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Bug #15436 mnogosearch & mysql - gamble party
Submitted: 2002-02-07 16:11 UTC Modified: 2002-04-23 15:35 UTC
From: seba at iq dot pl Assigned:
Status: Not a bug Package: Compile Failure
PHP Version: 4.0CVS-2002-02-07 OS: RedHat 7.2
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
 [2002-02-07 16:11 UTC] seba at iq dot pl
> System
RedHat linux for i386

$ rpm -qa |grep MySQL

There is no shared lib of mysql. Just only .a (_static_ lib) and 
.h files.

> Apache
Apache was not instaled witch distro, this is first and only one 
instalation in system.

; we are 100% sure that no old stuff left
$ rm -rf  /usr/local/apache/ apache_1.3.22/
$ tar zxfv apache_1.3.22.tar.gz ; cd apache_1.3.22
; standard instalation
$./configure --with-layout=Apache --enable-module=rewrite \
--enable-module=expires --enable-module=headers \
--enable-shared=rewrite --enable-shared=expires \
$ make && make install
; done
$ cd ..

> Mnogosearch
Mnogosearch was not instaled witch distro, this is first and 
only one instalation in system.

; we are 100% sure that no old stuff left
$ rm -rf mnogosearch-3.1.19/ /usr/local/mnogosearch-3.1.19
$ tar zxfv mnogosearch-3.1.19.tar.gz ; cd mnogosearch-3.1.19/
; standard instalation
$ ./configure --with-mysql=/usr \
$ make && make install
; done
$ cd ..
; lets check whats installed
$ ls /usr/local/mnogosearch-3.1.19/lib/

After install stage only _static_ lib was found in lib dir of 
mnogosearch. There was no shared .so lib.

> Php
Php was not instaled witch distro.

; we are 100% sure that no old stuff left
$ rm -rf php4-200202071200/
$ tar zxfv php4-200202071200.tar.gz ; cd php4-200202071200/
; standard instalation
$ ./configure  --with-apxs=/usr/local/apache/bin/apxs \
--with-mysql=/usr --with-zlib --enable-memory-limit \
$ make
- error ----------------------------------------------
/bin/sh /root/php4-200202071200/libtool --silent --mode=link gcc  
-I. -I/root/php4-200202071200/ -I/root/php4-200202071200/main 
-I/root/php4-200202071200 -I/usr/local/apache/include 
-I/usr/local/mnogosearch-3.1.19/include -I/usr/include/mysql 
-I/root/php4-200202071200/ext/xml/expat  -DLINUX=22 -DUSE_HSREGEX 
-I/root/php4-200202071200/TSRM -g -O2 -prefer-pic   -o 
-rpath /root/php4-200202071200/libs -avoid-version 
-L/usr/lib/mysql -L/usr/local/mnogosearch-3.1.19/lib  -R 
/usr/lib/mysql -R /usr/local/mnogosearch-3.1.19/lib stub.lo  
Zend/ sapi/apache/ main/ 
regex/ /root/php4-200202071200/ext/zlib/ 
/root/php4-200202071200/ext/xml/ TSRM/ -lpam 
-lmysqlclient -lz -ludmsearch -lz -lm -lmysqlclient -lz -lcrypt 
-lresolv -lm -ldl -lnsl -lresolv -lcrypt -ldl
/usr/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.a(libmysql.o)(.data+0x4): multiple 
definition of `mysql_port'
/usr/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.a(libmysql.o)(.data+0x4): first 
defined here
/usr/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.a(libmysql.o)(.data+0x8): multiple 
definition of `mysql_unix_port'
/usr/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.a(libmysql.o)(.data+0x8): first 
defined here
/usr/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.a(libmysql.o): In function 
libmysql.o(.text+0x1cc): multiple definition of `net_safe_read'
/usr/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.a(libmysql.o)(.text+0x1cc): first 
defined here
/usr/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.a(libmysql.o): In function 
libmysql.o(.text+0x2d4): multiple definition of `simple_command'
/usr/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.a(libmysql.o)(.text+0x2d4): first 
defined here
/usr/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.a(libmysql.o): In function 
libmysql.o(.text+0xc6c): multiple definition of 
[... and lots more of this ....]
$ cd ..

