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Bug #38173 Freeing nested cursors caused PHP to segfault
Submitted: 2006-07-21 12:04 UTC Modified: 2006-07-30 20:58 UTC
Avg. Score:4.0 ± 0.0
Reproduced:1 of 1 (100.0%)
Same Version:1 (100.0%)
Same OS:1 (100.0%)
From: geoffwa at cs dot rmit dot edu dot au Assigned: tony2001 (profile)
Status: Closed Package: OCI8 related
PHP Version: 5.1.4 OS: Solaris 10
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
 [2006-07-21 12:04 UTC] geoffwa at cs dot rmit dot edu dot au
Freeing nested cursors returned by a query crashes PHP.
I can reproduce this on-demand.

PHP built with: Sun C 5.8 Patch 121015-02 2006/03/29
Configure: (some directories culled for size)
./configure --with-zlib --with-bz2 --with-mysql \ 
--with-dom --with-zlib-dir --with-oci8 --enable-sigchild \
--with-filepro --with-dbase \
--with-curl=shared,/usr/local \
--with-openssl=shared,/usr/local \
--with-gd --with-freetype-dir --with-jpeg-dir \
--with-png-dir --with-xpm-dir --with-ttf --enable-xml \
--with-expat-dir --enable-dba --with-db4 \
--with-flatfile --enable-trans-id \
--enable-force-cgi-redirect --enable-fastcgi \
--enable-discard-path --enable-safe-mode \
--with-exec-dir=/usr/local/pkg/php-safe/bin \
--disable-short-tags --enable-sysvsem --enable-sysvshm \
--enable-memory-limit --without-snmp --with-apxs \
--with-config-file-path=/var/httpd/etc \
--with-ldap --with-xsl

Reproduce code:
$dbh = oci_connect('geoffwa','XXX', 'DB');
$query =<<<EOQUERY
  CURSOR( SELECT t2.* FROM all_tables t2 ) AS cursor
  all_tables t1

$sth = oci_parse($dbh, $query);

// dies on oci_free_statement on 2nd pass through loop
while ( $row = oci_fetch_assoc($sth) ) {
  print "Got row!\n";


Expected result:
A whole lot of "Got row!" lines.

Freeing nested cursors certainly shouldn't a seg fault.

Actual result:
Program output with oci_internal_debug on:
OCINlsEnvironmentVariableGet at (/php-5.1.4/ext/oci8/oci8.c:995).
OCIEnvNlsCreate at (/php-5.1.4/ext/oci8/oci8.c:1151).
OCIHandleAlloc at (/php-5.1.4/ext/oci8/oci8.c:1176).
OCIServerAttach at (/php-5.1.4/ext/oci8/oci8.c:1185).
OCIHandleAlloc at (/php-5.1.4/ext/oci8/oci8.c:1195).
OCIHandleAlloc at (/php-5.1.4/ext/oci8/oci8.c:1204).
OCIHandleAlloc at (/php-5.1.4/ext/oci8/oci8.c:1213).
OCIAttrSet at (/php-5.1.4/ext/oci8/oci8.c:1223).
OCIAttrSet at (/php-5.1.4/ext/oci8/oci8.c:1234).
OCIAttrSet at (/php-5.1.4/ext/oci8/oci8.c:1244).
OCIAttrSet at (/php-5.1.4/ext/oci8/oci8.c:1253).
OCISessionBegin at (/php-5.1.4/ext/oci8/oci8.c:1284).
OCIHandleAlloc at (/php-5.1.4/ext/oci8/oci8_statement.c:61).
OCIStmtPrepare2 at (/php-5.1.4/ext/oci8/oci8_statement.c:65).
OCIAttrSet at (/php-5.1.4/ext/oci8/oci8_statement.c:119).
OCIAttrSet at (/php-5.1.4/ext/oci8/oci8_statement.c:128).
OCIAttrGet at (/php-5.1.4/ext/oci8/oci8_statement.c:297).
OCIStmtExecute at (/php-5.1.4/ext/oci8/oci8_statement.c:321).
OCIAttrGet at (/php-5.1.4/ext/oci8/oci8_statement.c:350).
OCIParamGet at (/php-5.1.4/ext/oci8/oci8_statement.c:372).
OCIAttrGet at (/php-5.1.4/ext/oci8/oci8_statement.c:381).
OCIAttrGet at (/php-5.1.4/ext/oci8/oci8_statement.c:391).
OCIAttrGet at (/php-5.1.4/ext/oci8/oci8_statement.c:404).
OCIAttrGet at (/php-5.1.4/ext/oci8/oci8_statement.c:414).
OCIAttrGet at (/php-5.1.4/ext/oci8/oci8_statement.c:424).
OCIDescriptorFree at (/php-5.1.4/ext/oci8/oci8_statement.c:432).
OCIHandleAlloc at (/php-5.1.4/ext/oci8/oci8_statement.c:55).
OCIHandleAlloc at (/php-5.1.4/ext/oci8/oci8_statement.c:61).
OCIAttrSet at (/php-5.1.4/ext/oci8/oci8_statement.c:119).
OCIAttrSet at (/php-5.1.4/ext/oci8/oci8_statement.c:128).
OCIDefineByPos at (/php-5.1.4/ext/oci8/oci8_statement.c:557).
OCIStmtFetch at (/php-5.1.4/ext/oci8/oci8_statement.c:147).
Got row.
OCIStmtFetch at (/php-5.1.4/ext/oci8/oci8_statement.c:147).
Got row.
OCIHandleFree at (/php-5.1.4/ext/oci8/oci8_statement.c:592).
OCIHandleFree at (/php-5.1.4/ext/oci8/oci8_statement.c:601).
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

