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Bug #75035 Datetime fails to unserialize "extreme" dates
Submitted: 2017-08-04 13:18 UTC Modified: 2022-07-22 14:38 UTC
Avg. Score:4.0 ± 1.0
Reproduced:2 of 2 (100.0%)
Same Version:1 (50.0%)
Same OS:1 (50.0%)
From: weirdan at gmail dot com Assigned: derick (profile)
Status: Closed Package: Date/time related
PHP Version: 7.1.8 OS: Debian Linux / sid
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
 [2017-08-04 13:18 UTC] weirdan at gmail dot com
It appears that you can construct a DateTime object, that, upon serialize/unserialize cycle will have *different* data or will fail to unserialize.

Granted, these dates are outside the range people will typically use, but if DateTime can't work with them reliably it should reject them in constructor.

Test script:
var_dump('PHP version', PHP_VERSION);

foreach ([PHP_INT_MIN, PHP_INT_MAX] as $extreme) {
    $i = 64;
    while ($i --> 0) {
        $d = new DateTime('@' . ($extreme >> $i));
        $s = serialize($d);
        try {
            $u = unserialize($s);
        } catch (Error $e) {
            $u = "failed unserialization: " . $e->getMessage() . ' : ' . $s;
        $original = $d->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
        $serializedUnserialized = is_string($u) ? $u : $u->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
        if ($original !== $serializedUnserialized) {
            var_dump('[' . ($extreme >> $i) . '] ' . $original . ' => ' . $serializedUnserialized);

Expected result:
string(11) "PHP version"
string(5) "7.1.8"