Why? And don't know. Maybe someday/someone fix this...
But, lets try other way:

$ rm -rf php4-200202071200/
$ tar zxfv php4-200202071200.tar.gz ; cd php4-200202071200/
; lets add shared to "--with-mysql"
$ ./configure  --with-apxs=/usr/local/apache/bin/apxs \
--with-mysql=shared,/usr --with-zlib --enable-memory-limit \
$ make
; compilation done :)
; check what is/isn't shared
$ ldd .libs/ => /lib/ (0x40182000) => /lib/ (0x40186000) => /usr/lib/ (0x4018e000) => /lib/i686/ (0x4019c000) => /lib/ (0x401bf000) => /lib/ (0x401ec000) => /lib/ (0x401fe000) => /lib/i686/ (0x40215000)
        /lib/ => /lib/ (0x80000000)
$ cd ..

Compilation done, thats ok :) but why?

Why php could not detect their dependences at configure stage?

When I add "shared" ony to "--with-mnogosearch" - php compiles 
When I add "shared" to both "--with-mnogosearch" and 
"--with-mysql" - php compiles fine.
When I skip "shared" in both "--with-mnogosearch" and 
"--with-mysql" - php compilation fails.

What this "shared" option really means? There was no .so lib of 
mysql and mnogosearch.
Is there (in php) more hacks like this one?


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AllCommentsChangesGit/SVN commitsRelated reports
 [2002-02-07 16:15 UTC]
Please install MySQL-shared-3.23.47-1 and recompile both mnogosearch & php

That should work (it does for me :)

 [2002-02-07 16:38 UTC] seba at iq dot pl
> Please install MySQL-shared-3.23.47-1 and recompile both
> mnogosearch & php.

Check, after Derick segestion.

$ rpm -qa |grep MySQL

Info about some locations from rpm'ed mysql: is located in /usr/lib/ 
 libmysqlclient.a in /usr/lib/mysql/ 
 .h files in /usr/include/mysql/ 

> Apache
There is nothing to touch from previous instalation.

> Mnogosearch
; lets clean old stuff from previous compilation
$ rm -rf mnogosearch-3.1.19/ /usr/local/mnogosearch-3.1.19
$ tar zxfv mnogosearch-3.1.19.tar.gz ; cd mnogosearch-3.1.19/
; standard instalation
$ ./configure --with-mysql=/usr \
$ make && make install
; done
$ cd ..
; lets check whats installed
$ ls /usr/local/mnogosearch-3.1.19/lib/

After install stage only _static_ lib was found in lib dir of 
mnogosearch. There was no shared .so lib.
Is this ok? I'm waiting for feedback:

