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Bug #33076 str_ireplace not working with 1 character as search
Submitted: 2005-05-20 11:32 UTC Modified: 2005-05-20 16:24 UTC
From: sebastianvasile at yahoo dot com Assigned:
Status: Closed Package: Strings related
PHP Version: 5.0.4 OS: Linux 2.6.3
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
 [2005-05-20 11:32 UTC] sebastianvasile at yahoo dot com
str_ireplace is causing a "Page cannot be displayed" when I pass a single letter as $search.

Reproduce code:
$value = str_ireplace($keyword, "<font color=\"red\">".strtoupper($keyword)."</font>", $value);

I want to use this code for highlighting $keyword found in $value.

$value is a large string.

It works fine if $keyword has more than one caracter.
It works fine if I use str_replace.

If I pass only one character I get a Page cannot be displayed

Expected result:
String with characters replaced.

Actual result:
The page cannot be displayed, in IE 6.0.2800.1106, on Win Me


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 [2005-05-20 11:35 UTC]
Please try using this CVS snapshot:
For Windows:

I can not reproduce this.

 [2005-05-20 15:52 UTC] sebastianvasile at yahoo dot com
I tested this build:

May 20 2005 10:18:50 on my WinMe machine.

I cannot make a linux test (like the original report) because I cannot administrate the server.

It's not working on my machine, it gives an error in Kernel32.dll error.

I found a strange behaviour:

If I have:

"this is a text" and try to replace the "t"'s with something else than it works fine. (but str_replace could be used instead)

If I have:

"This is a text" (at least one "t" in uppercase) it crashes.

It works fine for 2 characters.

I hope I'm doing this report right as I don't want to cause more trouble than to help.
 [2005-05-20 16:16 UTC] sebastianvasile at yahoo dot com
I think I found what crashes it:

I have:
str_ireplace("t", "ttttt", "This is a text");

I get: crash.


I have:
str_ireplace("t", "tttt", "This is a text");

I get: tttthis is a ttttext (final t not replaced)


I have:
str_ireplace("Z", "zzzzzz", "zThis is a text");

I get: zzzzzzThis is a

One more "z" in replacement will crash.

Seems like the original string size is not increased.
 [2005-05-20 16:24 UTC]
This bug has been fixed in CVS.

Snapshots of the sources are packaged every three hours; this change
will be in the next snapshot. You can grab the snapshot at
Thank you for the report, and for helping us make PHP better.

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Last updated: Sat Feb 22 17:01:28 2025 UTC