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Doc Bug #15166 preg_replace issue when \\1 is followed by 1
Submitted: 2002-01-22 11:47 UTC Modified: 2003-01-20 13:52 UTC
Avg. Score:3.7 ± 0.5
Reproduced:3 of 3 (100.0%)
Same Version:1 (33.3%)
Same OS:2 (66.7%)
From: ppechoux at egrail dot com Assigned:
Status: Closed Package: Documentation problem
PHP Version: 4.1.1 OS: WINDOWS 2000
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
 [2002-01-22 11:47 UTC] ppechoux at egrail dot com
When I am using preg_replace with \\1 to keep the first iteration retrieved, if \\1 is followed by a string starting by 1, this is removing the 1 of the string and losing the content of \\1.

Here is a script to show 4 test cases. The test2 and test4 failed because of this issue. 

The test3 is the solution i found to avoid this issue by inserting any character different from 1 just after \\1.

Thanks in advance for your help.

$value='<!DOCTYPE map SYSTEM "http://localhost/Gui/dtd/deployment/dbmap.dtd">';

print "<HR><CENTER>\n";
print("<b>BUG with <font color='red'>preg_replace</font> and <font color='red'>\\\\1</font> followed by a variable starting by 1</b><BR><BR>\n");
print("<B> WINDOWS 2000 platform, PHP version 4.1.1<BR></b>\n");
print("<xmp>ORIGINAL VALUE:".$value."</xmp>\n");
print "<HR></CENTER>\n";

// TEST 1 with servname='localhost';
$expected='<!DOCTYPE map SYSTEM "http://'.$testservname.':'.$servport.'/Gui/dtd/deployment/dbmap.dtd">';
$status ='OK';
if ($test != $expected) $status='WRONG';

print "<xmp>\n";
print_r("test1 SERVER NAME:$testservname	SERVER PORT:$servport\n");
print_r("test1 OPERATION: \$test=preg_replace(\"/(<\!DOCTYPE\s+map\s+SYSTEM\s+\"http:\/\/)[^\/]+/i\",\"\\\\1\$testservname:\$servport\",\$test);"."\n");
print_r("test1 RESULT  :".$test."\n");
print_r("test1 EXPECTED:".$expected."\n");
print "</xmp><BR>\n";
print("test1 STATUS  :<font color='red'>".$status."</font><BR><HR>\n");

//TEST 2 with servname = '';
$expected='<!DOCTYPE map SYSTEM "http://'.$testservname.':'.$servport.'/Gui/dtd/deployment/dbmap.dtd">';
$status ='OK';
if ($test != $expected) $status='WRONG';

print "<xmp>\n";
print_r("test2 SERVER NAME:$testservname	SERVER PORT:$servport\n");
print_r("test2 OPERATION: \$test=preg_replace(\"/(<\!DOCTYPE\s+map\s+SYSTEM\s+\"http:\/\/)[^\/]+/i\",\"\\\\1\$testservname:\$servport\",\$test);"."\n");
print_r("test2 RESULT  :".$test."\n");
print_r("test2 EXPECTED:".$expected."\n");
print("test2 STATUS  :<font color='red'>".$status."</font><BR><HR>\n");

// TEST3
$expected='<!DOCTYPE map SYSTEM "http://'.$testservname.':'.$servport.'/Gui/dtd/deployment/dbmap.dtd">';
$status ='OK';
if ($test != $expected) $status='WRONG';

print "<xmp>\n";
print_r("test3 SERVER NAME:$testservname	SERVER PORT:$servport\n");
print_r("test3 OPERATION: \$test=preg_replace(\"/(<\!DOCTYPE\s+map\s+SYSTEM\s+\")http:\/\/[^\/]+/i\",\"\\\\1http://\$testservname:\$servport\",\$test);"."\n");
print_r("test3 RESULT  :".$test."\n");
print_r("test3 EXPECTED:".$expected."\n");
print "</xmp><BR>\n";
print("test3 STATUS  :<font color='red'>".$status."</font><BR><HR>\n");

// TEST4
$test="this is a test with any string";
$expected='this is a '.$testservname.':'.$servport.' with any string';
$test=preg_replace("/(this is a )test/i","\\1$testservname:$servport",$test);
$status ='OK';
if ($test != $expected) $status='WRONG';

print "<xmp>\n";
print_r("test4 SERVER NAME:$testservname	SERVER PORT:$servport\n");
print_r("test4 OPERATION: \$test=preg_replace(\"/(this is a)test/i\",\"\\\\1\$testservname:\$servport\",\$test);"."\n");
print_r("test4 RESULT  :".$test."\n");
print_r("test4 EXPECTED:".$expected."\n");
print "</xmp><BR>\n";
print("test4 STATUS  :<font color='red'>".$status."</font><BR><HR>\n");

// General comments
print "<BR><b>COMMENTS</b>: test2 and test4 failed<BR>\n";
print "The issue happens only if \$testservname start by 1. For example with test1 the substitution works since the value of \$testservname does not start by 1\n";
print "<HR>\n";


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 [2002-01-22 14:44 UTC]
\\11 matches the 11th string enclosed by parenthesis.
Can't find anything about escaping it. Reclassified as a documentation problem.
 [2002-01-22 15:00 UTC] ppechoux at egrail dot com
What do you think about the following suggestions:

A/ Counting how many string are enclosed by parentheses.
=> expecting 2 strings enclosed
Then parse the value following \\ and keep only the one lower than the max expected.
Expecting 2:
\\1 OK
\\11 TOO high, keep \\1

I do not know what the impact might be in term of performance.
=> Implementing a way to escape might be faster.

B/ Using a different notation to escape the string following \\1 (brace for example)

Thanks for your prompt answer, that was quick :-)
 [2002-01-22 17:26 UTC]
You'd either need to escape the number after your reference, ie: \\1\1 or if you're using PHP 4.0.4 or later, you can use {$1} in the replacement portion of preg_replace (see documentation).
 [2002-01-24 11:27 UTC] ppechoux at egrail dot com
I tried the syntax {$1} with PHP 4.1.1 as below:

It gives me the following error:
Parse error: parse error, expecting `T_VARIABLE' or `'$'' in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\bug2.php on line 33

2/ Escaping the first brace:

The result is the following one:
test2 RESULT  :{<!DOCTYPE map SYSTEM "http://}">
It is escaping properly the 1 contained in $servername but keep the braces.

3/ The only way I found to escape $servername is by using the value 99 as follow:
991 is not taken because of the limitation to 99 different strings. I just need to make sure I am not using 99 different parentheses which is pretty huge.

 [2002-01-24 11:32 UTC]
'{$1}' or "{\$1}"
 [2003-01-20 13:52 UTC]
This bug has been fixed in CVS.

In case this was a PHP problem, snapshots of the sources are packaged
every three hours; this change will be in the next snapshot. You can
grab the snapshot at
In case this was a documentation problem, the fix will show up soon at

In case this was a website problem, the change will show
up on the site and on the mirror sites in short time.
Thank you for the report, and for helping us make PHP better.

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Last updated: Wed Sep 18 20:01:27 2024 UTC