(dbx) where
current thread: t@1
=>[1] kpcxc2r(0x6181ac, 0x0, 0x612314, 0x0, 0x40e940, 0x13), at 0xfe108a00
  [2] kpcxk2u(0x612314, 0xffbfc414, 0xfe6266f8, 0x0, 0xffbfc40c, 0x6ef90c), at 0xfe10b814
  [3] ttccDefineConvert(0x18, 0xffbfc414, 0xffbfc420, 0xffbfc40c, 0x0, 0x75), at 0xfe10715c
  [4] ttccfpg(0x0, 0x6143a0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x6ef948, 0x4), at 0xfe1076d0
  [5] ttcfour(0x605e9c, 0x612314, 0x0, 0x0, 0x618c78, 0xffbfe800), at 0xfe106770
  [6] kpufCopyPrefRows(0x605e9c, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1a18, 0x2, 0xffbfe800), at 0xfde09d34
  [7] kpufch0(0x0, 0x61a2d8, 0xffbfe8e4, 0x2, 0x0, 0x20000), at 0xfde0a654
  [8] kpufch(0x0, 0x61ae60, 0x0, 0x161c, 0xfe604a48, 0x0), at 0xfde0c11c
  [9] php_oci_statement_fetch(0x6e8670, 0x1, 0x489180, 0x0, 0x40e940, 0x13), at 0x14ac30
  [10] php_oci_fetch_row(0x1, 0x61e738, 0x6e8670, 0x7a838, 0x1, 0x9cc00), at 0x1461b4
  [11] zif_oci_fetch_assoc(0x1, 0x61e738, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x1), at 0x15585c
  [12] zend_do_fcall_common_helper_SPEC(0xffbfebf0, 0x0, 0x4e1468, 0x59c390, 0x4a5d60, 0x1), at 0x37396c
  [13] execute(0xffbfebf4, 0x0, 0x376a3c, 0x59c390, 0x4a9c10, 0x4a9d80), at 0x3735dc
  [14] zend_execute_scripts(0x8, 0x0, 0x5954e0, 0x0, 0x40e940, 0x4a9c9c), at 0x33ec04
  [15] php_execute_script(0xffbff330, 0x4aa1b4, 0x2, 0x40e940, 0x40e940, 0x9b1f8), at 0x2ca414
  [16] main(0x3, 0x0, 0xffbff464, 0x9b874, 0x1, 0x9b6fc), at 0x3ba020


