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Bug #38488 Access to "php://stdin" and faily crashes PHP on win32
Submitted: 2006-08-18 02:31 UTC Modified: 2006-10-21 21:33 UTC
From: Assigned:
Status: Closed Package: Streams related
PHP Version: 5CVS-2006-08-18 (CVS) OS: win32
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
 [2006-08-18 02:31 UTC]
Access to standard streams using "php://stdin" and family names produces crash. The reason probably is in a buggy _get_osfhandle() function that doesn't return proper HANDLES for standard system streams. We need find out a workaround for this problem.

the bug is probably related to bug #7960

Reproduce code:
$f = fopen("php://stdout", "w+");
fwrite($f, "Hello\n");

Expected result:

Actual result:
Crash with the following stack trace

NTDLL! 7c90eb74()
NTDLL! 7c90eb94()
_php_stream_fopen_from_fd(int 0, const char * 0x00416fb0 `string', const char * 0x00000000, int 0, char * 0x1070a25c `string', unsigned int 246, char * 0x00000000, unsigned int 0, void * * * 0x02714fe0) line 200 + 24 bytes
php_stream_url_wrap_php(_php_stream_wrapper * 0x108a5d28 _php_stream_php_wrapper, char * 0x00416fa6, char * 0x00416fb0 `string', int 8, char * * 0x00000000, _php_stream_context * 0x00000000, int 1, char * 0x106dd51c `string', unsigned int 1774, char * 0x004165c8 `string', unsigned int 498, void * * * 0x02714fe0) line 246 + 41 bytes
_php_stream_open_wrapper_ex(char * 0x00416fa0 `string', char * 0x00416fb0 `string', int 0, char * * 0x00000000, _php_stream_context * 0x00000000, int 0, char * 0x004165c8 `string', unsigned int 498, char * 0x00000000, unsigned int 0, void * * * 0x02714fe0) line 1774 + 111 bytes
cli_register_file_handles(void * * * 0x02714fe0) line 498 + 52 bytes
main(int 2, char * * 0x026f8fc0) line 1030 + 12 bytes


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 [2006-08-18 04:11 UTC]
I'm unable to get my system to crash (CGI and CLI). What SAPI are you using?
 [2006-08-22 03:29 UTC]
PHP crashes only with "MS Debugging Tools for Windows", however bug don't go away without them.

The problem that _get_osfhandle(0) returns some invalid HANDLE (for me it is 3), and then GetNamedPipeIndo() may crash.

I'll probably look into problem by myself.
 [2006-08-22 06:20 UTC]
Fixed in CVS HEAD, PHP_5_2 and PHP_5_1.

The problem was not in _get_osfhandle(), but in GetNamedPipeInfo() that expects PIPE's HANDLE.
 [2006-10-21 21:33 UTC]
What you were seeing under the debugger was an internal exception which is expected if the handle is not a pipe.
GetFileType returns FILE_TYPE_PIPE for pipes and sockets, so now it's not as precise in its classification as it once was.
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