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Request #71003 Expose MYSQLI_CLIENT_SSL_DONT_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT to PDO interface
Submitted: 2015-11-30 23:43 UTC Modified: 2016-05-18 17:52 UTC
Avg. Score:4.8 ± 0.6
Reproduced:28 of 28 (100.0%)
Same Version:15 (53.6%)
Same OS:10 (35.7%)
From: tmatsuo at google dot com Assigned: andrey (profile)
Status: Closed Package: PDO MySQL
PHP Version: 5.6.16 OS:
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
 [2015-11-30 23:43 UTC] tmatsuo at google dot com
According to the bug #68344, with PHP 5.6.16, you can ignore the peer name verification upon establishing the connection. This is great, however according to, this option is not exposed to PDO interface.

Please provide a way to specify MYSQLI_CLIENT_SSL_DONT_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT when using the PDO interface.

Expected result:
You can somehow instruct PDO that it ignores the peer name of the certificate upon establish an SSL connection.


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 [2016-03-14 10:25 UTC] php at yblew dot com
Any update on this?
 [2016-04-04 09:23 UTC] nj dot johansson at gmail dot com
A nice solution would be to be able to explicitly pass a peer name that should be expected using

My use case is that we have a CNAME record pointing at an AWS RDS instance (* to be able to easily switch the underlying instance. However, lacking other information PHP will since 5.6 try to guess the peer name using the hostname provided and peer name verification will as such fail.

I also understand that for some use cases (see it is out of the developer's control what the Common Name (CN) for the remote database will be assigned to, however, given the same option as suggested above it would still be possible to connect.
 [2016-04-13 15:13 UTC] phpbugs at bazoink dot com
I'm still working on getting PDO to support CLIENT_SSL_DONT_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT, in the meantime, if you want to change the default for PDO (and it's set to use mysqlnd, which it probably is, change this line and recompile:

php-5.6.20/ext/mysqlnd/mysqlnd_structs.h line 215 

That will give you the pre-5.6 behavior of not verifying the CN.

I hope to have a working patch to add the option to PDO this weekend. I'm close, but not complete.

 [2016-05-15 20:28 UTC] zhil dot mobile at gmail dot com
Any news regarding this bug?
 [2016-05-18 02:05 UTC]
See also bug #71845 about the general CN mismatch problem.
 [2016-05-18 16:55 UTC] highmind63 at gmail dot com
For all those trying to get this to work, don't. There is no possible way to make this work, in all of my tests. You MUST have a valid commercial certificate and it MUST match the name of the host. I've tried the following to no avail:

set PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_SSL_CAPATH option to a properly hashed dir (one that I tested and works with CURLOPT_CAPATH). No go

set openssl.capath to the same properly hashed dir. No go, completely ignored.

I tried fiddling around a bit with openssl's internal cert store, but I couldn't get that to work. That should work, but at the expense of changing all the openssl cert store data system-wide.

This is a big defect in PHP's PDO currently, PDO over SSL is barely useable as-is.
 [2016-05-18 17:52 UTC]
-Assigned To: +Assigned To: andrey
 [2016-05-18 17:52 UTC]
@andrey: You implemented the mysqli fix for this issue, could you maybe take a look at PDO mysql as well?
 [2016-05-22 17:58 UTC] zhil dot mobile at gmail dot com
I have setuped free SSL sertificate from
It works on SSH console using mysql command like

mysql -h --ssl --ssl-ca=/.../wosign/root_bundle.crt --ssl-verify-server-cert --ssl-mode=REQUIRED DBNAME -u USERNAME -pPASS

But I failed to make it work using php PDO mysql.
I am considering creating SSH tunel for remote mysql instead of spending more time on this issue.

Do anybody have any ideas how could it be fixed?
 [2016-06-09 10:38 UTC] thomas at orozco dot fr
Hi there,

The following patch seems to work for me with some limited testing (it just sets CLIENT_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT and the heavy lifting is done by the code from

Is this worth submitting as a PR Is there anything I can do to help move this forward?


From ff2c31450a7f5ca2c32b49873c5d6e1a0de67674 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Thomas Orozco <>
Date: Thu, 9 Jun 2016 10:45:40 +0200

 ext/pdo_mysql/mysql_driver.c                       | 12 ++++++++++++
 ext/pdo_mysql/pdo_mysql.c                          |  3 +++
 ext/pdo_mysql/php_pdo_mysql_int.h                  |  3 +++
 ext/pdo_mysql/tests/pdo_mysql_class_constants.phpt |  1 +
 4 files changed, 19 insertions(+)