> Php
; lets clean old stuff from previous compilation
$ rm -rf php4-200202071200/
$ tar zxfv php4-200202071200.tar.gz ; cd php4-200202071200/
; standard instalation
$ ./configure  --with-apxs=/usr/local/apache/bin/apxs \
--with-mysql=/usr --with-zlib --enable-memory-limit \
$ make
- error ----------------------------------------------
/bin/sh /root/php4-200202071200/libtool --silent --mode=link gcc  
-I. -I/root/php4-200202071200/ -I/root/php4-200202071200/main 
-I/root/php4-200202071200 -I/usr/local/apache/include 
-I/usr/local/mnogosearch-3.1.19/include -I/usr/include/mysql 
-I/root/php4-200202071200/ext/xml/expat  -DLINUX=22 -DUSE_HSREGEX 
-I/root/php4-200202071200/TSRM -g -O2 -prefer-pic   -o 
-rpath /root/php4-200202071200/libs -avoid-version 
-L/usr/lib/mysql -L/usr/local/mnogosearch-3.1.19/lib  -R 
/usr/lib/mysql -R /usr/local/mnogosearch-3.1.19/lib stub.lo  
Zend/ sapi/apache/ main/ 
regex/ /root/php4-200202071200/ext/zlib/ 
/root/php4-200202071200/ext/xml/ TSRM/ -lpam 
-lmysqlclient -lz -ludmsearch -lz -lm -lmysqlclient -lz -lcrypt 
-lresolv -lm -ldl -lnsl -lresolv -lcrypt -ldl
/usr/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.a(libmysql.o)(.data+0x4): multiple 
definition of `mysql_port'
/usr/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.a(libmysql.o)(.data+0x4): first 
defined here
/usr/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.a(libmysql.o)(.data+0x8): multiple 
definition of `mysql_unix_port'
/usr/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.a(libmysql.o)(.data+0x8): first 
defined here
/usr/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.a(libmysql.o): In function 
libmysql.o(.text+0x1cc): multiple definition of `net_safe_read'
/usr/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.a(libmysql.o)(.text+0x1cc): first 
defined here
/usr/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.a(libmysql.o): In function 
libmysql.o(.text+0x2d4): multiple definition of `simple_command'
/usr/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.a(libmysql.o)(.text+0x2d4): first 
defined here
/usr/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.a(libmysql.o): In function 
libmysql.o(.text+0xc6c): multiple definition of 
/usr/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.a(libmysql.o)(.text+0xc6c): first 
defined here
/usr/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.a(libmysql.o): In function 
libmysql.o(.text+0x2e68): multiple definition of 
/usr/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.a(libmysql.o)(.text+0x2e68): first 
defined here
/usr/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.a(libmysql.o): In function 
libmysql.o(.text+0x2ef4): multiple definition of `mysql_query'
/usr/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.a(libmysql.o)(.text+0x2ef4): first 
defined here
/usr/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.a(libmysql.o): In function 
libmysql.o(.text+0x2338): multiple definition of 
/usr/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.a(libmysql.o)(.text+0x2338): first 
defined here
/usr/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.a(libmysql.o): In function 
libmysql.o(.text+0x1ad0): multiple definition of `mysql_close'
/usr/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.a(libmysql.o)(.text+0x1ad0): first 
defined here
/usr/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.a(libmysql.o): In function 
libmysql.o(.text+0x19b4): multiple definition of 
/usr/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.a(libmysql.o)(.text+0x19b4): first 
defined here
/usr/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.a(libmysql.o): In function 
libmysql.o(.text+0x1cdc): multiple definition of 
/usr/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.a(libmysql.o)(.text+0x1cdc): first 
defined here
/usr/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.a(libmysql.o): In function 
libmysql.o(.text+0x2200): multiple definition of 
/usr/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.a(libmysql.o)(.text+0x2200): first 
defined here
/usr/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.a(libmysql.o): In function 
libmysql.o(.text+0x242c): multiple definition of 
/usr/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.a(libmysql.o)(.text+0x242c): first 
defined here
/usr/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.a(libmysql.o): In function 
libmysql.o(.text+0x25b8): multiple definition of 
/usr/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.a(libmysql.o)(.text+0x25b8): first 
defined here
/usr/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.a(libmysql.o): In function 
libmysql.o(.text+0x2f70): multiple definition of 
[... and lots more of this ....]
$ cd ..

Derick segestion does not solve problem.
 [2002-02-07 17:18 UTC] seba at iq dot pl

 [2002-02-07 17:20 UTC]
Can you try to remove (or rename) libmysqlclient.a in /usr/lib/mysql/ ?

 [2002-02-07 17:40 UTC] seba at iq dot pl
> Can you try to remove (or rename) libmysqlclient.a
> in /usr/lib/mysql/ ?

This is not a proper way in fixing bugs!
It should be a php configure script decision to use or not use 
any kind of libs.
But lets try:

$ rpm -qa |grep MySQL

Info about some locations from rpm'ed mysql: is located in /usr/lib/ 
 libmysqlclient.a in /usr/lib/mysql/ 
 .h files in /usr/include/mysql/ 

$ cd /usr/lib/mysql/
; go away static lib
$ mv libmysqlclient.a libmysqlclient.a_
$ cd

> Apache
There is nothing to touch from previous instalation.