Pull Requests


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 [2006-07-28 10:27 UTC]
Please try using this CVS snapshot:
For Windows:

Can't reproduce,
 [2006-07-28 13:37 UTC] geoffwa at cs dot rmit dot edu dot au
Still dies (and the error is in oci_fetch_assoc() not oci_free_statement(), my bad):
$ ./php -v
PHP 5.2.0RC2-dev (cli) (built: Jul 28 2006 23:00:59)
Copyright (c) 1997-2006 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v2.2.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2006 Zend Technologies
$ ./php -e test.php
OCI8 DEBUG: OCINlsEnvironmentVariableGet at (/work/php-5.2/ext/oci8/oci8.c:1000)
OCI8 DEBUG: OCIEnvNlsCreate at (/work/php-5.2/ext/oci8/oci8.c:1160)
OCI8 DEBUG: OCIHandleAlloc at (/work/php-5.2/ext/oci8/oci8.c:1185)
OCI8 DEBUG: OCIServerAttach at (/work/php-5.2/ext/oci8/oci8.c:1194)
OCI8 DEBUG: OCIHandleAlloc at (/work/php-5.2/ext/oci8/oci8.c:1204)
OCI8 DEBUG: OCIHandleAlloc at (/work/php-5.2/ext/oci8/oci8.c:1213)
OCI8 DEBUG: OCIHandleAlloc at (/work/php-5.2/ext/oci8/oci8.c:1222)
OCI8 DEBUG: OCIAttrSet at (/work/php-5.2/ext/oci8/oci8.c:1232)
OCI8 DEBUG: OCIAttrSet at (/work/php-5.2/ext/oci8/oci8.c:1243)
OCI8 DEBUG: OCIAttrSet at (/work/php-5.2/ext/oci8/oci8.c:1253)
OCI8 DEBUG: OCIAttrSet at (/work/php-5.2/ext/oci8/oci8.c:1262)
OCI8 DEBUG: OCISessionBegin at (/work/php-5.2/ext/oci8/oci8.c:1293)
OCI8 DEBUG: OCIHandleAlloc at (/work/php-5.2/ext/oci8/oci8_statement.c:61)
OCI8 DEBUG: OCIStmtPrepare2 at (/work/php-5.2/ext/oci8/oci8_statement.c:65)
OCI8 DEBUG: OCIAttrSet at (/work/php-5.2/ext/oci8/oci8_statement.c:119)
OCI8 DEBUG: OCIAttrSet at (/work/php-5.2/ext/oci8/oci8_statement.c:128)
OCI8 DEBUG: OCIAttrGet at (/work/php-5.2/ext/oci8/oci8_statement.c:297)
OCI8 DEBUG: OCIStmtExecute at (/work/php-5.2/ext/oci8/oci8_statement.c:321)
OCI8 DEBUG: OCIAttrGet at (/work/php-5.2/ext/oci8/oci8_statement.c:350)
OCI8 DEBUG: OCIParamGet at (/work/php-5.2/ext/oci8/oci8_statement.c:372)
OCI8 DEBUG: OCIAttrGet at (/work/php-5.2/ext/oci8/oci8_statement.c:381)
OCI8 DEBUG: OCIAttrGet at (/work/php-5.2/ext/oci8/oci8_statement.c:391)
OCI8 DEBUG: OCIAttrGet at (/work/php-5.2/ext/oci8/oci8_statement.c:404)
OCI8 DEBUG: OCIAttrGet at (/work/php-5.2/ext/oci8/oci8_statement.c:414)
OCI8 DEBUG: OCIAttrGet at (/work/php-5.2/ext/oci8/oci8_statement.c:424)
OCI8 DEBUG: OCIDescriptorFree at (/work/php-5.2/ext/oci8/oci8_statement.c:432)
OCI8 DEBUG: OCIHandleAlloc at (/work/php-5.2/ext/oci8/oci8_statement.c:55)
OCI8 DEBUG: OCIHandleAlloc at (/work/php-5.2/ext/oci8/oci8_statement.c:61)
OCI8 DEBUG: OCIAttrSet at (/work/php-5.2/ext/oci8/oci8_statement.c:119)