diff --git a/ext/pdo_mysql/mysql_driver.c b/ext/pdo_mysql/mysql_driver.c
index 1b1d1ab..20ae458 100644
--- a/ext/pdo_mysql/mysql_driver.c
+++ b/ext/pdo_mysql/mysql_driver.c
@@ -731,6 +731,18 @@ static int pdo_mysql_handle_factory(pdo_dbh_t *dbh, zval *driver_options)
+		{
+			zend_long ssl_verify_cert = pdo_attr_lval(driver_options,
+			if (ssl_verify_cert != -1) {
+				connect_opts |= ssl_verify_cert ?
+			}
+		}
diff --git a/ext/pdo_mysql/pdo_mysql.c b/ext/pdo_mysql/pdo_mysql.c
index fdf7062..79efb21 100644
--- a/ext/pdo_mysql/pdo_mysql.c
+++ b/ext/pdo_mysql/pdo_mysql.c
@@ -130,6 +130,9 @@ static PHP_MINIT_FUNCTION(pdo_mysql)
diff --git a/ext/pdo_mysql/php_pdo_mysql_int.h b/ext/pdo_mysql/php_pdo_mysql_int.h
index 20d640c..08eb731 100644
--- a/ext/pdo_mysql/php_pdo_mysql_int.h
+++ b/ext/pdo_mysql/php_pdo_mysql_int.h
@@ -179,6 +179,9 @@ enum {
diff --git a/ext/pdo_mysql/tests/pdo_mysql_class_constants.phpt b/ext/pdo_mysql/tests/pdo_mysql_class_constants.phpt
index f3d0fa6..fba1c24 100644
--- a/ext/pdo_mysql/tests/pdo_mysql_class_constants.phpt
+++ b/ext/pdo_mysql/tests/pdo_mysql_class_constants.phpt
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ if (!extension_loaded('mysqli') && !extension_loaded('mysqlnd')) {
 		"MYSQL_ATTR_SSL_CIPHER"						=> true,
 		"MYSQL_ATTR_COMPRESS"						=> true,
 	if (!MySQLPDOTest::isPDOMySQLnd()) {
 [2016-06-09 11:13 UTC] thomas at orozco dot fr
(I should mention that the above patch is for the master branch of php-src, but adjusting the `zend_long`s to be `long`s instead makes it work just fine on PHP 5.6.22)
 [2016-06-21 15:17 UTC] mrpatricktully at gmail dot com
We just ran into this same issue.  Seeing as re-compiling php with this patch is not really an option for us (config management setup), we did try the following work around and can confirm it works.  Assuming the CN is something like a hostname (i.e. project name or something other an an IP address).  You can hardcode the name in the local hosts file of the client servers.  i.e. if the CN=server and the mysql server is putting this in your hosts file, then setting the host to "server" in php works  server

This only works of course if you have a one to one match (i.e. won't work if you have more than one server using the same cert).  Not really an ideal solution but it does work if you are in a bind.  Hopefully the patch will be rolled into a release?
 [2016-12-03 01:57 UTC] jeremy at boldapps dot net
I added a PR for this bug a few months ago. Anything else I need to do to get it considered?
 [2017-03-09 16:32 UTC]
Automatic comment on behalf of
 [2017-03-09 16:32 UTC]
-Status: Assigned +Status: Closed
 [2018-03-14 22:59 UTC] mp at webfactory dot de
Take care: I am under the impression that setting PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT to false *completely disables* peer certificate verification.

What the OP asked for was to disable *name checking*, but still verifying that the certificate is issued by the given CA.

So make sure you are actually getting what you want: If the server cert is not checked at all, you will still see encrypted connections and no errors due to name mismatches. But, in fact, you cannot be sure which server you're connected to as *any* X509 cert will do!
 [2018-07-27 13:50 UTC] nj dot johansson at gmail dot com
I agree with the previous commentator that just exposing PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT and letting you set it to false isn't a good solution.

My previous comment from 2016-04-04 actually still stands.
I would like to be able to have peer verification enabled but explicitly tell which peer name I expect, just like the 'peer_name' setting available in the SSL context options (

Is there a reasonable way to expose this setting?
Still to date I'm using a workaround to not be hit by the issue detailed here.
 [2019-10-16 14:32 UTC] guir dot oliveira at hotmail dot com
I've just stumbled into this problem and still can't use it... The solution of disabling the verification completely isn't reliable as it wouldn't be as secure as verifying the CA.

What we need is to expose an option to not verify ONLY the hostname X CN.

In my opinion this issue should be reopened.
 [2022-09-19 07:20 UTC] anrdaemon at yandex dot ru
The verification should be fixed, not avoided.
Client must verify host names against DNS: and IP: records in subjectAltName, as domain names are not obliged to appear in CN.
Also, how would you solve a problem of connecting to the same server by multiple names, if you only verify that CN do match?

On the top of that, why MySQLi works and verifies ok while PDO does not?
On the same host, using same credentials, in the same script, in the same running session.
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