice.

php-fpm: Installed: 1:7.0+35ubuntu6.1
ubuntu default "www" dynamic pool with pm.start_servers = 2
~30 other on-demand pools

Test script:
for i in {1..10} ; do ( systemctl reload php7.0-fpm ; echo "$i status $?" ; ) & done

Expected result:
Signals (SIGUSR1, SIGUSR2, SIGQUIT, SIGTERM) are properly masked while critical operations at initialization and shutdown stages are performed. So daemon is running after reload request (SIGUSR2), it reloads configuration and is responsive to requests on all configured sockets.

Actual result:
- PHP-FPM daemon is running.
- Requests handled by most of the pools fail with 502 code.
- Previously configured sockets are open.
- "www" pool is working, however no new children are spawn in response to increased load.
- The only result of more attempts to reload are additional "[06-Jul-2018 12:06:34] NOTICE: Reloading in progress ..." log entries.
- Changes in configuration files are ignored (e.g. no new sockets become open).

ps xauwf
root     15007  0.0  3.2 368532 32976 ?        Ss   Jul05   0:05 php-fpm: master process (/etc/php/7.0/fpm/php-fpm.conf)
www-data  7535  0.0  0.6 368292  6668 ?        S    11:17   0:00  \_ php-fpm: pool www
www-data  7539  0.0  0.6 368292  6668 ?        S    11:17   0:00  \_ php-fpm: pool www

systemd is regularly notified
epoll_wait(39, [], 301, 553)            = 0
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {89876, 465329966}) = 0
getsockopt(40, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, [212992], [4]) = 0
setsockopt(40, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUFFORCE, [8388608], 4) = 0
sendmsg(40, {msg_name(21)={sa_family=AF_LOCAL, sun_path="/run/systemd/notify"}, msg_iov(1)=[{"READY=1\nSTATUS=Processes active:"..., 84}], msg_controllen=0, msg_flags=0}, MSG_NOSIGNAL) = 84
close(40)                               = 0
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {89876, 467799731}) = 0

Attempt to reload once more:
12:01:53.155389 clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {90970, 718593604}) = 0
12:01:53.155618 epoll_wait(39, 0x562314725f70, 301, 338) = -1 EINTR (Interrupted system call)
12:01:53.290441 --- SIGUSR2 {si_signo=SIGUSR2, si_code=SI_USER, si_pid=8841, si_uid=0} ---
12:01:53.290519 write(7, "2", 1)        = 1
12:01:53.290626 rt_sigreturn({mask=[]}) = -1 EINTR (Interrupted system call)
12:01:53.290762 clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {90970, 853986574}) = 0
12:01:53.291297 clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {90970, 854429547}) = 0
12:01:53.291401 clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {90970, 854526970}) = 0
12:01:53.291499 epoll_wait(39, [{EPOLLIN, {u32=331364736, u64=94708655208832}}], 301, 203) = 1
12:01:53.291600 read(6, "2", 1)         = 1
12:01:53.291712 gettimeofday({1530856913, 291798}, NULL) = 0
12:01:53.291867 write(5, "[06-Jul-2018 12:01:53] NOTICE: R"..., 57) = 57
12:01:53.292071 read(6, 0x7ffee5c6fd77, 1) = -1 EAGAIN (Resource temporarily unavailable)
12:01:53.292511 clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {90970, 855637928}) = 0
12:01:53.292618 clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {90970, 855745156}) = 0
12:01:53.291297 clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {90970, 854429547}) = 0
12:01:53.291401 clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {90970, 854526970}) = 0
12:01:53.291499 epoll_wait(39, [{EPOLLIN, {u32=331364736, u64=94708655208832}}], 301, 203) = 1
12:01:53.291600 read(6, "2", 1)         = 1
12:01:53.291712 gettimeofday({1530856913, 291798}, NULL) = 0
12:01:53.291867 write(5, "[06-Jul-2018 12:01:53] NOTICE: R"..., 57) = 57
12:01:53.292071 read(6, 0x7ffee5c6fd77, 1) = -1 EAGAIN (Resource temporarily unavailable)
12:01:53.292511 clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {90970, 855637928}) = 0