OCI8 DEBUG: OCIAttrSet at (/work/php-5.2/ext/oci8/oci8_statement.c:128)
OCI8 DEBUG: OCIDefineByPos at (/work/php-5.2/ext/oci8/oci8_statement.c:557)
OCI8 DEBUG: OCIStmtFetch at (/work/php-5.2/ext/oci8/oci8_statement.c:147)
Got row
OCI8 DEBUG: OCIStmtFetch at (/work/php-5.2/ext/oci8/oci8_statement.c:147)
Got row
OCI8 DEBUG: OCIHandleFree at (/work/php-5.2/ext/oci8/oci8_statement.c:592)
OCI8 DEBUG: OCIHandleFree at (/work/php-5.2/ext/oci8/oci8_statement.c:601)
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Backtrace (now with --enable-debug):
t@1 (l@1) program terminated by signal SEGV (no mapping at the fault address)
0xfe108a00: kpcxc2r+0x003c:     ld       [%i1 + 84], %g2
Current function is php_oci_statement_fetch (optimized)
  147           statement->errcode = PHP_OCI_CALL(OCIStmtFetch, (statement->stmt, statement->err, nrows, OCI_FETCH_NEXT, OCI_DEFAULT));
(dbx) where
current thread: t@1
  [1] kpcxc2r(0x8bcd4c, 0x5a5a5a5a, 0x8b6eb4, 0x0, 0x5ff21c, 0x13), at 0xfe108a00
  [2] kpcxk2u(0x8b6eb4, 0xffbfc3e4, 0xfe6266f8, 0x0, 0xffbfc3dc, 0x99416c), at 0xfe10b814
  [3] ttccDefineConvert(0x18, 0xffbfc3e4, 0xffbfc3f0, 0xffbfc3dc, 0x5a5a5a5a, 0x75), at 0xfe10715c
  [4] ttccfpg(0x0, 0x8b8f40, 0x5a5a5a5a, 0x0, 0x9941a8, 0x4), at 0xfe1076d0
  [5] ttcfour(0x8a92fc, 0x8b6eb4, 0x0, 0x0, 0x8bd818, 0xffbfe7d0), at 0xfe106770
  [6] kpufCopyPrefRows(0x8a92fc, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1a18, 0x2, 0xffbfe7d0), at 0xfde09d34
  [7] kpufch0(0x0, 0x8bee78, 0xffbfe8b4, 0x2, 0x0, 0x20000), at 0xfde0a654
  [8] kpufch(0x0, 0x8bfa00, 0x0, 0x161c, 0xfe604a48, 0x0), at 0xfde0c11c
=>[9] php_oci_statement_fetch(statement = ???, nrows = ???) (optimized), at 0x256c7c (line ~147) in "oci8_statement.c"
  [10] php_oci_fetch_row(ht = ???, return_value = ???, return_value_ptr = ???, this_ptr = ???, return_value_used = ???, mode = ???, expected_args = ???) (optimized), at 0x25180c (line ~1667) in "oci8.c"
  [11] zif_oci_fetch_assoc(ht = ???, return_value = ???, return_value_ptr = ???, this_ptr = ???, return_value_used = ???) (optimized), at 0x2624c8 (line ~1462) in "oci8_interface.c"
  [12] zend_do_fcall_common_helper_SPEC(execute_data = ???) (optimized), at 0x4ca168 (line ~200) in "zend_vm_execute.h"
  [13] ZEND_DO_FCALL_SPEC_CONST_HANDLER(execute_data = ???) (optimized), at 0x4cd6b4 (line ~1642) in "zend_vm_execute.h"
  [14] execute(op_array = ???) (optimized), at 0x4c9d74 (line ~92) in "zend_vm_execute.h"
  [15] zend_execute_scripts(type = ???, retval = ???, file_count = ???, ... = ???, ...) (optimized), at 0x48e5a4 (line ~1095) in "zend.c"
