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Bug #51562 query timeout in mssql can not be changed per query
Submitted: 2010-04-15 15:57 UTC Modified: 2010-04-21 16:19 UTC
From: ejsmont dot artur at gmail dot com Assigned: felipe (profile)
Status: Closed Package: MSSQL related
PHP Version: 5.2.13 OS: linux debian lenny
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
 [2010-04-15 15:57 UTC] ejsmont dot artur at gmail dot com
im not sure if its a bug or missing functionality but i cant set query timeout per query. I want to be able to do ini_set('mssql.timeout', 6); before query to set its timeout to 6 seconds and then ini_set('mssql.timeout', 20); to set 20s timeout for following query.

This seems to be possible with patch i attach just one line needs to be added. but im not sure if this would not break anything (seems to work for me on lenny).

Test script:
        // connect
        $connection = mssql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass);
        mssql_select_db($dbname, $connection);

// does not have affect if called after connect
        ini_set('default_socket_timeout',   1);
        ini_set('mssql.connect_timeout',    1);
        ini_set('mssql.timeout',            3);
        // call sproc with results and no delay
        $start = microtime(true);
        $rid = mssql_query("exec timeout_test 0, 0, 'Y';");
        while ($rec = mssql_fetch_assoc($rid)) {
                $row[] = $rec;
        echo "=".print_r( $row, true )."= in ".(microtime(true)-$start)." with ".mssql_get_last_message()."\n";

Expected result:
i think it would be good if you could set query timeout at any time and it would affect the following queries (until you change the timeout value)

Actual result:
timeout set after connection is established does not have effect


mssql_timeout_per_query (last revision 2010-04-15 13:58 UTC by ejsmont dot artur at gmail dot com)

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 [2010-04-21 16:19 UTC]
Automatic comment from SVN on behalf of felipe
Log: - Fixed bug #51562 (query timeout in mssql can not be changed per query)
  Patch by: ejsmont dot artur at gmail dot com
 [2010-04-21 16:19 UTC]
-Status: Open +Status: Closed -Assigned To: +Assigned To: felipe
 [2010-04-21 16:19 UTC]
This bug has been fixed in SVN.

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