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Bug #42183 classmap cause error in non-wsdl mode
Submitted: 2007-08-02 14:57 UTC Modified: 2007-08-22 14:18 UTC
From: heitor dot m at gmail dot com Assigned: dmitry (profile)
Status: Closed Package: SOAP related
PHP Version: 5.2.3 OS: Linux RedHat Enterprise V4
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
 [2007-08-02 14:57 UTC] heitor dot m at gmail dot com

I was tryning to implement a soap server-cliint in non-wsdl mode but i get some strange errors. This set o tests is about the class option.
I try to use this option in non-wsdl mode. Like i don't find any explicity explanatin about the possibility of this use, i has been maked some tests, and i think tath i found a bug.

When i put the classmap option in the server i have the follow response:
(HTTP) Error Fetching http headers

And when i put the classmap in the client i have no response. The server offer to me download the called file, but this is a blank archive.

I hav been reported the documentation leak here:

i already serach to related bug reports and don't find nothing.

Reproduce code:

class PHPObject
	public $prop1;
	public $prop2;
	public $propc;

	public function __construct($a, $b, $c)
		$this->prop1 = $a;
		$this->prop2 = $b;
		$this->propc = $c;

function send($client_builded) 

	$server_builded = new PHPObject("server_sttuf", 0.3, false);
	$arr_params['server_builded'] = $server_builded;
	$arr_params['client_builded'] = $client_builded;
	return $arr_params;

$classmap = array('Object' => 'PHPObject');

$server = new SoapServer(NULL, array('uri' => '', 'classmap' => $classmap));




class PHPObject
	public $prop1;
	public $prop2;
	public $propc;

	public function __construct($a, $b, $c)
		$this->prop1 = $a;
		$this->prop2 = $b;
		$this->propc = $c;


try {

	$classmap = array('Object' => 'PHPObject');
	$client = new SoapClient(NULL, 
			'uri' => '', 
			'location' => '',
			'trace' => 1

    $obj = new PHPObject("things", 3.14, TRUE);
	$res = $client->__call('send', array(new SoapParam($obj, 'Object')));

	echo "<hr>SEND<hr><pre>";
	echo "</pre><hr>";

	echo "<hr>RESPONSE<hr><pre>";
	echo htmlspecialchars(str_replace("><", ">\n<", $client->__getLastResponse()));
	echo "</pre><hr>";

} catch (SoapFault $sf) {

	echo "<hr><pre>";
	print_r("(" . $sf->faultcode . ") " . $sf->faultstring);
	echo "</pre><hr>";

} catch (Exception  $e) { 

	echo "<hr><pre>";
	echo "</pre><hr>";



Expected result:
the print of the obects

Actual result:
described errors


Pull Requests


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 [2007-08-22 14:18 UTC]
The crash is fixed in CVS HEAD and PHP_5_2, however classmap doesn't work without WSDL anyway.
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