  [16] php_execute_script(0xccc00, 0x0, 0x6c1, 0x5ff21c, 0x6cbf64, 0x11fc74), at 0x408f54
  [17] main(argc = ???, argv = ???) (optimized), at 0x51a790 (line ~1097) in "php_cli.c"
 [2006-07-28 13:50 UTC] geoffwa at cs dot rmit dot edu dot au
Recompiling sans -O for a better backtrace yields:
t@1 (l@1) program terminated by signal SEGV (no mapping at the fault address)
0xfe108a00: kpcxc2r+0x003c:     ld       [%i1 + 84], %g2
Current function is php_oci_statement_fetch
  147           statement->errcode = PHP_OCI_CALL(OCIStmtFetch, (statement->stmt, statement->err, nrows, OCI_FETCH_NEXT, OCI_DEFAULT));
(dbx) where
current thread: t@1
  [1] kpcxc2r(0xb6187c, 0x5a5a5a5a, 0xb5b9e4, 0x0, 0x1, 0x13), at 0xfe108a00
  [2] kpcxk2u(0xb5b9e4, 0xffbfc3a4, 0xfe6266f8, 0x0, 0xffbfc39c, 0xc38c9c), at 0xfe10b814
  [3] ttccDefineConvert(0x18, 0xffbfc3a4, 0xffbfc3b0, 0xffbfc39c, 0x5a5a5a5a, 0x75), at 0xfe10715c
  [4] ttccfpg(0x0, 0xb5da70, 0x5a5a5a5a, 0x0, 0xc38cd8, 0x4), at 0xfe1076d0
  [5] ttcfour(0xb4de2c, 0xb5b9e4, 0x0, 0x0, 0xb62348, 0xffbfe790), at 0xfe106770
  [6] kpufCopyPrefRows(0xb4de2c, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1a18, 0x2, 0xffbfe790), at 0xfde09d34
  [7] kpufch0(0x0, 0xb639a8, 0xffbfe874, 0x2, 0x0, 0x20000), at 0xfde0a654
  [8] kpufch(0x0, 0xb64530, 0x0, 0x161c, 0xfe604a48, 0x0), at 0xfde0c11c
=>[9] php_oci_statement_fetch(statement = 0x9d7868, nrows = 1U), line 147 in "oci8_statement.c"
  [10] php_oci_fetch_row(ht = 1, return_value = 0x9d7320, return_value_ptr = (nil), this_ptr = (nil), return_value_used = 1, mode = 5, expected_args = 1), line 1667 in "oci8.c"
  [11] zif_oci_fetch_assoc(ht = 1, return_value = 0x9d7320, return_value_ptr = (nil), this_ptr = (nil), return_value_used = 1), line 1462 in "oci8_interface.c"
  [12] zend_do_fcall_common_helper_SPEC(execute_data = 0xffbfec80), line 200 in "zend_vm_execute.h"
  [13] ZEND_DO_FCALL_SPEC_CONST_HANDLER(execute_data = 0xffbfec80), line 1642 in "zend_vm_execute.h"
  [14] execute(op_array = 0x9d7050), line 92 in "zend_vm_execute.h"
  [15] zend_execute_scripts(type = 8, retval = (nil), file_count = 3, ... = (nil), ...), line 1095 in "zend.c"
  [16] php_execute_script(0xffbff428, 0x878a44, 0xff386bbd, 0xfffffffd, 0x80808080, 0x1010101), at 0x5def0c
  [17] main(argc = 3, argv = 0xffbff4bc), line 1097 in "php_cli.c"
 [2006-07-28 20:18 UTC]
I still can't reproduce it.
Please check that your reproduce code is correct, since it doesn't work completely for me because as is no oci_execute() call.
 [2006-07-29 00:29 UTC] geoffwa at cs dot rmit dot edu dot au
oci_executing()ing the returned cursor still results in a crash (slightly db query simpler):