Internally it is in the reload state
(gdb) p fpm_state
$1 = 2

There was an attempt to send SIGTERM to all children, but SIGKILL was not sent for some reason:
(gdb) p fpm_signal_sent
$2 = 15

www pool is in the list, child count and their PIDs are correct
(gdb) p fpm_globals.running_children
$3 = 2
(gdb) p *$pwww
$37 = {next = 0x0, config = 0x562314721a40, user = 0x5623147247b0 "www-data", home = 0x5623147247d0 "/var/www", listen_address_domain = FPM_AF_UNIX, listening_socket = 38, set_uid = 33, set_gid = 33, socket_uid = 33, socket_gid = 33,
  socket_mode = 432, children = 0x562314727bc0, running_children = 2, idle_spawn_rate = 1, warn_max_children = 0, scoreboard = 0x7f8587748000, log_fd = -1, limit_extensions = 0x562314721ec0, ondemand_event = 0x0, socket_event_set = 0}
(gdb) p *$pwww->children
$38 = {prev = 0x0, next = 0x562314727ac0, started = {tv_sec = 88316, tv_usec = 284870}, wp = 0x5623147219b0, ev_stdout = {fd = 0, timeout = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0}, frequency = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0}, callback = 0x0, arg = 0x0,
    flags = 0, index = 0, which = 0}, ev_stderr = {fd = 0, timeout = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0}, frequency = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0}, callback = 0x0, arg = 0x0, flags = 0, index = 0, which = 0}, shm_slot_i = 0, fd_stdout = -1,
  fd_stderr = -1, tracer = 0x0, slow_logged = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0}, idle_kill = 0, pid = 7539, scoreboard_i = 1}
(gdb) p *$pwww->children->next
$39 = {prev = 0x562314727bc0, next = 0x0, started = {tv_sec = 88316, tv_usec = 284478}, wp = 0x5623147219b0, ev_stdout = {fd = 0, timeout = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0}, frequency = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0}, callback = 0x0, arg = 0x0,
    flags = 0, index = 0, which = 0}, ev_stderr = {fd = 0, timeout = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0}, frequency = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0}, callback = 0x0, arg = 0x0, flags = 0, index = 0, which = 0}, shm_slot_i = 0, fd_stdout = -1,
  fd_stderr = -1, tracer = 0x0, slow_logged = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0}, idle_kill = 0, pid = 7535, scoreboard_i = 0}

pctl_event has some reasonable values of its fields, not trash

$40 = {fd = -1, timeout = {tv_sec = 88317, tv_usec = 284972}, frequency = {tv_sec = 1, tv_usec = 0}, callback = 0x5623138b8580 <fpm_pctl_action>, arg = 0x0, flags = 0, index = -1, which = 1}

However this handler is not in the timer queue
(gdb) p *fpm_event_queue_timer
$43 = {prev = 0x0, next = 0x562314727ce0, ev = 0x562313c03d00 <heartbeat>}
(gdb) p *fpm_event_queue_timer->next
$44 = {prev = 0x562314727d50, next = 0x0, ev = 0x562313c03a80 <heartbeat>}
(gdb) p *fpm_event_queue_timer->ev
$45 = {fd = -1, timeout = {tv_sec = 347438, tv_usec = 829245}, frequency = {tv_sec = 10, tv_usec = 0}, callback = 0x5623138bea40 <fpm_systemd_heartbeat>, arg = 0x0, flags = 4, index = -1, which = 1}
(gdb) p *fpm_event_queue_timer->next->ev
$46 = {fd = -1, timeout = {tv_sec = 347430, tv_usec = 49454}, frequency = {tv_sec = 1, tv_usec = 0}, callback = 0x5623138b85a0 <fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance_heartbeat>, arg = 0x0, flags = 4, index = -1, which = 1}

I have not found any obvious place where a system call can be interrupted in such way that next timer is not arranged. I do not see a way to remove an event from the queue without firing the scheduled handler at first as well. It is quite strange that SIGKILL was not send to the running children.