> Mnogosearch

; we are 100% sure that no old stuff left
$ rm -rf mnogosearch-3.1.19/ /usr/local/mnogosearch-3.1.19
$ tar zxfv mnogosearch-3.1.19.tar.gz ; cd mnogosearch-3.1.19/
; standard instalation
$ ./configure --with-mysql=/usr \
$ make && make install
; done
$ cd ..
; lets check whats installed
$ ls /usr/local/mnogosearch-3.1.19/lib/

After install stage only _static_ lib was found in lib dir of 
mnogosearch. There was no shared .so lib.
Is this ok? I'm waiting for feedback:
Compilation of mnogosearch was done when there was no 
libmysqlclient.a file in /usr/lib/mysql/ dir.

> Php

; we are 100% sure that no old stuff left
$ rm -rf php4-200202071200/
$ tar zxfv php4-200202071200.tar.gz ; cd php4-200202071200/
; standard instalation
$ ./configure  --with-apxs=/usr/local/apache/bin/apxs \
--with-mysql=/usr --with-zlib --enable-memory-limit \
$ make
- error ----------------------------------------------
/bin/sh /root/php4-200202071200/libtool --silent --mode=link gcc 
-I. -I/root/php4-200202071200/sapi/cli 
-I/root/php4-200202071200/main -I/root/php4-200202071200 
-I/usr/local/apache/include -I/root/php4-200202071200/Zend 
-I/usr/local/mnogosearch-3.1.19/include -I/usr/include/mysql 
-I/root/php4-200202071200/ext/xml/expat  -DLINUX=22 -DUSE_HSREGEX 
-I/root/php4-200202071200/TSRM -g -O2   -o php -export-dynamic
gcc: /usr/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.a: No such file or directory
make[2]: *** [php] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/root/php4-200202071200/sapi/cli'
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/root/php4-200202071200/sapi/cli'
make: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
$ cd ..


 [2002-02-07 17:45 UTC] seba at iq dot pl
Comment to my previous message:

Php won't tell anything at configure time when there was no 
/usr/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.a file.
And at make time php is trying to link with this lib.

 [2002-02-21 03:47 UTC]
You should recompile mnogosearch dynamically also after addimg mysql shared libs.
./configure --with-mysql --enable-shared
It will produce mnogosearch dynamic library.
Then compile PHP dynamically.
./configure --with-mysql=DIR --with-mnogosearch=DIR
Please write feedback of what happen after that.
 [2002-02-21 16:13 UTC] seba at iq dot pl
Check, after Gluke sugestion.

$ rpm -qa |grep MySQL

Info about some locations from rpm'ed mysql: is located in /usr/lib/ 
 libmysqlclient.a in /usr/lib/mysql/ 
 .h files in /usr/include/mysql/ 

> Apache
There is nothing to touch from previous instalation.

> Mnogosearch

; we are 100% sure that no old stuff left
$ rm -rf mnogosearch-3.1.19/ /usr/local/mnogosearch-3.1.19
$ tar zxfv mnogosearch-3.1.19.tar.gz ; cd mnogosearch-3.1.19/
; gluke config
$ ./configure --with-mysql --enable-shared \
$ make && make install
; done
$ cd ..
; lets check whats installed
$ ls /usr/local/mnogosearch-3.1.19/lib/  libudmsearch.a

It's too easy, lets check something:
$ ldd /usr/local/mnogosearch-3.1.19/lib/ => /lib/i686/ (0x40072000) => /usr/lib/ (0x40095000) => /lib/i686/ (0x400a3000)
        /lib/ => /lib/ (0x80000000)

Where is link to dynamic lib of mysql?
Still no straight feedback from mnogosearch dev. team:

