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Bug #45928 large scripts from stdin are stripped at 16K border
Submitted: 2008-08-26 18:24 UTC Modified: 2008-09-10 10:31 UTC
From: Assigned:
Status: Closed Package: CGI/CLI related
PHP Version: 5.3CVS-2008-08-26 (CVS) OS: Mac OS X 10.5
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
 [2008-08-26 18:24 UTC]
any php-file which is larger that 16Kb will result in parse error on Mac OS X, if run as following:
cat largefile.php|php -l

while the following options will work:
php -l largefile.php
php -l < largefile.php

"-l" flag is optional. it can be reproduced without it too

I discussed this with Rasmus (he was able to reproduce this problem too), and he mentioned, that this bug is most likely re2c-related

Expected result:
No syntax errors detected in -

Actual result:
PHP Parse error:  syntax error, unexpected $end in ?


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 [2008-09-09 12:00 UTC] cschneid at cschneid dot com
I had a quick look at this bug and found the problem to be in Zend/zend_stream.c function zend_stream_fsize(): It uses fstat() to determine the filesize which on MacOS X for pipes returns either 0 (my interpretation: no data from the pipe ready yet) or a number up to 16384 (my interpretation: data from the pipe ready but the maximum buffer size is 16k).

I see several solutions but I'm not sure which is the desired one:
- return 0 (size unknown) if the file is a pipe (or socket, ...)
- return 0 if the file is not a regular file (or symlink, dir?)
- look into a way of determining EOF reached

As a quick test I changed
	return buf.st_size;
in function zend_stream_fsize() to
	return 0;
and cat 30k.php | php worked after that.

I posted this to but did not get any reply so I'm not sure how to proceed.
 [2008-09-10 10:31 UTC]
This bug has been fixed in CVS.

Snapshots of the sources are packaged every three hours; this change
will be in the next snapshot. You can grab the snapshot at
Thank you for the report, and for helping us make PHP better.

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Last updated: Sat Feb 22 16:01:29 2025 UTC