It is really terrible that systemd believes that fpm service is a healthy state and it is even worser that some pools serve incoming request. It is hard to detect such case, looks like all pools have to be checked otherwise some sites may stop working. Reload does not cure the problem, restart is required and it has to be diagnosed somehow.


php-76601_kill-not-rescheduled_7.2.11_2018-09-28.patch (last revision 2018-10-16 04:34 UTC by mnikulin at plesk dot com)
php-fpm-76601-avoid-child-ignorance_7.2.11_2018-09-28.patch (last revision 2018-10-16 04:32 UTC by mnikulin at plesk dot com)
php-76601_kill-not-rescheduled_2018-07-11.patch (last revision 2018-07-11 08:09 UTC by mnikulin at plesk dot com)

Pull Requests

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 [2018-07-10 10:53 UTC] mnikulin at plesk dot com
Debug logs from a similar incident

[10-Jul-2018 17:17:29.169525] NOTICE: pid 32007, fpm_sockets_init_main(), line 349: using inherited socket fd=37, "/run/php/php7.0-fpm.sock"
[10-Jul-2018 17:17:29.169525] NOTICE: pid 32007, fpm_sockets_init_main(), line 349: using inherited socket fd=37, "/run/php/php7.0-fpm.sock"
[10-Jul-2018 17:17:29.171013] DEBUG: pid 32007, fpm_event_init_main(), line 342: event module is epoll and 301 fds have been reserved
[10-Jul-2018 17:17:29.171170] NOTICE: pid 32007, fpm_init(), line 85: fpm is running, pid 32007
[10-Jul-2018 17:17:29.171538] DEBUG: pid 32007, fpm_children_make(), line 421: [pool www] child 32047 started
[10-Jul-2018 17:17:29.171768] DEBUG: pid 32007, fpm_children_make(), line 421: [pool www] child 32048 started
[10-Jul-2018 17:17:29.171831] DEBUG: pid 32007, fpm_event_loop(), line 371: 186000 bytes have been reserved in SHM
[10-Jul-2018 17:17:29.171871] NOTICE: pid 32007, fpm_event_loop(), line 372: ready to handle connections
[10-Jul-2018 17:17:29.174339] DEBUG: pid 32007, fpm_systemd_heartbeat(), line 68: have notify start to systemd
[10-Jul-2018 17:17:29.174535] NOTICE: pid 32007, fpm_systemd_heartbeat(), line 75: systemd monitor interval set to 10000ms
[10-Jul-2018 17:17:29.174628] DEBUG: pid 32007, fpm_got_signal(), line 112: received SIGUSR2
[10-Jul-2018 17:17:29.174681] NOTICE: pid 32007, fpm_got_signal(), line 113: Reloading in progress ...
[10-Jul-2018 17:17:29.174732] DEBUG: pid 32007, fpm_pctl(), line 234: switching to 'reloading' state
[10-Jul-2018 17:17:29.174790] DEBUG: pid 32007, fpm_pctl_kill_all(), line 162: [pool www] sending signal 3 SIGQUIT to child 32048
[10-Jul-2018 17:17:29.174840] DEBUG: pid 32007, fpm_pctl_kill_all(), line 162: [pool www] sending signal 3 SIGQUIT to child 32047
[10-Jul-2018 17:17:29.174887] DEBUG: pid 32007, fpm_pctl_kill_all(), line 171: 2 child(ren) still alive
[10-Jul-2018 17:17:29.174935] DEBUG: pid 32007, fpm_got_signal(), line 112: received SIGUSR2
[10-Jul-2018 17:17:29.174980] NOTICE: pid 32007, fpm_got_signal(), line 113: Reloading in progress ...
[10-Jul-2018 17:17:29.175025] DEBUG: pid 32007, fpm_event_loop(), line 424: event module triggered 1 events
[10-Jul-2018 17:17:29.176463] DEBUG: pid 32007, fpm_pctl_kill_all(), line 162: [pool www] sending signal 15 SIGTERM to child 32048
[10-Jul-2018 17:17:29.176504] DEBUG: pid 32007, fpm_pctl_kill_all(), line 162: [pool www] sending signal 15 SIGTERM to child 32047
[10-Jul-2018 17:17:29.176510] DEBUG: pid 32007, fpm_pctl_kill_all(), line 171: 2 child(ren) still alive
[10-Jul-2018 17:17:29.186320] DEBUG: pid 32007, fpm_got_signal(), line 112: received SIGUSR2
[10-Jul-2018 17:17:29.186506] NOTICE: pid 32007, fpm_got_signal(), line 113: Reloading in progress ...
[10-Jul-2018 17:17:29.186601] DEBUG: pid 32007, fpm_event_loop(), line 424: event module triggered 1 events 
[10-Jul-2018 17:17:29.197708] DEBUG: pid 32007, fpm_got_signal(), line 112: received SIGUSR2
[10-Jul-2018 17:17:29.197735] NOTICE: pid 32007, fpm_got_signal(), line 113: Reloading in progress ...
[10-Jul-2018 17:17:29.197741] DEBUG: pid 32007, fpm_event_loop(), line 424: event module triggered 1 events
 [2018-07-11 08:24 UTC] mnikulin at plesk dot com
I have traced down a part of the problem. SIGKILL is not sent to FPM workers at all.