$dbh = oci_connect('geoffwa', 'XXX', 'DB');

$query =<<<EOQUERY
SELECT CURSOR( SELECT 1 FROM all_tables t2 ) AS cursor
FROM all_tables t1

$sth = oci_parse($dbh, $query);

while ( $row = oci_fetch_assoc($sth) ) {
   print "Got row \n";

OCI8 DEBUG: OCINlsEnvironmentVariableGet at (/php-5.2/ext/oci8/oci8.c:1000)
OCI8 DEBUG: OCIEnvNlsCreate at (/php-5.2/ext/oci8/oci8.c:1160)
OCI8 DEBUG: OCIHandleAlloc at (/php-5.2/ext/oci8/oci8.c:1185)
OCI8 DEBUG: OCIServerAttach at (/php-5.2/ext/oci8/oci8.c:1194)
OCI8 DEBUG: OCIHandleAlloc at (/php-5.2/ext/oci8/oci8.c:1204)
OCI8 DEBUG: OCIHandleAlloc at (/php-5.2/ext/oci8/oci8.c:1213)
OCI8 DEBUG: OCIHandleAlloc at (/php-5.2/ext/oci8/oci8.c:1222)
OCI8 DEBUG: OCIAttrSet at (/php-5.2/ext/oci8/oci8.c:1232)
OCI8 DEBUG: OCIAttrSet at (/php-5.2/ext/oci8/oci8.c:1243)
OCI8 DEBUG: OCIAttrSet at (/php-5.2/ext/oci8/oci8.c:1253)
OCI8 DEBUG: OCIAttrSet at (/php-5.2/ext/oci8/oci8.c:1262)
OCI8 DEBUG: OCISessionBegin at (/php-5.2/ext/oci8/oci8.c:1293)
OCI8 DEBUG: OCIHandleAlloc at (/php-5.2/ext/oci8/oci8_statement.c:61)
OCI8 DEBUG: OCIStmtPrepare2 at (/php-5.2/ext/oci8/oci8_statement.c:65)
OCI8 DEBUG: OCIAttrSet at (/php-5.2/ext/oci8/oci8_statement.c:119)
OCI8 DEBUG: OCIAttrSet at (/php-5.2/ext/oci8/oci8_statement.c:128)
OCI8 DEBUG: OCIAttrGet at (/php-5.2/ext/oci8/oci8_statement.c:297)
OCI8 DEBUG: OCIStmtExecute at (/php-5.2/ext/oci8/oci8_statement.c:321)
OCI8 DEBUG: OCIAttrGet at (/php-5.2/ext/oci8/oci8_statement.c:350)
OCI8 DEBUG: OCIParamGet at (/php-5.2/ext/oci8/oci8_statement.c:372)
OCI8 DEBUG: OCIAttrGet at (/php-5.2/ext/oci8/oci8_statement.c:381)
OCI8 DEBUG: OCIAttrGet at (/php-5.2/ext/oci8/oci8_statement.c:391)
OCI8 DEBUG: OCIAttrGet at (/php-5.2/ext/oci8/oci8_statement.c:404)
OCI8 DEBUG: OCIAttrGet at (/php-5.2/ext/oci8/oci8_statement.c:414)
OCI8 DEBUG: OCIAttrGet at (/php-5.2/ext/oci8/oci8_statement.c:424)
OCI8 DEBUG: OCIDescriptorFree at (/php-5.2/ext/oci8/oci8_statement.c:432)
OCI8 DEBUG: OCIHandleAlloc at (/php-5.2/ext/oci8/oci8_statement.c:55)
OCI8 DEBUG: OCIHandleAlloc at (/php-5.2/ext/oci8/oci8_statement.c:61)
OCI8 DEBUG: OCIAttrSet at (/php-5.2/ext/oci8/oci8_statement.c:119)
OCI8 DEBUG: OCIAttrSet at (/php-5.2/ext/oci8/oci8_statement.c:128)
OCI8 DEBUG: OCIDefineByPos at (/php-5.2/ext/oci8/oci8_statement.c:557)
OCI8 DEBUG: OCIStmtFetch at (/php-5.2/ext/oci8/oci8_statement.c:147)
Got row
OCI8 DEBUG: OCIAttrGet at (/php-5.2/ext/oci8/oci8_statement.c:297)
OCI8 DEBUG: OCIAttrGet at (/php-5.2/ext/oci8/oci8_statement.c:350)
OCI8 DEBUG: OCIParamGet at (/php-5.2/ext/oci8/oci8_statement.c:372)
OCI8 DEBUG: OCIAttrGet at (/php-5.2/ext/oci8/oci8_statement.c:381)
OCI8 DEBUG: OCIAttrGet at (/php-5.2/ext/oci8/oci8_statement.c:391)
OCI8 DEBUG: OCIAttrGet at (/php-5.2/ext/oci8/oci8_statement.c:404)
OCI8 DEBUG: OCIAttrGet at (/php-5.2/ext/oci8/oci8_statement.c:414)
OCI8 DEBUG: OCIAttrGet at (/php-5.2/ext/oci8/oci8_statement.c:424)
OCI8 DEBUG: OCIDescriptorFree at (/php-5.2/ext/oci8/oci8_statement.c:432)
OCI8 DEBUG: OCIDefineByPos at (/php-5.2/ext/oci8/oci8_statement.c:557)
OCI8 DEBUG: OCIStmtFetch at (/php-5.2/ext/oci8/oci8_statement.c:147)
Got row
OCI8 DEBUG: OCIHandleFree at (/php-5.2/ext/oci8/oci8_statement.c:592)
OCI8 DEBUG: OCIHandleFree at (/php-5.2/ext/oci8/oci8_statement.c:601)
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

