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Bug #21306 partly RSHUTDOWN and "cannot change the session settings" error
Submitted: 2002-12-31 02:00 UTC Modified: 2005-09-23 10:44 UTC
Avg. Score:4.6 ± 0.7
Reproduced:36 of 37 (97.3%)
Same Version:19 (52.8%)
Same OS:17 (47.2%)
From: Xuefer at 21cn dot com Assigned: sas (profile)
Status: Closed Package: Session related
PHP Version: 5CVS, 4CVS, 6CVS (2005-09-16) OS: linux
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
 [2002-12-31 02:00 UTC] Xuefer at 21cn dot com
i've got this problem after i upgrade from php4.2.2 to 4.3.0:

[31-Dec-2002 15:30:03] PHP Warning:  Unknown(): A session is active. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time. in Unknown on line 0

seems a internal error, php script
hope this to be fix soon


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 [2004-11-08 17:24 UTC] Xuefer at 21cn dot com
i guess i've found the bug
it's a "exception safe" problem as c++
well, not php5 exception, i meant zend_bailout(longjmp)

when write handler issue a Fatal error, will trigger zend_bailout() and skip ALL other modules rshutdown, including the one right after session_flush_data();

static void php_session_flush(TSRMLS_D)
    if(PS(session_status)==php_session_active) {
        php_session_save_current_state(TSRMLS_C); <-- NOT exception safe using for mod_user.c
    PS(session_status)=php_session_none; <- WON'T executed when zend_bailout

suggested fix:
mod_user.c :: function PS_WRITE_FUNC(user)
    retval = ps_call_handler(PSF(write), 2, args TSRMLS_CC);
zend_try {
    retval = ps_call_handler(PSF(write), 2, args TSRMLS_CC);
} zend_end_try();
 [2005-09-19 17:50 UTC] Xuefer at 21cn dot com

Index: zend_API.c
RCS file: /repository/ZendEngine2/zend_API.c,v
retrieving revision 1.315
diff -u -r1.315 zend_API.c
--- zend_API.c  1 Sep 2005 10:04:55 -0000   1.315
+++ zend_API.c  19 Sep 2005 15:46:39 -0000
@@ -2335,7 +2335,9 @@
 #if 0
        zend_printf("%s:  Request shutdown\n", module->name);
+       zend_try {
        module->request_shutdown_func(module->type, module->module_number TSRMLS_CC);
+       } zend_end_try();
    return 0;

Index: mod_user.c
RCS file: /repository/php-src/ext/session/mod_user.c,v
retrieving revision 1.29
diff -u -r1.29 mod_user.c
--- mod_user.c  3 Aug 2005 14:07:43 -0000   1.29
+++ mod_user.c  19 Sep 2005 15:48:49 -0000
@@ -145,7 +145,9 @@
    SESS_ZVAL_STRING(key, args[0]);
    SESS_ZVAL_STRINGN(val, vallen, args[1]);
+   zend_try {
    retval = ps_call_handler(PSF(write), 2, args TSRMLS_CC);
+   } zend_end_try();

indent/space change is not included for readablity.
any one patch will do
 [2005-09-20 13:04 UTC]
Why do you patch zend_API.c?? The part you added the zend_try..catch thing is already covered with such elsewhere.

 [2005-09-20 13:06 UTC]
And wouldn't it be better to add that stuff in the ps_call_handler() function, not just in one place it is used?
 [2005-09-20 16:04 UTC] Xuefer at 21cn dot com
the patch i proposed long ago ([8 Nov 2004 5:24pm CET], the 2nd note in this bug) patches mod_user.c only

do u mean here?
    zend_try {
        zend_hash_apply(&module_registry, (apply_func_t) module_registry_cleanup TSRMLS_CC);
    } zend_end_try();
this try/catch here will only make sure zend_deactivate_modules is return correctly, any single bailout will break the loop of zend_hash_apply(), which is foreach item in module_registry, all remaining modules is not RSHUTDOWNed correctly

either one of the patches will do. u don't need apply both of them.
let module itself, or php engine to make sure not to bailout in the middle. it's up to u guys to decide :)
 [2005-09-20 16:11 UTC] Xuefer at 21cn dot com
about ps_call_handler:
hrm.. no idea if any other module/session handler have to be "no bailout" and/or "might bailout". i can only bring the problem up.
 [2005-09-20 23:04 UTC]
Fixed in PHP_4_4, PHP_5_1 and HEAD branches with this patch:

diff -u -r1.417 session.c
--- session.c   3 Aug 2005 14:07:44 -0000       1.417
+++ session.c   20 Sep 2005 20:54:26 -0000
@@ -1807,8 +1807,11 @@
-       php_session_flush(TSRMLS_C);
-       php_rshutdown_session_globals(TSRMLS_C);
+       zend_try {
+               php_session_flush(TSRMLS_C);
+               php_rshutdown_session_globals(TSRMLS_C);
+       } zend_end_try();
        return SUCCESS;
 /* }}} */

Let me know if this doesn't fix the issue. (hard for me to confirm since I can't even reproduce it :)

 [2005-09-21 04:25 UTC] Xuefer at 21cn dot com
yeah, all modules is rshutdown correctly. but sorry.. the session error messages is still there, let's check the source

    zend_try {
        php_session_flush(TSRMLS_C); <- bailout, function is partly executed, do we care? let's step inside
        php_rshutdown_session_globals(TSRMLS_C); <- not executed
    } zend_end_try();
static void php_session_flush(TSRMLS_D)
    if(PS(session_status)==php_session_active) {
        php_session_save_current_state(TSRMLS_C); <- bailout, function is partly executed, but we don't care
        PS(session_status)=php_session_none; <- not executed. oops! this is important for SESSION_CHECK_ACTIVE_STATE

i realize that, my patch to zend_API.c make sure every modules's rshutdown handler is called, but can't make sure the rshutdown itself is completed.
 [2005-09-21 10:29 UTC]
Does THIS fix it:


 [2005-09-23 10:17 UTC]
Patch committed.
 [2005-09-23 10:44 UTC] Xuefer at 21cn dot com
i can confirm it's fixed, thanks
 [2012-01-04 11:43 UTC]
Automatic comment from SVN on behalf of arpad
Log: add more tests for #60634 (stems from #21306) and xfail them all for the moment
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