The open question is why SIGQUIT and SIGTERM are not enough sometimes.
Maybe kill() of a child is interrupted by SIGUSR2 received by the master
process and check for EINTR is required after the kill() call.

Missed SIGQUIT and SIGTERM are hardly can be desirable, but ensuring
SIGKILL delivery allows to avoid process stuck in some intermediate
semi-functional state.

The problem is that SIGTERM and SIGKILL share the same fpm_event_s structure
and scheduled through the same event queue. The handler is invoked
synchronously and it is unable to reschedule itself

fpm_process_ctl.c:202 static void fpm_pctl_action_next()

due to

fpm_events.c:156 static int fpm_event_queue_add()
        if (fpm_event_queue_isset(*queue, ev)) {
                return 0;

The timer is removed from the queue *after* completion of the handler

fpm_events.c:440 void fpm_event_loop()
                                        } else { /* delete the event */

Possible solution is to mark the event as persistent (see the patch).
It helps even in the case when some signals from previous iteration
are not delivered, the cost is another second before reexec.

With the patch from
PHP-FPM becomes immune to SIGUSR2 flood.
 [2018-07-12 03:11 UTC] mnikulin at plesk dot com
SIGQUIT and SIGTERM may be missed by children just after reload due to

fpm_signals.c:169 static void sig_handler()
	if (fpm_globals.parent_pid != getpid()) {
		/* prevent a signal race condition when child process
			have not set up it's own signal handler yet */

Looks like this measure is not a solution for all cases. sigprocmask() SIG_BLOCK/SIG_UNBLOCK may be added around the fork() call to

fpm_children.c:400 int fpm_children_make()
		pid = fork();
 [2018-10-16 04:47 UTC] mnikulin at plesk dot com
I have added another patch that blocks signal delivery during child initialization. It depends on the patch for #74083.

Patch php-76601_kill-not-rescheduled_7.2.11_2018-09-28.patch is required.
Patch php-fpm-76601-avoid-child-ignorance_7.2.11_2018-09-28.patch
is intended to stop children more gently in the case of concurrent reload.
Actually any of them fixes #76601 but I suppose that it is better
to avoid both problems.

With kill-not-rescheduled patch I am unable to reproduce
#76895 "PHP-FPM7.x can't finish reloading after encountering a fatal error"

These patches are for 7.2.11, can be cleanly applied for 7.1.23.
Quite trivial conflicts related to context lines exist
for 7.0.32 and for 5.6.38.
 [2019-02-04 08:56 UTC] emayoral at arsys dot es
Dear maintainers, please note this bug (and its solution provided by mnikulin at plesk dot com), applies to all versions from 7.1 to at least 7.3
 [2019-02-04 09:09 UTC]
-Status: Open +Status: Assigned -Assigned To: +Assigned To: bukka
 [2019-02-04 09:09 UTC]
@bukka: Are you familiar with the FPM signal handling code? This looks like something we should really fix and the patch at least looks reasonable to me.
 [2019-02-04 09:44 UTC] mnikulin at plesk dot com
Last week I was trying to write a test for Bug #76895 that is the easiest way to reproduce the case. I realized that the code that runs test suite does not force empty TEST_PHP_EXECUTABLE directory so if php is already installed to the prefix, ini files for modules may affect test results. I have not reproduce the issue in the build environment but "break/continue" is reproducible on test servers. The difference in modules/extensions and their configurations (sodium, etc.) and error reporting options. My current draft is

FPM: bug76895 bug77443 - child blocks reload
<?php include ""; ?>

require_once "";

$cfg = <<<EOT
error_log = {{FILE:LOG}}
pid = {{FILE:PID}}
listen = {{ADDR}}
pm = ondemand
pm.max_children = 5
pm.start_servers = 1
pm.min_spare_servers = 1
pm.max_spare_servers = 1
catch_workers_output = yes

$code = <<<EOT
\$variable = 'test';
if (!empty(\$variable)) {

$tester = new FPM\Tester($cfg, $code);
$tester->expectLogWarning('child \d+ said into stderr: "NOTICE: PHP message: PHP Fatal error:  \'break\' not in the \'loop\' or \'switch\' context in .* on line 4"', 'unconfined');
$tester->expectLogNotice('Reloading in progress ...');
$tester->expectLogNotice('reloading: .*');
$tester->expectLogNotice('using inherited socket fd=\d+, "\d+"');

require_once "";

Message body is actually not empty in build environment, message
pattern and output should be adjusted as well.