Actual result:
string(11) "PHP version"
string(5) "7.1.8"
string(60) "[-549755813888] -15452-12-06 11:41:52 => 2002-12-06 11:41:52"
string(61) "[-1099511627776] -32873-11-12 23:23:44 => 1973-11-12 23:23:44"
string(61) "[-2199023255552] -67715-09-22 22:47:28 => 0715-09-22 22:47:28"
string(62) "[-4398046511104] -137399-06-15 21:34:56 => 0399-06-15 21:34:56"
string(62) "[-8796093022208] -276768-11-27 19:09:52 => 6768-11-27 19:09:52"
string(63) "[-17592186044416] -555505-10-25 14:19:44 => 0505-10-25 14:19:44"
string(64) "[-35184372088832] -1112979-08-20 04:39:28 => 0979-08-20 04:39:28"
string(64) "[-70368744177664] -2227927-04-07 09:18:56 => 0927-04-07 09:18:56"
string(65) "[-140737488355328] -4457824-07-13 18:37:52 => 7824-07-13 18:37:52"
string(65) "[-281474976710656] -8917617-01-25 13:15:44 => 2007-01-25 13:15:44"
string(66) "[-562949953421312] -17837204-02-19 02:31:28 => 2004-02-19 02:31:28"
string(67) "[-1125899906842624] -35676378-04-08 05:02:56 => 2008-04-08 05:02:56"
string(67) "[-2251799813685248] -71354726-07-14 10:05:52 => 2006-07-14 10:05:52"
string(245) "[-4503599627370496] -142711421-01-25 20:11:44 => failed unserialization: Invalid serialization data for DateTime object : O:8:"DateTime":3:{s:4:"date";s:32:"-142711421-01-25 20:11:44.000000";s:13:"timezone_type";i:1;s:8:"timezone";s:6:"+00:00";}"
string(68) "[-9007199254740992] -285424812-02-20 16:23:28 => 0812-02-20 16:23:28"
string(246) "[-18014398509481984] -570851594-04-11 08:46:56 => failed unserialization: Invalid serialization data for DateTime object : O:8:"DateTime":3:{s:4:"date";s:32:"-570851594-04-11 08:46:56.000000";s:13:"timezone_type";i:1;s:8:"timezone";s:6:"+00:00";}"
string(70) "[-36028797018963968] -1141705158-07-20 17:33:52 => 2058-07-20 17:33:52"
string(248) "[-72057594037927936] -2283412285-02-07 11:07:44 => failed unserialization: Invalid serialization data for DateTime object : O:8:"DateTime":3:{s:4:"date";s:33:"-2283412285-02-07 11:07:44.000000";s:13:"timezone_type";i:1;s:8:"timezone";s:6:"+00:00";}"
string(71) "[-144115188075855872] -4566826540-03-15 22:15:28 => 0540-03-15 22:15:28"
string(249) "[-288230376151711744] -9133655050-05-29 20:30:56 => failed unserialization: Invalid serialization data for DateTime object : O:8:"DateTime":3:{s:4:"date";s:33:"-9133655050-05-29 20:30:56.000000";s:13:"timezone_type";i:1;s:8:"timezone";s:6:"+00:00";}"
string(251) "[-576460752303423488] -18267312070-10-26 17:01:52 => failed unserialization: Invalid serialization data for DateTime object : O:8:"DateTime":3:{s:4:"date";s:34:"-18267312070-10-26 17:01:52.000000";s:13:"timezone_type";i:1;s:8:"timezone";s:6:"+00:00";}"
string(252) "[-1152921504606846976] -36534626109-08-20 10:03:44 => failed unserialization: Invalid serialization data for DateTime object : O:8:"DateTime":3:{s:4:"date";s:34:"-36534626109-08-20 10:03:44.000000";s:13:"timezone_type";i:1;s:8:"timezone";s:6:"+00:00";}"
string(73) "[-2305843009213693952] -73069254187-04-08 20:07:28 => 4187-04-08 20:07:28"
string(254) "[-4611686018427387904] -146138510344-07-14 16:14:56 => failed unserialization: Invalid serialization data for DateTime object : O:8:"DateTime":3:{s:4:"date";s:35:"-146138510344-07-14 16:14:56.000000";s:13:"timezone_type";i:1;s:8:"timezone";s:6:"+00:00";}"
string(254) "[-9223372036854775808] -292277022657-01-27 08:29:53 => failed unserialization: Invalid serialization data for DateTime object : O:8:"DateTime":3:{s:4:"date";s:35:"-292277022657-01-27 08:29:53.000000";s:13:"timezone_type";i:1;s:8:"timezone";s:6:"+00:00";}"
string(58) "[274877906943] 10680-07-14 06:09:03 => 2000-07-14 06:09:03"
string(230) "[549755813887] 19391-01-25 12:18:07 => failed unserialization: Invalid serialization data for DateTime object : O:8:"DateTime":3:{s:4:"date";s:27:"19391-01-25 12:18:07.000000";s:13:"timezone_type";i:1;s:8:"timezone";s:6:"+00:00";}"
string(59) "[1099511627775] 36812-02-20 00:36:15 => 2002-02-20 00:36:15"
string(59) "[2199023255551] 71654-04-10 01:12:31 => 2004-04-10 01:12:31"
string(233) "[4398046511103] 141338-07-19 02:25:03 => failed unserialization: Invalid serialization data for DateTime object : O:8:"DateTime":3:{s:4:"date";s:28:"141338-07-19 02:25:03.000000";s:13:"timezone_type";i:1;s:8:"timezone";s:6:"+00:00";}"
string(60) "[8796093022207] 280707-02-04 04:50:07 => 2007-02-04 04:50:07"
string(61) "[17592186044415] 559444-03-08 09:40:15 => 2044-03-08 09:40:15"
string(236) "[35184372088831] 1116918-05-14 19:20:31 => failed unserialization: Invalid serialization data for DateTime object : O:8:"DateTime":3:s:4:"date";s:29:"1116918-05-14 19:20:31.000000";s:13:"timezone_type";i:1;s:8:"timezone";s:6:"+00:00";}"
string(236) "[70368744177663] 2231866-09-25 14:41:03 => failed unserialization: Invalid serialization data for DateTime object : O:8:"DateTime":3:s:4:"date";s:29:"2231866-09-25 14:41:03.000000";s:13:"timezone_type";i:1;s:8:"timezone";s:6:"+00:00";}"
string(63) "[140737488355327] 4461763-06-20 05:22:07 => 0763-06-20 05:22:07"
string(63) "[281474976710655] 8921556-12-07 10:44:15 => 0556-12-07 10:44:15"
string(239) "[562949953421311] 17841143-11-13 21:28:31 => failed unserialization: Invalid serialization data for DateTime object : O:8:"DateTime":3:s:4:"date";s:30:"17841143-11-13 21:28:31.000000";s:13:"timezone_type";i:1;s:8:"timezone";s:6:"+00:00";}"
string(240) "[1125899906842623] 35680317-09-25 18:57:03 => failed unserialization: Invalid serialization data for DateTime object : O:8:"DateTime":3:s:4:"date";s:30:"35680317-09-25 18:57:03.000000";s:13:"timezone_type";i:1;s:8:"timezone";s:6:"+00:00";}"
string(65) "[2251799813685247] 71358665-06-19 13:54:07 => 8665-06-19 13:54:07"
string(242) "[4503599627370495] 142715360-12-06 03:48:15 => failed unserialization: Invalid serialization data for DateTime object : O:8:"DateTime":3:s:4:"date";s:31:"142715360-12-06 03:48:15.000000";s:13:"timezone_type";i:1;s:8:"timezone";s:6:"+00:00";}"
string(242) "[9007199254740991] 285428751-11-12 07:36:31 => failed unserialization: Invalid serialization data for DateTime object : O:8:"DateTime":3:s:4:"date";s:31:"285428751-11-12 07:36:31.000000";s:13:"timezone_type";i:1;s:8:"timezone";s:6:"+00:00";}"
string(67) "[18014398509481983] 570855533-09-22 15:13:03 => 2003-09-22 15:13:03"
string(245) "[36028797018963967] 1141709097-06-13 06:26:07 => failed unserialization: Invalid serialization data for DateTime object : O:8:"DateTime":3:s:4:"date";s:32:"1141709097-06-13 06:26:07.000000";s:13:"timezone_type";i:1;s:8:"timezone";s:6:"+00:00";}"
string(68) "[72057594037927935] 2283416224-11-24 12:52:15 => 2024-11-24 12:52:15"
string(69) "[144115188075855871] 4566830479-10-18 01:44:31 => 1979-10-18 01:44:31"
string(69) "[288230376151711743] 9133658989-08-04 03:29:03 => 1989-08-04 03:29:03"
string(248) "[576460752303423487] 18267316009-03-08 06:58:07 => failed unserialization: Invalid serialization data for DateTime object : O:8:"DateTime":3:s:4:"date";s:33:"18267316009-03-08 06:58:07.000000";s:13:"timezone_type";i:1;s:8:"timezone";s:6:"+00:00";}"
string(249) "[1152921504606846975] 36534630048-05-13 13:56:15 => failed unserialization: Invalid serialization data for DateTime object : O:8:"DateTime":3:s:4:"date";s:33:"36534630048-05-13 13:56:15.000000";s:13:"timezone_type";i:1;s:8:"timezone";s:6:"+00:00";}"
string(249) "[2305843009213693951] 73069258126-09-25 03:52:31 => failed unserialization: Invalid serialization data for DateTime object : O:8:"DateTime":3:s:4:"date";s:33:"73069258126-09-25 03:52:31.000000";s:13:"timezone_type";i:1;s:8:"timezone";s:6:"+00:00";}"
string(72) "[4611686018427387903] 146138514283-06-19 07:45:03 => 4283-06-19 07:45:03"
string(72) "[9223372036854775807] 292277026596-12-04 15:30:07 => 6596-12-04 15:30:07"