t@1 (l@1) program terminated by signal SEGV (no mapping at the fault address)
0xfe108a00: kpcxc2r+0x003c:     ld       [%i1 + 84], %g2
Current function is php_oci_statement_fetch
  147           statement->errcode = PHP_OCI_CALL(OCIStmtFetch, (statement->stmt, statement->err, nrows, OCI_FETCH_NEXT, OCI_DEFAULT));
(dbx) where
current thread: t@1
  [1] kpcxc2r(0xb6187c, 0x5a5a5a5a, 0xb5b9e4, 0x0, 0x1, 0x13), at 0xfe108a00
  [2] kpcxk2u(0xb5b9e4, 0xffbfc36c, 0xfe6266f8, 0x0, 0xffbfc364, 0xb62174), at 0xfe10b814
  [3] ttccDefineConvert(0x18, 0xffbfc36c, 0xffbfc378, 0xffbfc364, 0x5a5a5a5a, 0x75), at 0xfe10715c
  [4] ttccfpg(0x0, 0xb5da70, 0x5a5a5a5a, 0x0, 0xb621b0, 0x4), at 0xfe1076d0
  [5] ttcfour(0xb4de2c, 0xb5b9e4, 0x0, 0x0, 0xb62348, 0xffbfe758), at 0xfe106770
  [6] kpufCopyPrefRows(0xb4de2c, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1a18, 0x2, 0xffbfe758), at 0xfde09d34
  [7] kpufch0(0x0, 0xb639a8, 0xffbfe83c, 0x2, 0x0, 0x20000), at 0xfde0a654
  [8] kpufch(0x0, 0xb64530, 0x0, 0x161c, 0xfe604a48, 0x0), at 0xfde0c11c
=>[9] php_oci_statement_fetch(statement = 0x9d78d0, nrows = 1U), line 147 in "oci8_statement.c"
  [10] php_oci_fetch_row(ht = 1, return_value = 0x9d7388, return_value_ptr = (nil), this_ptr = (nil), return_value_used = 1, mode = 5, expected_args = 1), line 1667 in "oci8.c"
  [11] zif_oci_fetch_assoc(ht = 1, return_value = 0x9d7388, return_value_ptr = (nil), this_ptr = (nil), return_value_used = 1), line 1462 in "oci8_interface.c"
  [12] zend_do_fcall_common_helper_SPEC(execute_data = 0xffbfec78), line 200 in "zend_vm_execute.h"
  [13] ZEND_DO_FCALL_SPEC_CONST_HANDLER(execute_data = 0xffbfec78), line 1642 in "zend_vm_execute.h"
  [14] execute(op_array = 0x9d7050), line 92 in "zend_vm_execute.h"
  [15] zend_execute_scripts(type = 8, retval = (nil), file_count = 3, ... = (nil), ...), line 1095 in "zend.c"
  [16] php_execute_script(0xffbff420, 0x878a44, 0xff386bb5, 0xfffffffd, 0x80808080, 0x1010101), at 0x5def0c
  [17] main(argc = 3, argv = 0xffbff4b4), line 1097 in "php_cli.c"
(dbx) dump
statement = 0x9d78d0
nrows = 1U
column = 0x13
i = 5
 [2006-07-29 21:02 UTC]
Sorry, I still don't get it. 
First of all, why do you past the backtrace every time? Are there any differencies or why do you do it?
And you said you get the segfault in oci_execute() ?
Why do you need the part of the code that comes AFTER the oci_execute() call then?
Did you try to install a newer Oracle client?
 [2006-07-30 01:27 UTC] geoffwa at cs dot rmit dot edu dot au
I posted the backtrace several times because the script I was using, or the php binary I was using changed.