I am unsure if I will have time this week to proceed further, hope the draft might be useful for you.
 [2019-02-20 03:59 UTC] mnikulin at plesk dot com
As I said earlier, the easiest way to test
may be in the scope of Bug #76895. However I have realized that
to reproduce 76895 opcache must be enabled. I faced some
obstacles trying to implement such test

- PHP_INI_SCAN_DIR must be set to empty or invalid directory
  otherwise .ini files there (from already installed previous build)
  may change settings related error reporting and may lead
  to failed expectations in messages tests.
- It is necessary to explicitly load, so .ini file
  should be passed to php-fpm command.
- loading error must be ignored if it is not built.
- If built, must be loaded from build directory,
  and I have no idea now to obtain it.

I hope, somebody from PHP developers can solve such issues better than me.
Other reload failures are caused by races, so I am unsure it it is worth
to write tests that repeat actions many times due to such tests may lasts
quite long time.

I consider patches attached to this bug and to Bug #74083 as well tested
in production environment for php-5.6, and 7.0-7.3,
however the servers have mostly similar configuration.

I do not plan to work on the test further. My lates draft is

FPM: bug76895 bug77443 - child blocks reload
<?php include ""; ?>

require_once "";

$cfg = <<<EOT
error_log = {{FILE:LOG}}
pid = {{FILE:PID}}
listen = {{ADDR}}
pm = ondemand
pm.max_children = 5
pm.start_servers = 1
pm.min_spare_servers = 1
pm.max_spare_servers = 1

// TODO skip if opcache is not compiled
// TODO obtain build dir somehow
$cwd = getcwd();
$ini = <<<EOT
zend_extension = $cwd/build-fpm/modules/

$code = <<<EOT
\$variable = 'test';
if (!empty(\$variable)) {

// TODO It seems that does not allow custom php.ini even though file can be created
$iniFile = __DIR__ . '/.user.ini';
$tester = new FPM\Tester($cfg, $code);
$body = $tester->request()->getBody();
$expectedBody = "/^<br \\/>\n<b>Fatal error<\\/b>:  'break' not in the 'loop' or 'switch' context in <b>.*\.php<\\/b> on line <b>4<\\/b><br \\/>$/";
if (!preg_match($expectedBody, $body)) {
  echo 'ERROR: expected body ' . $expectedBody . "\n" . 'does not match actual body: ' . $body . "\n";
// Alternatively error may be suppressed in response and directed to log.
// $tester->expectLogWarning('child \d+ said into stderr: "NOTICE: PHP message: PHP Fatal error:  \'break\' not in the \'loop\' or \'switch\' context in .* on line 4"', 'unconfined');
$tester->expectLogNotice('Reloading in progress ...');
$tester->expectLogNotice('reloading: .*');
$tester->expectLogNotice('using inherited socket fd=\d+, "\d+"');

require_once "";
 [2019-02-24 17:04 UTC]
Sorry for the late reply! Finally got time to take a look. First of all thanks for the thorough analysis of the problem and all the patches!

The patches make sense from the first look but need to think about it more and do some testing.

In terms of the test, it needs some updates to the main tester to handle the main ini load (php-fpm -c). Ideally it could be generated for each run with options to extend it. It would be also good to have some helpers to quickly enable opcache as there are other issues that would make use of that. I have got an idea how to do it and will try to find some time to implement it. It would be really good to have this covered. It might help to minimize breaks to FPM that Opcache from time to time introduces.
 [2019-10-22 02:22 UTC] mnikulin at plesk dot com
The following pull request has been associated:

Patch Name: Do not let PHP-FPM children miss SIGTERM, SIGQUIT
On GitHub:
 [2019-10-22 07:36 UTC] mnikulin at plesk dot com
I have added a pull request with a test independent of opcache and Bug #76895. The only disadvantage that it takes 3-5 seconds in the case of success.
 [2020-01-12 16:44 UTC]
-Status: Assigned +Status: Closed
 [2020-01-12 16:44 UTC]
This issue should be fixed in 7.4.
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Last updated: Fri Mar 28 12:01:30 2025 UTC