Pull Requests


AllCommentsChangesGit/SVN commitsRelated reports
 [2017-08-04 15:18 UTC] weirdan at gmail dot com
7.2.0beta2 is also affected, with the exact same output
 [2017-08-04 16:50 UTC] weirdan at gmail dot com
This also affects string parsing in constructor:

$ php -r '$q = new DateTime("292277026596-12-04 15:30:07", new DateTimeZone("UTC")); var_dump($q);'

class DateTime#1 (3) {
  public $date =>
  string(26) "6596-12-04 15:30:07.000000"
  public $timezone_type =>
  public $timezone =>
  string(3) "UTC"
 [2017-08-05 07:24 UTC]
This patch fixes the issue:

However it is also at odds with the fix for bug #62852, which asserts that a 5-digit year should fail to unserialize[0]. This seems wrong for 2 reasons: (1) We already construct (via `'@%d'` format), serialize, and `date`-format 5+ digit years, and (2) ISO 8601 allows for 5+ digit years if the sender and receiver agree upon the format.

 [2017-08-05 17:04 UTC] weirdan at gmail dot com
Also, documentation[1] says:

> The date and time information is internally stored as a 64-bit number so all conceivably useful dates (including negative years) are supported. The range is from about 292 billion years in the past to the same in the future.

 [2017-08-05 17:20 UTC] weirdan at gmail dot com
> However it is also at odds with the fix for bug #62852, which asserts that a 5-digit year should fail to unserialize

It doesn't fail *all* 5-digits years though (just mangles the data), see this output line (the number in square brackets is the timestamp, to aid with reproduction):

string(59) "[1099511627775] 36812-02-20 00:36:15 => 2002-02-20 00:36:15"
 [2021-06-29 16:09 UTC] ganbayar dot gansukh at kellpro dot com
Experiencing same bug on 7.4.19
 [2022-07-22 14:38 UTC]
-Status: Open +Status: Closed -Assigned To: +Assigned To: derick
 [2022-07-22 14:38 UTC]
The fix for this bug has been committed.
If you are still experiencing this bug, try to check out latest source from and re-test.
Thank you for the report, and for helping us make PHP better.
PHP Copyright © 2001-2025 The PHP Group
All rights reserved.
Last updated: Wed Mar 12 15:01:30 2025 UTC