> Php

; let's try an up-to-date shap
$ tar zxfv php4-200202211200.tar.gz ; php4-200202211200/
; standard instalation
$ ./configure  --with-apxs=/usr/local/apache/bin/apxs \
--with-mysql=/usr --with-zlib --enable-memory-limit \
$ make
- error ----------------------------------------------
/bin/sh /root/php4-200202211200/libtool --silent --mode=link gcc  
-I. -I/root/php4-200202211200/ -I/root/php4-200202211200/main 
-I/root/php4-200202211200 -I/usr/local/apache/include 
-I/usr/local/mnogosearch-3.1.19/include -I/usr/include/mysql 
-I/root/php4-200202211200/ext/xml/expat  -DLINUX=22 -DUSE_HSREGEX 
-I/root/php4-200202211200/TSRM -g -O2 -prefer-pic   -o 
-rpath /root/php4-200202211200/libs -avoid-version 
-L/usr/lib/mysql -L/usr/local/mnogosearch-3.1.19/lib  -R 
/usr/lib/mysql -R /usr/local/mnogosearch-3.1.19/lib stub.lo  
Zend/ sapi/apache/ main/ 
regex/ /root/php4-200202211200/ext/zlib/ 
/root/php4-200202211200/ext/xml/ TSRM/ -lpam 
-lmysqlclient -lz -ludmsearch -lz -lm -lmysqlclient -lz -lcrypt 
-lresolv -lm -ldl -lnsl -lresolv -lcrypt -ldl
/usr/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.a(libmysql.o)(.data+0x4): multiple 
definition of `mysql_port'
/usr/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.a(libmysql.o)(.data+0x4): first 
defined here
/usr/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.a(libmysql.o)(.data+0x8): multiple 
definition of `mysql_unix_port'
/usr/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.a(libmysql.o)(.data+0x8): first 
defined here
/usr/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.a(libmysql.o): In function 
libmysql.o(.text+0x1cc): multiple definition of `net_safe_read'
/usr/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.a(libmysql.o)(.text+0x1cc): first 
defined here
/usr/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.a(libmysql.o): In function 
libmysql.o(.text+0x2d4): multiple definition of `simple_command'
/usr/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.a(libmysql.o)(.text+0x2d4): first 
defined here
/usr/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.a(libmysql.o): In function 
libmysql.o(.text+0xc6c): multiple definition of 
/usr/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.a(libmysql.o)(.text+0xc6c): first 
defined here
/usr/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.a(libmysql.o): In function 
libmysql.o(.text+0x2e68): multiple definition of 
/usr/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.a(libmysql.o)(.text+0x2e68): first 
defined here
/usr/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.a(libmysql.o): In function 
libmysql.o(.text+0x2ef4): multiple definition of `mysql_query'
/usr/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.a(libmysql.o)(.text+0x2ef4): first 
defined here
/usr/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.a(libmysql.o): In function 
libmysql.o(.text+0x2338): multiple definition of 
/usr/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.a(libmysql.o)(.text+0x2338): first 
defined here
/usr/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.a(libmysql.o): In function 
libmysql.o(.text+0x1ad0): multiple definition of `mysql_close'
/usr/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.a(dbug.o): In function 
dbug.o(.text+0x9bc): multiple definition of `_db_return_'
/usr/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.a(dbug.o)(.text+0x9bc): first 
defined here
/usr/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.a(dbug.o): In function 
dbug.o(.text+0xac8): multiple definition of `_db_pargs_'
/usr/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.a(dbug.o)(.text+0xac8): first 
defined here
/usr/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.a(dbug.o): In function 
dbug.o(.text+0xae0): multiple definition of `_db_lock_file'
/usr/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.a(dbug.o)(.text+0xae0): first 
defined here
/usr/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.a(dbug.o): In function 
dbug.o(.text+0xaf4): multiple definition of `_db_unlock_file'
/usr/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.a(dbug.o)(.text+0xaf4): first 
defined here
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[1]: *** [] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/root/php4-200202211200'
make: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
$ cd ..

 [2002-02-25 09:35 UTC]
I doscivered, that PHP team does changes the way is how PHP compiled with mysql. I probed php-4.0.5 and php-4.1.1 with the same installation of mnogosearch, and php-4.0.5 compiles ok, and 4.1.1 produced the same error. 8(
I does not know of how to correctly fix that.

To PHP team: any comments ? 

 [2002-04-23 00:00 UTC]
Please do _NOT_ report same issue many times!

 [2002-04-23 03:52 UTC] seba at iq dot pl
php 4.2.0 - compile failure.
 [2002-04-23 15:35 UTC]
Update the existing analyzed bug report and do NOT reopen this one anymore.

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All rights reserved.
Last updated: Sat Sep 07 15:01:28 2024 UTC