If I don't call oci_free_statement($row['CURSOR']) I don't get a SEGV, which I indicated. Executing the nested cursor or not has no effect. The backtrace shows an error occurring inside or around php_oci_statement_fetch().

Omitting the call to oci_free_statement() allows the program to finish cleanly. There are times when I'd like to close nested cursors earlier, so I don't hit the open cursor limit set by the DBA. Closing nested cursors certainly shouldn't cause PHP to crash!

dbx's run-time checking seems to think it's a misaligned read:
<rtc> Misaligned read (mar) on thread 1:
Attempting to read 4 bytes at address 0x5a5a5aae
current thread: t@1
=>[1] kpcxc2r(0x11eb74c, 0x5a5a5a5a, 0x11e58a4, 0x0, 0x2b308, 0xf2184d90), at 0xcae08a00
  [2] kpcxk2u(0x11e58a4, 0xffbfc904, 0xcb3266f8, 0x0, 0xffbfc8fc, 0x11ec044), at 0xcae0b814
  [3] ttccDefineConvert(0x18, 0xffbfc904, 0xffbfc910, 0xffbfc8fc, 0x5a5a5a5a, 0x75), at 0xcae0715c
  [4] ttccfpg(0x0, 0x11e7930, 0x5a5a5a5a, 0x0, 0x11ec080, 0x4), at 0xcae076d0
  [5] ttcfour(0x11de644, 0x11e58a4, 0x0, 0x0, 0x11ec218, 0xffbfecf0), at 0xcae06770
  [6] kpufCopyPrefRows(0x11de644, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1a18, 0x2, 0xffbfecf0), at 0xcab09d34
  [7] kpufch0(0x0, 0x11ed878, 0xffbfedd4, 0x2, 0x0, 0x20000), at 0xcab0a654
  [8] kpufch(0x0, 0x11ee400, 0x0, 0x161c, 0xcb304a48, 0x0), at 0xcab0c11c
  [9] php_oci_statement_fetch(statement = 0x13171c0, nrows = 1U), line 147 in "oci8_statement.c"
  [10] php_oci_fetch_row(ht = 1, return_value = 0x1316c10, return_value_ptr = (nil), this_ptr = (nil), return_value_used = 1, mode = 5, expected_args = 1), line 1667 in "oci8.c"

I'm using Oracle client v9., I'll try a 10g client next and see what happens.
 [2006-07-30 13:19 UTC] geoffwa at cs dot rmit dot edu dot au
Using the Solaris/sparc32 Oracle instant client, I get the same error with the same backtrace.
 [2006-07-30 20:58 UTC]
This bug has been fixed in CVS.

Snapshots of the sources are packaged every three hours; this change
will be in the next snapshot. You can grab the snapshot at
Thank you for the report, and for helping us make PHP better.

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Last updated: Mon Mar 10 21:01:30 2025 UTC